You can upload your website logo in WordPress Customizer (in "Header Image" section at the left sidebar).

' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Logo width (px)", "id" => "logo_width", "std" => "370", "desc" => "Default: 370. Upload retina logo (2x size) and input your regular logo width here. For example if your retina logo have 400px width put 200 value here. If you does not use retina logo input regular logo width here (your logo image width).", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Sticky/Fixed top header (with menu, search, social icons)", "id" => "enable_sticky_header", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Top Header will be fixed to top if enabled", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show site logo in sticky header", "id" => "enable_sticky_header_logo", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Top Header will be fixed to top if enabled", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable left side offcanvas floating sidebar menu", "id" => "enable_offcanvas_sidebar", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Sidebar can be opened by toggle button near header mini cart. You can add widgets to this sidebar in 'Offcanvas Right sidebar' in Appearance > Widgets", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "MainMenu font decoration", "id" => "header_menu_font_decoration", "std" => "uppercase", "options" => array( "uppercase" => "Uppercase letters", "italic" => "Italic letters", "none" => "None", ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "MainMenu font size", "id" => "header_menu_font_size", "std" => "largefont", "options" => array( "largefont" => "Large font", "normalfont" => "Normal font" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "MainMenu dropdown arrows style for submenus", "id" => "header_menu_arrow_style", "std" => "downarrow", "options" => array( "rightarrow" => "Right arrow", "downarrow" => "Down arrow", "noarrow" => "Disable arrow" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Header Logo position", "id" => "header_logo_position", "options" => array( 'left' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/header_block_position_1.png', "label" => 'Left' ), 'center' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/header_block_position_2.png', "label" => 'Center' ), 'right' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/header_block_position_3.png', "label" => 'Right' ), ), "std" => "center", "desc" => "", "type" => "image", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Header Banner position", "id" => "header_banner_position", "options" => array( 'left' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/header_block_position_1.png', "label" => 'Left' ), 'center' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/header_block_position_2.png', "label" => 'Center' ), 'right' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/header_block_position_3.png', "label" => 'Right' ), 'disable' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/header_block_position_0.png', "label" => 'Disable' ) ), "std" => "disable", "desc" => "You can show banner image or some text in your header. Make sure that you use different positions for logo and your banner (for example logo at the left and banner at the right).", "type" => "image", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Header Banner content", "id" => "header_banner_editor", "std" => '', "desc" => "If you selected Header banner position below you can use any HTML here to show your banner or other content in header.", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Social icons", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => true // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "Leave URL fields blank to hide this social icons", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Facebook Page url", "id" => "facebook", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Vkontakte page url", "id" => "vk", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Twitter Page url", "id" => "twitter", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Google+ Page url", "id" => "google-plus", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "LinkedIn Page url", "id" => "linkedin", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Dribbble Page url", "id" => "dribbble", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Behance Page url", "id" => "behance", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Instagram Page url", "id" => "instagram", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Tumblr page url", "id" => "tumblr", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Pinterest page url", "id" => "pinterest", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Vimeo page url", "id" => "vimeo-square", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "YouTube page url", "id" => "youtube", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Skype url", "id" => "skype", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndTab" ); /** * FOOTER TAB **/ $ipanel_camille_tabs[] = array( 'name' => 'Footer', 'id' => 'footer_settings' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "StartTab", "id" => "footer_settings" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show 'Footer light sidebar' only on homepage", "id" => "footer_sidebar_1_homepage_only", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Display Instagram Feed in Footer", "id" => "footer_instagram_display", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Instagram Feed plugin must be installed and configured by theme documentation before enabling this option.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Footer Instagram title", "id" => "footer_instagram_title", "std" => "Instagram", "desc" => "Leave empty if you don't want to show text title.", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Footer Instagram subtitle", "id" => "footer_instagram_subtitle", "std" => "Get personal and follow me on", "desc" => "Leave empty if you don't want to show text subtitle.", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Footer Menu", "id" => "footer_enable_menu", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Social Icons in Footer", "id" => "footer_enable_social", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Upload Footer Logo", "id" => "footer_logo", "field_options" => array( "std" => get_template_directory_uri().'/img/footer-logo.png' ), "desc" => "Upload your site footer logo. Remove image if you dont want to show logo in footer.", "type" => "qup", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Footer Logo width (px)", "id" => "footer_logo_width", "std" => "370", "desc" => "Default: 370. Upload retina logo (2x size) and input your regular logo width here. For example if your retina logo have 400px width put 200 value here. If you does not use retina logo input regular logo width here (your logo image width).", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Footer copyright text", "id" => "footer_copyright_editor", "std" => "Powered by Camille - Premium Wordpress Theme", "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => false ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndTab" ); /** * SIDEBARS TAB **/ $ipanel_camille_tabs[] = array( 'name' => 'Sidebars', 'id' => 'sidebar_settings' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "StartTab", "id" => "sidebar_settings" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Blog page sidebar position", "id" => "blog_sidebar_position", "options" => array( 'left' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_1.png', "label" => 'Left' ), 'right' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_2.png', "label" => 'Right' ), 'disable' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_3.png', "label" => 'Disable sidebar' ), ), "std" => "right", "desc" => "", "type" => "image", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Pages sidebar position", "id" => "page_sidebar_position", "options" => array( 'left' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_1.png', "label" => 'Left' ), 'right' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_2.png', "label" => 'Right' ), 'disable' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_3.png', "label" => 'Disable sidebar' ), ), "std" => "disable", "desc" => "", "type" => "image", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Blog Archive page sidebar position", "id" => "archive_sidebar_position", "options" => array( 'left' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_1.png', "label" => 'Left' ), 'right' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_2.png', "label" => 'Right' ), 'disable' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_3.png', "label" => 'Disable sidebar' ), ), "std" => "right", "desc" => "", "type" => "image", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Blog Search page sidebar position", "id" => "search_sidebar_position", "options" => array( 'left' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_1.png', "label" => 'Left' ), 'right' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_2.png', "label" => 'Right' ), 'disable' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_3.png', "label" => 'Disable sidebar' ), ), "std" => "right", "desc" => "", "type" => "image", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Blog post sidebar position", "id" => "post_sidebar_position", "options" => array( 'left' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_1.png', "label" => 'Left' ), 'right' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_2.png', "label" => 'Right' ), 'disable' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_3.png', "label" => 'Disable sidebar' ), ), "std" => "disable", "desc" => "", "type" => "image", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndTab" ); /** * BLOG TAB **/ $ipanel_camille_tabs[] = array( 'name' => 'Blog', 'id' => 'blog_settings' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "StartTab", "id" => "blog_settings" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Main Blog settings", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => true // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Blog layout", "id" => "blog_layout", "options" => array( 'layout_default' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/blog_layout_1.png', "label" => 'Default layout' ), 'layout_vertical_design' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/blog_layout_2.png', "label" => 'Show every third post in vertical design' ), 'layout_2column_design' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/blog_layout_3.png', "label" => 'Show second and next posts in 2 columns' ), 'layout_list' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/blog_layout_4.png', "label" => 'List with short posts blocks' ), 'layout_list_advanced' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/blog_layout_5.png', "label" => 'List with short posts and big blocks (every third post)' ), 'layout_masonry' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/blog_layout_6.png', "label" => 'Masonry layout' ), 'layout_text' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/blog_layout_7.png', "label" => 'Centered text (Minimnalistic, No images)' ), ), "std" => "layout_default", "desc" => "This option will completely change blog listing layout and posts display.", "type" => "image", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Blog posts titles style", "id" => "blog_posttitle_font_decoration", "std" => "uppercase", "options" => array( "none" => "Normal", "italic" => "Italic", "uppercase" => "UPPERCASE", ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show blog posts in listing as", "id" => "blog_post_loop_type", "std" => "content", "options" => array( "content" => "Full content (You will add More tag manually)", "excerpt" => "Excerpt (Auto crop by words)", ), "desc" => "We recommend you to use Fullwidth layout for Slider Style 3", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Post excerpt length (words)", "id" => "post_excerpt_legth", "std" => "40", "desc" => "Used by WordPress for post shortening. Default: 40", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Disable blog posts loop on main Blog page (Blog homepage)", "id" => "blog_disable_posts_loop", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Enable this options if you does not want to show posts on your blog homepage. You can use this to create minimalistic website (you will have just blog slider, welcome blocks and editor's picks blocks on homepage.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show author name ('by author') in blog posts", "id" => "blog_post_show_author", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show related posts on posts listing page", "id" => "blog_list_show_related", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Will show 3 related posts after every post in posts list. Does not available in Masonry layout and 2 column layout.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show Post Views counters in posts blocks", "id" => "blog_enable_post_views_counter", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "This option will enable post views counter display in sliders, popular posts, editor picks, reagular posts blocks.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show Post Comments counters in posts blocks", "id" => "blog_enable_post_comments_counter", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "This option will enable post comments counter display in sliders, popular posts, editor picks, reagular posts blocks.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Featured Posts Slider settings", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => true // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ), "name" => '

