You can upload your website logo in WordPress Customizer (in "Header Image" section at the left sidebar).

' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Logo width (px)", "id" => "logo_width", "std" => "370", "desc" => "Default: 370. Upload retina logo (2x size) and input your regular logo width here. For example if your retina logo have 400px width put 200 value here. If you does not use retina logo input regular logo width here (your logo image width).", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Sticky/Fixed top header (with menu, search, social icons)", "id" => "enable_sticky_header", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Top Header will be fixed to top if enabled", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show site logo in sticky header", "id" => "enable_sticky_header_logo", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Top Header will be fixed to top if enabled", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable left side offcanvas floating sidebar menu", "id" => "enable_offcanvas_sidebar", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Sidebar can be opened by toggle button near header mini cart. You can add widgets to this sidebar in 'Offcanvas Right sidebar' in Appearance > Widgets", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "MainMenu font decoration", "id" => "header_menu_font_decoration", "std" => "uppercase", "options" => array( "uppercase" => "Uppercase letters", "italic" => "Italic letters", "none" => "None", ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "MainMenu font size", "id" => "header_menu_font_size", "std" => "largefont", "options" => array( "largefont" => "Large font", "normalfont" => "Normal font" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "MainMenu dropdown arrows style for submenus", "id" => "header_menu_arrow_style", "std" => "downarrow", "options" => array( "rightarrow" => "Right arrow", "downarrow" => "Down arrow", "noarrow" => "Disable arrow" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Header Logo position", "id" => "header_logo_position", "options" => array( 'left' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/header_block_position_1.png', "label" => 'Left' ), 'center' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/header_block_position_2.png', "label" => 'Center' ), 'right' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/header_block_position_3.png', "label" => 'Right' ), ), "std" => "center", "desc" => "", "type" => "image", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Header Banner position", "id" => "header_banner_position", "options" => array( 'left' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/header_block_position_1.png', "label" => 'Left' ), 'center' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/header_block_position_2.png', "label" => 'Center' ), 'right' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/header_block_position_3.png', "label" => 'Right' ), 'disable' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/header_block_position_0.png', "label" => 'Disable' ) ), "std" => "disable", "desc" => "You can show banner image or some text in your header. Make sure that you use different positions for logo and your banner (for example logo at the left and banner at the right).", "type" => "image", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Header Banner content", "id" => "header_banner_editor", "std" => '', "desc" => "If you selected Header banner position below you can use any HTML here to show your banner or other content in header.", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Social icons", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => true // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "Leave URL fields blank to hide this social icons", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Facebook Page url", "id" => "facebook", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Vkontakte page url", "id" => "vk", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Twitter Page url", "id" => "twitter", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Google+ Page url", "id" => "google-plus", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "LinkedIn Page url", "id" => "linkedin", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Dribbble Page url", "id" => "dribbble", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Behance Page url", "id" => "behance", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Instagram Page url", "id" => "instagram", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Tumblr page url", "id" => "tumblr", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Pinterest page url", "id" => "pinterest", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Vimeo page url", "id" => "vimeo-square", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "YouTube page url", "id" => "youtube", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Skype url", "id" => "skype", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndTab" ); /** * FOOTER TAB **/ $ipanel_camille_tabs[] = array( 'name' => 'Footer', 'id' => 'footer_settings' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "StartTab", "id" => "footer_settings" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show 'Footer light sidebar' only on homepage", "id" => "footer_sidebar_1_homepage_only", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Display Instagram Feed in Footer", "id" => "footer_instagram_display", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Instagram Feed plugin must be installed and configured by theme documentation before enabling this option.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Footer Instagram title", "id" => "footer_instagram_title", "std" => "Instagram", "desc" => "Leave empty if you don't want to show text title.", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Footer Instagram subtitle", "id" => "footer_instagram_subtitle", "std" => "Get personal and follow me on", "desc" => "Leave empty if you don't want to show text subtitle.", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Footer Menu", "id" => "footer_enable_menu", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Social Icons in Footer", "id" => "footer_enable_social", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Upload Footer Logo", "id" => "footer_logo", "field_options" => array( "std" => get_template_directory_uri().'