To add your posts to Featured Posts Slider you need to edit your post and set it as featured for slider in Post Settings box.

' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show Featured Posts Slider on homepage", "id" => "blog_enable_homepage_slider", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can mark posts as featured in post edit screen at the bottom settings box to display it in slider in homepage header.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Featured Posts Slider width", "id" => "blog_homepage_slider_fullwidth", "std" => "0", "options" => array( "1" => "Fullwidth", "0" => "Boxed", ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Featured Posts Slider height", "id" => "blog_homepage_slider_height", "std" => "530", "field_options" => array( "min" => 250, "max" => 800, "step" => 5, "dimension" => 'px', "animation" => true ), "desc" => "Drag to change value. Default: 530px", "type" => "slider", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Featured Posts Slider items per row", "id" => "blog_homepage_slider_items", "std" => "1", "options" => array( "4" => "4", "3" => "3", "2" => "2", "1" => "1", ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Featured Posts Slider post details layout", "id" => "blog_homepage_slider_post_details_layout", "std" => "horizontal", "options" => array( "horizontal" => "Horizontal", "vertical" => "Vertical", ), "desc" => "Select where to show post details (title, description, category, etc) in blog posts inside slider. 'Vertical' value will work only if you set 1 items per row in option above.", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Featured Posts Slider posts titles style", "id" => "blog_homepage_slider_posttitle_font_decoration", "std" => "italic", "options" => array( "none" => "Normal", "italic" => "Italic", "uppercase" => "UPPERCASE", ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Merge slider slides", "id" => "blog_enable_homepage_merge_slider", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Check if you want to see different slides widths in one row.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Center active slide", "id" => "blog_enable_homepage_center_slide", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Check if you want to see current slide centered and near slides cropped. Work best with slides per row set to 2 or 4.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Featured Posts Slider autoplay", "id" => "blog_homepage_slider_autoplay", "std" => "3000", "options" => array( "10000" => "Enable - 10 seconds", "5000" => "Enable - 5 seconds", "3000" => "Enable - 3 seconds", "2000" => "Enable - 2 seconds", "1000" => "Enable - 1 second", "0" => "Disable", ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Featured Posts Slider navigation arrows", "id" => "blog_homepage_slider_navigation", "std" => "1", "options" => array( "1" => "Enable", "0" => "Disable", ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Featured Posts Slider pagination buttons", "id" => "blog_homepage_slider_pagination", "std" => "false", "options" => array( "true" => "Enable", "false" => "Disable", ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Welcome Block settings", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => true // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show Welcome Block on homepage", "id" => "blog_enable_homepage_welcome_block", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block below your slider or header.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Homepage Welcome Block content", "id" => "blog_homepage_welcome_block_content", "std" => '
Featured category


Popular category


About blog

About me

', "desc" => "You can use any HTML here to display any content in your welcome block with predefined layout.", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Editor's Picks Homepage Block settings", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => true // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ), "name" => "

To add your posts to Editor's Picks Block you need to edit your post and set it as Editors Pick post in Post Settings box.

" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show Editor's Picks Block on homepage footer", "id" => "blog_enable_homepage_editorspick_posts", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Editor's Picks Block title", "id" => "blog_homepage_editorspick_posts_title", "std" => "Editor's Picks", "desc" => "Change default Editor's Picks Posts block title. Leave empty to hide title.", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Editor's Picks Block subtitle", "id" => "blog_homepage_editorspick_posts_subtitle", "std" => "Featured posts from Camille", "desc" => "Change default Editor's Picks block subtitle. Leave empty to hide title.", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Editorss Picks Block posts limit (rows)", "id" => "blog_homepage_editorspick_posts_limit", "std" => "1", "options" => array( "1" => "One row", "2" => "Two rows", ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Editor's Picks Block posts category slug", "id" => "blog_homepage_editorspick_posts_category", "std" => "", "desc" => "If you want to show popular posts only from some category specify it's SLUG here (You can create special category like 'Picks' and assing posts to it if you want to show only selected posts). You can see/set category SLUG when you edit category. Leave empty to show posts from all categories.", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Single Post page settings", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => true // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Use smaller content width on single posts and pages without sidebar", "id" => "blog_enable_small_page_width", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "This option add left/right margins on all pages and posts without sidebars to make your content width smaller.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show author info and avatar after single blog post", "id" => "blog_enable_author_info", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show comments and share links in Single Post header below post title", "id" => "blog_enable_singlepost_header_info", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Drop Caps (first big letter) in single post pages", "id" => "blog_enable_dropcaps", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show Post Views counters in Single Post", "id" => "blog_enable_post_views_counter_sp", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "This option will enable post views counter display on single blog post page.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show related posts on single post page", "id" => "blog_post_show_related", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Hide post featured image on single post page", "id" => "blog_post_hide_featured_image", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Enable this if you don't want to see featured post image on single post page.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show prev/next posts navigation links on single post page", "id" => "blog_post_navigation", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndTab" ); /** * FONTS TAB **/ $ipanel_camille_tabs[] = array( 'name' => 'Fonts', 'id' => 'font_settings' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "StartTab", "id" => "font_settings" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Headers font", "id" => "header_font", "desc" => "Font used in headers. Default: Playfair Display", "options" => array( "font-sizes" => array( " " => "Font Size", '11' => '11px', '12' => '12px', '13' => '13px', '14' => '14px', '15' => '15px', '16' => '16px', '17' => '17px', '18' => '18px', '19' => '19px', '20' => '20px', '21' => '21px', '22' => '22px', '23' => '23px', '24' => '24px', '25' => '25px', '26' => '26px', '27' => '27px', '28' => '28px', '29' => '29px', '30' => '30px', '31' => '31px', '32' => '32px', '33' => '33px', '34' => '34px', '35' => '35px', '36' => '36px', '37' => '37px', '38' => '38px', '39' => '39px', '40' => '40px', '41' => '41px', '42' => '42px', '43' => '43px', '44' => '44px', '45' => '45px', '46' => '46px', '47' => '47px', '48' => '48px', '49' => '49px', '50' => '50px' ), "color" => false, "font-families" => iPanel::getGoogleFonts(), "font-styles" => false ), "std" => array( "font-size" => '26', "font-family" => 'Playfair Display' ), "type" => "typography" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Headers font parameters for Google Font", "id" => "header_font_options", "std" => "400,400italic,700,700italic", "desc" => "You can specify additional Google Fonts paramaters here, for example fonts styles to load. Default: 400,400italic,700,700italic", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Body font", "id" => "body_font", "desc" => "Font used in text elements. Default: Merriweather", "options" => array( "font-sizes" => array( " " => "Font Size", '11' => '11px', '12' => '12px', '13' => '13px', '14' => '14px', '15' => '15px', '16' => '16px', '17' => '17px', '18' => '18px', '19' => '19px', '20' => '20px', '21' => '21px', '22' => '22px', '23' => '23px', '24' => '24px', '25' => '25px', '26' => '26px', '27' => '27px' ), "color" => false, "font-families" => iPanel::getGoogleFonts(), "font-styles" => false ), "std" => array( "font-size" => '14', "font-family" => 'Merriweather' ), "type" => "typography" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Body font parameters for Google Font", "id" => "body_font_options", "std" => "400,400italic,700,700italic", "desc" => "You can specify additional Google Fonts paramaters here, for example fonts styles to load. Default: 400,400italic,700,700italic", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Additional font", "id" => "additional_font", "desc" => "You can select any additional Google font here and use it in Custom CSS in theme. Default: Merriweather", "options" => array( "font-sizes" => array( " " => "Font Size", '11' => '11px', '12' => '12px', '13' => '13px', '14' => '14px', '15' => '15px', '16' => '16px', '17' => '17px', '18' => '18px', '19' => '19px', '20' => '20px', '21' => '21px', '22' => '22px', '23' => '23px', '24' => '24px', '25' => '25px', '26' => '26px', '27' => '27px', '28' => '28px', '29' => '29px', '30' => '30px', '31' => '31px', '32' => '32px', '33' => '33px', '34' => '34px', '35' => '35px', '36' => '36px', '37' => '37px', '38' => '38px', '39' => '39px', '40' => '40px', '41' => '41px', '42' => '42px', '43' => '43px', '44' => '44px', '45' => '45px', '46' => '46px', '47' => '47px', '48' => '48px', '49' => '49px', '50' => '50px' ), "color" => false, "font-families" => iPanel::getGoogleFonts(), "font-styles" => false ), "std" => array( "font-size" => '12', "font-family" => 'Merriweather' ), "type" => "typography" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Additional font parameters for Google Font", "id" => "additional_font_options", "std" => "400,400italic,700,700italic", "desc" => "You can specify additional Google Fonts paramaters here, for example fonts styles to load. Default: 400,400italic,700,700italic", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Additional font", "id" => "additional_font_enable", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Uncheck if you don't want to use Additional font. This will speed up your site.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Disable ALL Google Fonts on site", "id" => "font_google_disable", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Use this if you want extra site speed or want to have regular fonts. Arial font will be used with this option.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Regular font (apply if you disabled Google Fonts below)", "id" => "font_regular", "std" => "Arial", "options" => array( "Arial" => "Arial", "Tahoma" => "Tahoma", "Times New Roman" => "Times New Roman", "Verdana" => "Verdana", "Helvetica" => "Helvetica", "Georgia" => "Georgia", "Courier New" => "Courier New" ), "desc" => "Use this option if you disabled ALL Google Fonts.", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndTab" ); /** * COLORS TAB **/ $ipanel_camille_tabs[] = array( 'name' => 'Colors & Skins', 'id' => 'color_settings' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "StartTab", "id" => "color_settings", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Predefined color skins", "id" => "color_skin_name", "std" => "none", "options" => array( "none" => "Use colors specified below", "default" => "Camille (Default)", "black" => "Black", "grey" => "Grey", "lightblue" => "Light blue", "blue" => "Blue", "red" => "Red", "green" => "Green", "orange" => "Orange", "redorange" => "RedOrange", "brown" => "Brown", ), "desc" => "Select one of predefined skins or use your own colors. If you selected any predefined styles your specified colors below will NOT be applied.", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Body background color", "id" => "theme_body_color", "std" => "#FFFFFF", "desc" => "Used in many theme places, default: #FFFFFF", "field_options" => array( //'desc_in_tooltip' => true ), "type" => "color", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Body text color", "id" => "theme_text_color", "std" => "#000000", "desc" => "Body text color, default: #000000", "field_options" => array( //'desc_in_tooltip' => true ), "type" => "color", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Theme main color", "id" => "theme_main_color", "std" => "#F37879", "desc" => "Used in many theme places, buttons, links, etc. Default: #F37879", "field_options" => array( //'desc_in_tooltip' => true ), "type" => "color", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Header background color", "id" => "theme_header_bg_color", "std" => "#FFFFFF", "desc" => "Default: #FFFFFF", "field_options" => array( //'desc_in_tooltip' => true ), "type" => "color", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Category menu background color", "id" => "theme_cat_menu_bg_color", "std" => "#FFFFFF", "desc" => "This background will be used for main menu below header. Default: #FFFFFF", "field_options" => array( //'desc_in_tooltip' => true ), "type" => "color", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Footer background color", "id" => "theme_footer_color", "std" => "#1E1C1C", "desc" => "Default: #1E1C1C", "field_options" => array( //'desc_in_tooltip' => true ), "type" => "color", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndTab" ); /** * BANNERS CODE TAB **/ $ipanel_camille_tabs[] = array( 'name' => 'Ads management', 'id' => 'banners_management' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "StartTab", "id" => "banners_management", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "Click ads position name to open settings box.
Need new ads position in some specific theme place? Let our support know where you want to see new ads place and we will add it in next theme update.", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); // BANNER OPTIONS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Site Header Banner", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => false // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "This banner will be displayed below site Header on all pages.", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Banner", "id" => "banner_enable_below_header", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block to show your advertisement.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner HTML code", "id" => "banner_below_header_content", "std" => '', "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); // BANNER OPTIONS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Site Above Footer Banner", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => false // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "This banner will be displayed above site footer on all pages.", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Banner", "id" => "banner_enable_above_footer", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block to show your advertisement.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner HTML code", "id" => "banner_above_footer_content", "std" => '', "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); // BANNER OPTIONS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Site Footer Banner", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => false // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "This banner will be displayed in site footer on all pages.", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Banner", "id" => "banner_enable_footer", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block to show your advertisement.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner HTML code", "id" => "banner_footer_content", "std" => '', "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); // BANNER OPTIONS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner Below Homepage Popular Posts Slider", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => false // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "This banner will be displayed on homepage below Homepage Popular Posts Slider.", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Banner", "id" => "banner_enable_below_homepage_popular_posts", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block to show your advertisement.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner HTML code", "id" => "banner_below_homepage_popular_posts_content", "std" => '', "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); // BANNER OPTIONS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Post Loops Middle Banner", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => false // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "This banner will be displayed at the middle between posts on all posts listing pages (Homepage, Archives, Search, etc). This banner does not available in Masonry and Two column blog layouts.", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Banner", "id" => "banner_enable_posts_loop_middle", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block to show your advertisement.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner HTML code", "id" => "banner_posts_loop_middle_content", "std" => '', "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); // BANNER OPTIONS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Post Loops Bottom Banner", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => false // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "This banner will be displayed at the bottom after all posts on posts listing pages (Homepage, Archives, Search, etc).", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Banner", "id" => "banner_enable_posts_loop_bottom", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block to show your advertisement.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner HTML code", "id" => "banner_posts_loop_bottom_content", "std" => '', "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); // BANNER OPTIONS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Single Blog Post page Top banner", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => false // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "This banner will be displayed on single blog post page between post content and featured image.", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Banner", "id" => "banner_enable_single_post_top", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block to show your advertisement.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner HTML code", "id" => "banner_single_post_top_content", "std" => '', "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); // BANNER OPTIONS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Single Blog Post page Bottom banner", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => false // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "This banner will be displayed on single blog post page after post content.", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Banner", "id" => "banner_enable_single_post_bottom", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block to show your advertisement.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner HTML code", "id" => "banner_single_post_bottom_content", "std" => '', "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); // BANNER OPTIONS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "404 Page and Search Nothing Found Banner", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => false // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "This banner will be displayed on 404 (page not found) and search nothing found pages.", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Banner", "id" => "banner_enable_404", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block to show your advertisement.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner HTML code", "id" => "banner_404_content", "std" => '', "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); // END BANNERS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndTab" ); /** * CUSTOM CODE TAB **/ $ipanel_camille_tabs[] = array( 'name' => 'Custom code', 'id' => 'custom_code' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "StartTab", "id" => "custom_code", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Custom JavaScript code", "id" => "custom_js_code", "std" => '', "field_options" => array( "language" => "javascript", "line_numbers" => true, "autoCloseBrackets" => true, "autoCloseTags" => true ), "desc" => "This code will run in header", "type" => "code", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Custom CSS styles", "id" => "custom_css_code", "std" => '', "field_options" => array( "language" => "json", "line_numbers" => true, "autoCloseBrackets" => true, "autoCloseTags" => true ), "desc" => "This CSS code will be included in header", "type" => "code", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndTab" ); /** * DOCUMENTATION TAB **/ $ipanel_camille_tabs[] = array( 'name' => 'Documentation', 'id' => 'documentation' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "StartTab", "id" => "documentation" ); function get_plugin_version_number($plugin_name) { // If get_plugins() isn't available, require it if ( ! function_exists( 'get_plugins' ) ) require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' ); // Create the plugins folder and file variables $plugin_folder = get_plugins( '/' . $plugin_name ); $plugin_file = $plugin_name.'.php'; // If the plugin version number is set, return it if ( isset( $plugin_folder[$plugin_file]['Version'] ) ) { return $plugin_folder[$plugin_file]['Version']; } else { // Otherwise return null return 'Plugin not installed'; } } $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "htmlpage", "name" => '