/img/footer-logo.png' ), "desc" => "Upload your site footer logo. Remove image if you dont want to show logo in footer.", "type" => "qup", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Footer Logo width (px)", "id" => "footer_logo_width", "std" => "370", "desc" => "Default: 370. Upload retina logo (2x size) and input your regular logo width here. For example if your retina logo have 400px width put 200 value here. If you does not use retina logo input regular logo width here (your logo image width).", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Footer copyright text", "id" => "footer_copyright_editor", "std" => "Powered by Camille - Premium Wordpress Theme", "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => false ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndTab" ); /** * SIDEBARS TAB **/ $ipanel_camille_tabs[] = array( 'name' => 'Sidebars', 'id' => 'sidebar_settings' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "StartTab", "id" => "sidebar_settings" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Blog page sidebar position", "id" => "blog_sidebar_position", "options" => array( 'left' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_1.png', "label" => 'Left' ), 'right' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_2.png', "label" => 'Right' ), 'disable' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_3.png', "label" => 'Disable sidebar' ), ), "std" => "right", "desc" => "", "type" => "image", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Pages sidebar position", "id" => "page_sidebar_position", "options" => array( 'left' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_1.png', "label" => 'Left' ), 'right' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_2.png', "label" => 'Right' ), 'disable' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_3.png', "label" => 'Disable sidebar' ), ), "std" => "disable", "desc" => "", "type" => "image", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Blog Archive page sidebar position", "id" => "archive_sidebar_position", "options" => array( 'left' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_1.png', "label" => 'Left' ), 'right' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_2.png', "label" => 'Right' ), 'disable' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_3.png', "label" => 'Disable sidebar' ), ), "std" => "right", "desc" => "", "type" => "image", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Blog Search page sidebar position", "id" => "search_sidebar_position", "options" => array( 'left' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_1.png', "label" => 'Left' ), 'right' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_2.png', "label" => 'Right' ), 'disable' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_3.png', "label" => 'Disable sidebar' ), ), "std" => "right", "desc" => "", "type" => "image", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Blog post sidebar position", "id" => "post_sidebar_position", "options" => array( 'left' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_1.png', "label" => 'Left' ), 'right' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_2.png', "label" => 'Right' ), 'disable' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_3.png', "label" => 'Disable sidebar' ), ), "std" => "disable", "desc" => "", "type" => "image", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndTab" ); /** * BLOG TAB **/ $ipanel_camille_tabs[] = array( 'name' => 'Blog', 'id' => 'blog_settings' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "StartTab", "id" => "blog_settings" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Main Blog settings", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => true // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Blog layout", "id" => "blog_layout", "options" => array( 'layout_default' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/blog_layout_1.png', "label" => 'Default layout' ), 'layout_vertical_design' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/blog_layout_2.png', "label" => 'Show every third post in vertical design' ), 'layout_2column_design' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/blog_layout_3.png', "label" => 'Show second and next posts in 2 columns' ), 'layout_list' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/blog_layout_4.png', "label" => 'List with short posts blocks' ), 'layout_list_advanced' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/blog_layout_5.png', "label" => 'List with short posts and big blocks (every third post)' ), 'layout_masonry' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/blog_layout_6.png', "label" => 'Masonry layout' ), 'layout_text' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/blog_layout_7.png', "label" => 'Centered text (Minimnalistic, No images)' ), ), "std" => "layout_default", "desc" => "This option will completely change blog listing layout and posts display.", "type" => "image", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Blog posts titles style", "id" => "blog_posttitle_font_decoration", "std" => "uppercase", "options" => array( "none" => "Normal", "italic" => "Italic", "uppercase" => "UPPERCASE", ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show blog posts in listing as", "id" => "blog_post_loop_type", "std" => "content", "options" => array( "content" => "Full content (You will add More tag manually)", "excerpt" => "Excerpt (Auto crop by words)", ), "desc" => "We recommend you to use Fullwidth layout for Slider Style 3", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Post excerpt length (words)", "id" => "post_excerpt_legth", "std" => "40", "desc" => "Used by WordPress for post shortening. Default: 40", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Disable blog posts loop on main Blog page (Blog homepage)", "id" => "blog_disable_posts_loop", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Enable this options if you does not want to show posts on your blog homepage. You can use this to create minimalistic website (you will have just blog slider, welcome blocks and editor's picks blocks on homepage.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show author name ('by author') in blog posts", "id" => "blog_post_show_author", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show related posts on posts listing page", "id" => "blog_list_show_related", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Will show 3 related posts after every post in posts list. Does not available in Masonry layout and 2 column layout.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show Post Views counters in posts blocks", "id" => "blog_enable_post_views_counter", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "This option will enable post views counter display in sliders, popular posts, editor picks, reagular posts blocks.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show Post Comments counters in posts blocks", "id" => "blog_enable_post_comments_counter", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "This option will enable post comments counter display in sliders, popular posts, editor picks, reagular posts blocks.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Featured Posts Slider settings", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => true // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ), "name" => '

To add your posts to Featured Posts Slider you need to edit your post and set it as featured for slider in Post Settings box.

' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show Featured Posts Slider on homepage", "id" => "blog_enable_homepage_slider", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can mark posts as featured in post edit screen at the bottom settings box to display it in slider in homepage header.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Featured Posts Slider width", "id" => "blog_homepage_slider_fullwidth", "std" => "0", "options" => array( "1" => "Fullwidth", "0" => "Boxed", ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Featured Posts Slider height", "id" => "blog_homepage_slider_height", "std" => "530", "field_options" => array( "min" => 250, "max" => 800, "step" => 5, "dimension" => 'px', "animation" => true ), "desc" => "Drag to change value. Default: 530px", "type" => "slider", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Featured Posts Slider items per row", "id" => "blog_homepage_slider_items", "std" => "1", "options" => array( "4" => "4", "3" => "3", "2" => "2", "1" => "1", ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Featured Posts Slider post details layout", "id" => "blog_homepage_slider_post_details_layout", "std" => "horizontal", "options" => array( "horizontal" => "Horizontal", "vertical" => "Vertical", ), "desc" => "Select where to show post details (title, description, category, etc) in blog posts inside slider. 'Vertical' value will work only if you set 1 items per row in option above.", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Featured Posts Slider posts titles style", "id" => "blog_homepage_slider_posttitle_font_decoration", "std" => "italic", "options" => array( "none" => "Normal", "italic" => "Italic", "uppercase" => "UPPERCASE", ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Merge slider slides", "id" => "blog_enable_homepage_merge_slider", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Check if you want to see different slides widths in one row.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Center active slide", "id" => "blog_enable_homepage_center_slide", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Check if you want to see current slide centered and near slides cropped. Work best with slides per row set to 2 or 4.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Featured Posts Slider autoplay", "id" => "blog_homepage_slider_autoplay", "std" => "3000", "options" => array( "10000" => "Enable - 10 seconds", "5000" => "Enable - 5 seconds", "3000" => "Enable - 3 seconds", "2000" => "Enable - 2 seconds", "1000" => "Enable - 1 second", "0" => "Disable", ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Featured Posts Slider navigation arrows", "id" => "blog_homepage_slider_navigation", "std" => "1", "options" => array( "1" => "Enable", "0" => "Disable", ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Featured Posts Slider pagination buttons", "id" => "blog_homepage_slider_pagination", "std" => "false", "options" => array( "true" => "Enable", "false" => "Disable", ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Welcome Block settings", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => true // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show Welcome Block on homepage", "id" => "blog_enable_homepage_welcome_block", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block below your slider or header.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Homepage Welcome Block content", "id" => "blog_homepage_welcome_block_content", "std" => '
Featured category


Popular category


About blog

About me

', "desc" => "You can use any HTML here to display any content in your welcome block with predefined layout.", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Editor's Picks Homepage Block settings", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => true // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ), "name" => "

To add your posts to Editor's Picks Block you need to edit your post and set it as Editors Pick post in Post Settings box.

" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show Editor's Picks Block on homepage footer", "id" => "blog_enable_homepage_editorspick_posts", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Editor's Picks Block title", "id" => "blog_homepage_editorspick_posts_title", "std" => "Editor's Picks", "desc" => "Change default Editor's Picks Posts block title. Leave empty to hide title.", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Editor's Picks Block subtitle", "id" => "blog_homepage_editorspick_posts_subtitle", "std" => "Featured posts from Camille", "desc" => "Change default Editor's Picks block subtitle. Leave empty to hide title.", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Editorss Picks Block posts limit (rows)", "id" => "blog_homepage_editorspick_posts_limit", "std" => "1", "options" => array( "1" => "One row", "2" => "Two rows", ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Editor's Picks Block posts category slug", "id" => "blog_homepage_editorspick_posts_category", "std" => "", "desc" => "If you want to show popular posts only from some category specify it's SLUG here (You can create special category like 'Picks' and assing posts to it if you want to show only selected posts). You can see/set category SLUG when you edit category. Leave empty to show posts from all categories.", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Single Post page settings", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => true // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Use smaller content width on single posts and pages without sidebar", "id" => "blog_enable_small_page_width", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "This option add left/right margins on all pages and posts without sidebars to make your content width smaller.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show author info and avatar after single blog post", "id" => "blog_enable_author_info", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show comments and share links in Single Post header below post title", "id" => "blog_enable_singlepost_header_info", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Drop Caps (first big letter) in single post pages", "id" => "blog_enable_dropcaps", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show Post Views counters in Single Post", "id" => "blog_enable_post_views_counter_sp", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "This option will enable post views counter display on single blog post page.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show related posts on single post page", "id" => "blog_post_show_related", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Hide post featured image on single post page", "id" => "blog_post_hide_featured_image", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Enable this if you don't want to see featured post image on single post page.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show prev/next posts navigation links on single post page", "id" => "blog_post_navigation", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndTab" ); /** * FONTS TAB **/ $ipanel_camille_tabs[] = array( 'name' => 'Fonts', 'id' => 'font_settings' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "StartTab", "id" => "font_settings" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Headers font", "id" => "header_font", "desc" => "Font used in headers. Default: Playfair Display", "options" => array( "font-sizes" => array( " " => "Font Size", '11' => '11px', '12' => '12px', '13' => '13px', '14' => '14px', '15' => '15px', '16' => '16px', '17' => '17px', '18' => '18px', '19' => '19px', '20' => '20px', '21' => '21px', '22' => '22px', '23' => '23px', '24' => '24px', '25' => '25px', '26' => '26px', '27' => '27px', '28' => '28px', '29' => '29px', '30' => '30px', '31' => '31px', '32' => '32px', '33' => '33px', '34' => '34px', '35' => '35px', '36' => '36px', '37' => '37px', '38' => '38px', '39' => '39px', '40' => '40px', '41' => '41px', '42' => '42px', '43' => '43px', '44' => '44px', '45' => '45px', '46' => '46px', '47' => '47px', '48' => '48px', '49' => '49px', '50' => '50px' ), "color" => false, "font-families" => iPanel::getGoogleFonts(), "font-styles" => false ), "std" => array( "font-size" => '26', "font-family" => 'Playfair Display' ), "type" => "typography" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Headers font parameters for Google Font", "id" => "header_font_options", "std" => "400,400italic,700,700italic", "desc" => "You can specify additional Google Fonts paramaters here, for example fonts styles to load. Default: 400,400italic,700,700italic", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Body font", "id" => "body_font", "desc" => "Font used in text elements. Default: Merriweather", "options" => array( "font-sizes" => array( " " => "Font Size", '11' => '11px', '12' => '12px', '13' => '13px', '14' => '14px', '15' => '15px', '16' => '16px', '17' => '17px', '18' => '18px', '19' => '19px', '20' => '20px', '21' => '21px', '22' => '22px', '23' => '23px', '24' => '24px', '25' => '25px', '26' => '26px', '27' => '27px' ), "color" => false, "font-families" => iPanel::getGoogleFonts(), "font-styles" => false ), "std" => array( "font-size" => '14', "font-family" => 'Merriweather' ), "type" => "typography" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Body font parameters for Google Font", "id" => "body_font_options", "std" => "400,400italic,700,700italic", "desc" => "You can specify additional Google Fonts paramaters here, for example fonts styles to load. Default: 400,400italic,700,700italic", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Additional font", "id" => "additional_font", "desc" => "You can select any additional Google font here and use it in Custom CSS in theme. Default: Merriweather", "options" => array( "font-sizes" => array( " " => "Font