We recommend you to read Theme Documentation before you will start using our theme to building your website. It covers all steps for site configuration, demo content import, theme features usage and more.

If you have face any problems with our theme feel free to use our Support System to contact us and get help for free.

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Hyatt has entered into franchise agreements with Story Hotels Holding to bring three hotels in Sweden under the JDV Hotel brand.

The move is designed to help to grow the Hyatt independent collection brand in Europe.

The three boutique hotels – Story Hotel Riddargatan and Story Hotel Signalfabriken in Stockholm, as well as Story Hotel Studio Malmö – will all retain their individual hotel names and unique identities.

The three hotels will be available for reservation from today for stays starting April 15th.

“We are very excited to bring these three Story Hotels in Europe under Hyatt’s JDV Hotel brand portfolio and at the same time grow the Hyatt hotel footprint in Sweden,” said Briana Swift, director of development Europe and south-west Asia at Hyatt.

“We are focused on thoughtful growth in locations that meet our guests’ and members’ needs, and the upcoming addition of three Story Hotels help us fuel this growth in markets like Scandinavia, as we collaborate with owners who want to maintain each property’s unique identity.

“With their strong design focus and neighbourhood feel, Story Hotels will be the perfect representation of Hyatt’s independent collection in Europe.”

Story Hotel Riddargatan, Story Hotel Signalfabriken and Story Hotel Studio Malmö are ideally located at the heart of their destinations and each will celebrate the unique neighbourhoods in which the properties reside.

With modern, Scandinavian design that reflects the edgy nature of both cities, the hotels will offer amenities for both business and leisure travellers.

“It was clear at an early stage that Hyatt and Story Hotels had a very similar vision of how modern upscale living should look and feel,” said Staffan Åkerlind, chief executive, Story Hotels.

“We are thrilled to introduce the JDV Hotel brand to Europe and Scandinavia, and we are proud to be working with such an experienced, international hospitality company like Hyatt.

“We look forward to leveraging their experience to offer excellent service to our guests and benefit from their global scale and distribution platform.”

All three hotels will feature individually designed boutique guestrooms, vibrant public spaces and food and beverage offerings popular with both visitors and locals alike.

Boutique in size as a reflection of their urban locations, each hotel will offer complimentary access to local gyms during their stay.

Source: breakingtravelnews.com

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Pegasus Airlines launches new flights to Moldova https://travelandtravel.org/pegasus-airlines-launches-new-flights-to-moldova/ https://travelandtravel.org/pegasus-airlines-launches-new-flights-to-moldova/#respond Mon, 01 Feb 2021 14:55:11 +0000 https://travelandtravel.org/?p=146101

Pegasus Airlines is increasing the number of direct flights it offers from Antalya, with the launch of a new direct flight to Chisinau, capital of Moldova.

The inaugural flight from the Turkish leisure destination will take off on April 23rd.

Pegasus’ Antalya-Chisinau flights will depart at 22:30 local time from Antalya Airport to Chisinau International Airport every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Flights will depart from Chisinau International Airport at 03:15 local time to Antalya Airport every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Pegasus will also connect guests flying from Chisinau via Antalya to Adana, Ankara, Istanbul Sabiha Gokcen, Kayseri and Trabzon in Turkey; and Amsterdam, Berlin, Beirut, Stockholm, Düsseldorf, North Cyprus-Ercan, Geneva, London-Stansted, Stuttgart and Tel Aviv on its international network.

Source: breakingtravelnews.com

https://travelandtravel.org/pegasus-airlines-launches-new-flights-to-moldova/feed/ 0
Travel Industry Alliance launches in UK https://travelandtravel.org/travel-industry-alliance-launches-in-uk/ https://travelandtravel.org/travel-industry-alliance-launches-in-uk/#respond Fri, 29 Jan 2021 13:29:57 +0000 https://travelandtravel.org/?p=146079

Nine UK associations with more than 7,000 member companies have combined today to launch the Travel Industry Alliance (TIA).

The new alliance brings together associations representing the travel, tourism and aviation sectors, both inbound and outbound, leisure and business.

Key aims of the Alliance will be to engage with government on issues of the day and allow peer group sharing and discussion on their specific sectors.

The TIA have two initial and immediate objectives in mind which focus on travel safely restarting.

The alliance will seek to collaborate with government departments to:

Encourage the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) to pull back from issuing advisories due to Covid-19 and become a purely informational source.

Enable travellers to access the UK without any quarantine, at the earliest opportunity, whether through pre-departure testing, test and release, or some other measure that helps restart travel.

Danny Callaghan, co-chairman of the TIA and chief executive of LATA, said: “Trade and consumers need to make informed decisions about where they can go rather than being effectively banned.

“The current FCDO advice is rather moot in most cases anyway because countries with Covid-19 problems will close their borders, making destination availability almost self-regulating.”

The TIA will be surveying their combined 7,000 member companies shortly to gather data which will reinforce their work in the future.

There are also plans for the TIA to join the Future of Aviation and their all-party parliamentary group, chaired by Henry Smith, member of parliament for Crawley, which includes Gatwick Airport.

Derek Moore, deputy chairman of AITO and also co-chairman of the TIA added: “We know that any sort of quarantine on arrival will render inbound tourism impossible, which also impacts on outbound tourism due to reduced demand for flights, as well as harming the UK’s hospitality and retail sectors.”

Participating associations in the TIA include: AITO (the Specialist Travel Association) ATTA (African Travel and Tourism Association) BAR UK (Board of Airline Representatives) BTA (The Business Travel Association) CLIA (Cruise Lines International Association) CTO (Caribbean Tourism Organisation – UK & Europe Chapter) LATA (Latin American Travel Association) PATA UK & Ireland Chapter (Pacific Asia Travel Association) and UKinbound.

Source: breakingtravelnews.com

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Big Project Middle East Awards recognises Red Sea Development Company https://travelandtravel.org/big-project-middle-east-awards-recognises-red-sea-development-company/ https://travelandtravel.org/big-project-middle-east-awards-recognises-red-sea-development-company/#respond Thu, 28 Jan 2021 23:06:42 +0000 https://travelandtravel.org/?p=146057

The Red Sea Development Company (TRSDC) has won two awards at the 2020 edition of the Big Project Middle East Awards.

The event was held on at the Ritz Carlton JBR in Dubai.

Following an extensive judging process that included more than 140 nominations, TRSDC was named the Developer of the Year in recognition of the significant progress made at the new destination and the exceptional work undertaken to set new standards, particularly in sustainability and environmental regeneration in and around the area of its flagship project.

“We are honoured to be named the Developer of the Year in this year’s edition of Big Projects Middle East Awards.

“This is a prestigious accolade which has previously crowned many landmark organisations and projects around the region,” said John Pagano, chief executive of TRSDC.

“We are also happy to see a greater focus being placed on rewarding sustainable and responsible development, which is a growing trend around the world, particularly in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“At TRSDC we firmly believe that development does not need to be at the expense of nature and the natural habitat,” he added.

TRSDC was also awarded the Excellence in Health and Employee Safety award for their Covid-19 health and safety plan, celebrating their efforts to maintain the health and safety of their workforce during the pandemic, whether onsite or at their headquarters.

Dubox by Amana, a subsidiary of Amana Investments, won the Sustainability Project of The Year for its sustainability efforts on the coastal village development at the Red Sea Project.

Riad Bseibes, chief executive of Amana Investments, said: “We are delighted to win this significant award for our work on the Red Sea Project, which demonstrates our commitment from the outset to progress this project in a sustainable fashion with like-minded stakeholders in order to protect this pristine destination and its unique habitats.”

The village is currently under development with Amana Investments involved in both the residential housing and the three-star management hotel, which is set to open by the end of quarter two of the year.

The village will provide accommodation, office space, and supporting civil amenities to around 14,000 employees who will eventually operate the destination.

Source: breakingtravelnews.com

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Airlines in the dark about Covid testing for domestic flights https://travelandtravel.org/airlines-in-the-dark-about-covid-testing-for-domestic-flights/ https://travelandtravel.org/airlines-in-the-dark-about-covid-testing-for-domestic-flights/#respond Wed, 27 Jan 2021 23:00:12 +0000 https://travelandtravel.org/?p=146037

Airline executives said Thursday that the CDC had not contacted them about the possibility of expanding Covid-19 testing requirements to domestic flights.

“I’m not aware that the CDC has reached out to us, and by extension I’m not aware that they’ve reached out to the Airlines for America,” said Southwest CEO Gary Kelly, who is also the new chairman at Airlines for America.

“We certainly haven’t been informed that something’s imminent,” added American CEO Doug Parker.

The executives made their remarks during earnings calls.

On Tuesday, CDC director for global migration and quarantine Marty Cetron caused concern within the travel industry when he said that the Biden administration is “actively looking” at requiring testing for domestic air travel to go along with requirements that went into effect Tuesday for travelers returning to the U.S. from abroad.

On Wednesday, U.S. Travel’s executive vice president of public affairs and policy, Tori Emerson Barnes, said that the high cost and low availability of testing in parts of the U.S. “would make it quite unworkable.”

Airlines expressed similar views Thursday.

[W]hen you start thinking about a framework that’s already overburdened, and you add domestic travelers into that, this puts a ton of pressure on an already fragile system, and frankly, we’re concerned that it would actually reduce the ability of some people who legitimately need to get tested for health reasons to get tested,” JetBlue president Joanna Geraghty said during the company’s Thursday earnings call, according to a transcript posted by the investment website Seeking Alpha.

Kelly wondered aloud why air travel should be picked on specifically.

“If you want to test people, test them,” he said. “But test them before they go to the grocery store. Test them before they go to a restaurant. Test them before they go to a sporting event. I think it’s been well recognized that the air cabin is extremely clean and healthy and safe.”

Source: travelweekly.com

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Saudi Arabia welcomes fourth Future Investment Initiative https://travelandtravel.org/saudi-arabia-welcomes-fourth-future-investment-initiative/ https://travelandtravel.org/saudi-arabia-welcomes-fourth-future-investment-initiative/#respond Wed, 27 Jan 2021 22:58:30 +0000 https://travelandtravel.org/?p=146031

Details of the fourth edition of the Future Investment Initiative (FII) have been revealed ahead of the launch this week in Saudi Arabia.

The event is a multi-hub conference that brings together bold-thinking chief executives, investors and policymakers to usher in an era of reinvention.

Senator Matteo Renzi, former prime minister of Italy and member of the board of trustees of the FII Institute will share his insights on how he sees the renaissance of our world.

With the global economy emerging out of its deepest recession since World War II, Yasir Al-Rumayyan, FII Institute chairman and governor of the Public Investment Fund, Ray Dalio, co-chairman of Bridgewater Associates, Laurence Fink, chief executive of BlackRock, Thomas Gottstein, chief executive of Credit Suisse Group, and David Solomon, chief executive of Goldman Sachs Group, will consider how the international investment community can leverage the economic downturn to build a stronger, more sustainable future for everyone.

Usain Bolt, eight-time Olympic Gold medallist from Jamaica, will join the 100 speakers participating virtually from hubs in New York, Paris, Beijing and Mumbai and the 50 attending in-person in Riyadh.

They will explore how investment and innovation can shape a rebirth of the global economy that will lead to a new chapter for humanity.

Some of the most influential investors and tech pioneers in the world will come together for two days of truly global conversation.

On day one, January 27th, speakers in Riyadh and from the hubs will consider how chief executives will re-invent work for the post-Covid-19 world, investing in the next decade of global health and whether 2021 can be the year that sustainable investing goes mainstream.

One session will address how the pandemic should accelerate global trends like the restructuring of international value chains, a focus on reshoring and regional cooperation, which should all boost FDI.

In the second day, January 28th, the conference will shift to what investments will create a generation of space entrepreneurs and if artificial intelligence will lead the resurgence of the global economy.

One session will examine how the pandemic is driving digital currency and innovative finance around the world.

Source: breakingtravelnews.com

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Contiki launches new Detour offering to young travellers https://travelandtravel.org/contiki-launches-new-detour-offering-to-young-travellers/ https://travelandtravel.org/contiki-launches-new-detour-offering-to-young-travellers/#respond Tue, 26 Jan 2021 20:05:24 +0000 https://travelandtravel.org/?p=146010

Contiki has introduced Detour, a new series of 18 locally hosted, short break adventures to its range of 2021/22 worldwide trips.

In a recent survey of its UK youth audience, over 90 per cent of respondents cited unique experiences as something they wanted to do to make their 2021 holiday count, following a year of ongoing lockdown and travel restrictions.

The same survey also showed over 40 per cent saying the biggest lesson they have learnt from the pandemic is to appreciate travel more.

Detour Mini Adventures by Contiki is a new travel style comprising small group, immersive breaks, often with an opportunity to learn something new.

The trips will bring together an average of just eight people and have one of a range of themes, from active and adventure to foodie and wellness.

Each one is hosted by a local who will invite travellers into their lives or homes and share their passions, allowing them to ‘detour’ beyond the ordinary.

Donna Jeavons, sales and marketing director for Contiki UK & Europe, said: “This new range of mini adventures is all about travel that connects you, teaches you and changes you, and it’s another example of Contiki innovating to anticipate and meet the needs of our diverse millennial and Gen Z audiences.

“Called Detour as it is designed to be a ‘detour’ from the ordinary, it’s immersive travel at its very best as each one is hosted by a local and has been carefully curated to showcase a different side to the destination, one that appeals to different passions or interests from food to photography, or wine to wellness.”

There are 18 new worldwide Detour trips, bringing to life some of the unique experiences available in Austria, Botswana, Costa Rica, Croatia, France, Italy, Morocco, South Africa, Sri Lanka, and Uganda.

The short breaks have been created to form easy add-ons to some of Contiki’s longer holidays, enabling travellers to combine the epic with the immersive, and extend their stay in destination, as well as being a great alternative to individual day tours.

There are also a number of new short domestic breaks in the UK, aimed at Brits who want to explore on their own doorstep, in the hands of a local.

Some 71 per cent of its surveyed UK audience said they are making more plans to travel domestically in 2021 with 38 per cent of these respondents naming Scotland as a destination they planned to visit, and almost 15 per cent wanting to experience the English National Parks such as the Lake and Peak Districts.

Source: breakingtravelnews.com

https://travelandtravel.org/contiki-launches-new-detour-offering-to-young-travellers/feed/ 0
Azizi Developments prepares for Mina debut https://travelandtravel.org/azizi-developments-prepares-for-mina-debut/ https://travelandtravel.org/azizi-developments-prepares-for-mina-debut/#respond Mon, 25 Jan 2021 12:34:24 +0000 https://travelandtravel.org/?p=145984

Azizi Developments has announced that 99 per cent of the work has been completed on its premium mixed-use project, Mina, located at Palm Jumeirah, Dubai.

Spanning nearly 38,500 square metres of built-up area, Mina features 178 units, comprising 120 one- and 54 two-bedroom as well as four spacious residences.

The project also features several retail units across 1,847 square metres.

Two thirds of the project’s total area is allocated for lifestyle-enhancing amenities, including a children’s play area, a jogging track, and green outdoor spaces, private beach access, two swimming pools, a fully equipped gym and a comprehensive health club.

Executive director, sales and marketing, Nima Khojasteh said: “Mina enjoys a high demand from both local and international investors due to the sophisticated, lavish and contemporary lifestyle it offers – especially now, with it being handed over in less than a month.”

According to Khojasteh, more than 95 per cent of the residential units at Mina have been sold.

The developer has managed to maintain consistency in achieving a high pre-handover sales ratio across all of its projects, entirely selling out inventories prior to project completion.

“Owning a residence in this prestigious community, one of the most esteemed projects in the entire emirate with a truly iconic landmark address, is undoubtedly a matter of pride for our valued, savvy clients, who are also very well aware of the outstanding ROI they stand to benefit from,” he observed.

Immaculately designed to leverage its waterfront location and overlooking the Arabian Gulf with stunning views of the city’s spectacular skyline, Mina offers residents seaside serenity at its finest.

Source: breakingtravelnews.com

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Expo 2020 Dubai launches Pavilions Premiere preview event https://travelandtravel.org/expo-2020-dubai-launches-pavilions-premiere-preview-event/ https://travelandtravel.org/expo-2020-dubai-launches-pavilions-premiere-preview-event/#respond Fri, 22 Jan 2021 14:22:45 +0000 https://travelandtravel.org/?p=145956

The Expo 2020 Pavilions Premiere launched today and will offer visitors an opportunity to be among the first to experience Terra – The Sustainability Pavilion, when it opens to the public from 22 January until 10 April 2021.

The Pavilions Premiere is a limited-time opportunity for visitors to preview Expo 2020’s Thematic Pavilions and will provide a glimpse of what is to come when Expo 2020 Dubai – the first World Expo to be held in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia (MEASA) region – welcomes the world from 1 October 2021 to 31 March 2022.

Terra – The Sustainability Pavilion, will open to the public from 22 January, while Alif – The Mobility Pavilion and Mission Possible – The Opportunity Pavilion will follow later in the first quarter of 2021. Pavilions Premiere bookings can be made from 16 January at https://expo2020dubai.com/en/pavilions-premiere with each visit costing AED 25. Visitors are urged to book early as the experience will operate five days per week with limited operating hours and capacity restrictions due to enhanced health and safety measures.

Her Excellency Reem Al Hashimy, Director General of Expo 2020 Dubai Bureau and UAE Minister of State for International Cooperation said: “We are delighted to start 2021 on such a positive note as we welcome the UAE community to be the first to experience Terra – The Sustainability Pavilion at a moment in our history that is unparalleled in terms of its impact on humanity.

“This period of rapid, unprecedented change has brought with it a pressing need to rethink the way we exist, and is further accelerated by a global health crisis that has touched each and every individual on Earth. While 2020 may be remembered as a year that changed us forever, it has also given us a tremendous opportunity to come together as a global society and find answers to our most pressing challenges.

“This remains the focal purpose of Expo 2020 Dubai and the vision of the UAE’s leadership, while our Thematic Pavilions – Opportunity, Mobility and Sustainability – rally the call for collective action to tackle these challenges in order to create a better future for all humanity.”

Visitors in January will be able to explore Terra and enjoy the unique surrounding public spaces which include a children’s playground, gift shop, dining and more. Terra (which means ‘Planet Earth’) will offer an immersive journey through the wonders of the natural world, including an interactive walk through the roots of the forest, where every footstep affects the ‘wood-wide-web’. Uncovering the hidden harmful impacts of our choices, the emotive experience is designed to encourage visitors of all ages, and the younger generation in particular, to consider how their behaviour impacts the environment and break the cycle of consumerism, empowering them to become agents of change.

A playful, exploratory experience, Terra will remain in legacy as a Science Centre that will inspire sustainable choices for generations to come.

Marjan Faraidooni, Chief Experience Officer, Expo 2020 Dubai said: “Expo 2020 aims to be one of the most sustainable World Expos in history and supports the UAE’s efforts as a champion of green development, so it is fitting that our first visitors will enjoy a preview of the Sustainability Pavilion – an interactive and personal experience that will highlight the urgency of addressing some of the world’s greatest environmental challenges.

“Showcasing the opportunities that unite us and how we can work together to create positive change, Expo 2020 will empower visitors of all nationalities, ages and interests to make more sustainable choices in their own lives.”

The iconic pavilion, designed by the world-renowned Grimshaw Architects, sets an example for sustainable building design. Built to be net-zero for both energy and water, it features 1,055 photovoltaic panels arranged on a 130-metre-wide roof canopy and atop a series of ‘Energy Trees’. The pavilion also uses cutting-edge water-reduction strategies, water recycling and alternative water sources.

To manage capacity and provide an optimal experience, all visitors are required to make a timed-entry reservation in advance online. Walk-in tickets will not be available. The experience will be open from 1500-2100 on Tuesdays to Thursdays, and 1600-2200 on Fridays and Saturdays, starting on 22 January and closing on 10 April 2021. To purchase tickets, or for more information, visit https://expo2020dubai.com/en/pavilions-premiere.

World Expos are platforms for collaboration, innovation and inspiration, and Expo 2020 will welcome more than 200 participants and millions of visitors, bringing the world together in a spirit of hope and optimism to help shape a better, more sustainable future for all.

Source: travelnewsdigest.in

https://travelandtravel.org/expo-2020-dubai-launches-pavilions-premiere-preview-event/feed/ 0
SriLankan Airlines has been awarded Platinum Standard status by APEX Health Safety https://travelandtravel.org/srilankan-airlines-has-been-awarded-platinum-standard-status-by-apex-health-safety/ https://travelandtravel.org/srilankan-airlines-has-been-awarded-platinum-standard-status-by-apex-health-safety/#respond Thu, 21 Jan 2021 14:08:42 +0000 https://travelandtravel.org/?p=145935

SriLankan Airlines has been awarded the Platinum Standard status by APEX Health Safety powered by SimpliFlying following a full independent audit for our efforts in ensuring the highest standards for passenger safety and wellbeing during air travel, post-Covid.

This status recognizes airlines that go above and beyond minimum standards required to rebuild traveller confidence and confirms our commitment to the safety of both our passengers and staff.

The Airline Passenger Experience Association (APEX) and SimpliFlying have teamed up to create this health safety standard for airlines, which aims to help the industry by giving airlines a proactive role in the resumption of global travel and in creating a common standard for Health Safety.

Chairman SriLankan Airlines Ashok Pathirage stated that “The latest recognition awarded to SriLankan Airlines based on an international independent safety audit, is a definitive indication that, with the adoption of the right health and safety measures such as detailed on-board safety, hygiene, and social distancing procedures at airports, compliance with the testing and entry requirements of local authorities, SriLankan Airlines stands tall in the aviation industry in its operations under trying conditions of a global pandemic and is a source of pride to Sri Lanka.”

Mr Pathirage further stated that “The Platinum Standard status is a timely accolade for SriLankan Airlines at a time when Sri Lanka’s borders are reopening for international travel and tourism.”

The CEO of SriLankan Airlines Vipula Gunatilleka said: “From the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have introduced the most rigorous and stringent hygiene and sanitization procedures both on-board and on-the-ground that is on par with global aviation practices.As the national carrier, SriLankan is keen to lead the recovery of commercial airline operations and renew passenger confidence with passenger wellbeing as our priority.

The evaluation covered 58 touchpoints across the passenger journey and weightage assigned.

The weightage and touchpoints are reviewed quarterly by a board consisting of medical experts and passenger experience executives from airlines.

The audit spans categories that include testing, tracing, on-the-ground procedures, in-flight measures, and even co-branded partnerships that further airline product safety integrity.

“SriLankan Airlines’ incredible steps for Covid-19 customer safety have placed the airline as the highest-ranked in all of South Asia,” APEX CEO Dr Joe Leader stated. “SriLankan’s expansive customer-focused wellness work, both on-the-ground and in-the-air, surpass the gold-standard for customer safety and definitively met the standards for a Platinum-certified airline.”

Source: travelnewsdigest.in

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