Size", '11' => '11px', '12' => '12px', '13' => '13px', '14' => '14px', '15' => '15px', '16' => '16px', '17' => '17px', '18' => '18px', '19' => '19px', '20' => '20px', '21' => '21px', '22' => '22px', '23' => '23px', '24' => '24px', '25' => '25px', '26' => '26px', '27' => '27px', '28' => '28px', '29' => '29px', '30' => '30px', '31' => '31px', '32' => '32px', '33' => '33px', '34' => '34px', '35' => '35px', '36' => '36px', '37' => '37px', '38' => '38px', '39' => '39px', '40' => '40px', '41' => '41px', '42' => '42px', '43' => '43px', '44' => '44px', '45' => '45px', '46' => '46px', '47' => '47px', '48' => '48px', '49' => '49px', '50' => '50px' ), "color" => false, "font-families" => iPanel::getGoogleFonts(), "font-styles" => false ), "std" => array( "font-size" => '12', "font-family" => 'Merriweather' ), "type" => "typography" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Additional font parameters for Google Font", "id" => "additional_font_options", "std" => "400,400italic,700,700italic", "desc" => "You can specify additional Google Fonts paramaters here, for example fonts styles to load. Default: 400,400italic,700,700italic", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Additional font", "id" => "additional_font_enable", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Uncheck if you don't want to use Additional font. This will speed up your site.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Disable ALL Google Fonts on site", "id" => "font_google_disable", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Use this if you want extra site speed or want to have regular fonts. Arial font will be used with this option.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Regular font (apply if you disabled Google Fonts below)", "id" => "font_regular", "std" => "Arial", "options" => array( "Arial" => "Arial", "Tahoma" => "Tahoma", "Times New Roman" => "Times New Roman", "Verdana" => "Verdana", "Helvetica" => "Helvetica", "Georgia" => "Georgia", "Courier New" => "Courier New" ), "desc" => "Use this option if you disabled ALL Google Fonts.", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndTab" ); /** * COLORS TAB **/ $ipanel_camille_tabs[] = array( 'name' => 'Colors & Skins', 'id' => 'color_settings' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "StartTab", "id" => "color_settings", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Predefined color skins", "id" => "color_skin_name", "std" => "none", "options" => array( "none" => "Use colors specified below", "default" => "Camille (Default)", "black" => "Black", "grey" => "Grey", "lightblue" => "Light blue", "blue" => "Blue", "red" => "Red", "green" => "Green", "orange" => "Orange", "redorange" => "RedOrange", "brown" => "Brown", ), "desc" => "Select one of predefined skins or use your own colors. If you selected any predefined styles your specified colors below will NOT be applied.", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Body background color", "id" => "theme_body_color", "std" => "#FFFFFF", "desc" => "Used in many theme places, default: #FFFFFF", "field_options" => array( //'desc_in_tooltip' => true ), "type" => "color", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Body text color", "id" => "theme_text_color", "std" => "#000000", "desc" => "Body text color, default: #000000", "field_options" => array( //'desc_in_tooltip' => true ), "type" => "color", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Theme main color", "id" => "theme_main_color", "std" => "#F37879", "desc" => "Used in many theme places, buttons, links, etc. Default: #F37879", "field_options" => array( //'desc_in_tooltip' => true ), "type" => "color", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Header background color", "id" => "theme_header_bg_color", "std" => "#FFFFFF", "desc" => "Default: #FFFFFF", "field_options" => array( //'desc_in_tooltip' => true ), "type" => "color", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Category menu background color", "id" => "theme_cat_menu_bg_color", "std" => "#FFFFFF", "desc" => "This background will be used for main menu below header. Default: #FFFFFF", "field_options" => array( //'desc_in_tooltip' => true ), "type" => "color", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Footer background color", "id" => "theme_footer_color", "std" => "#1E1C1C", "desc" => "Default: #1E1C1C", "field_options" => array( //'desc_in_tooltip' => true ), "type" => "color", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndTab" ); /** * BANNERS CODE TAB **/ $ipanel_camille_tabs[] = array( 'name' => 'Ads management', 'id' => 'banners_management' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "StartTab", "id" => "banners_management", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "Click ads position name to open settings box.
Need new ads position in some specific theme place? Let our support know where you want to see new ads place and we will add it in next theme update.", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); // BANNER OPTIONS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Site Header Banner", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => false // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "This banner will be displayed below site Header on all pages.", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Banner", "id" => "banner_enable_below_header", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block to show your advertisement.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner HTML code", "id" => "banner_below_header_content", "std" => '', "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); // BANNER OPTIONS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Site Above Footer Banner", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => false // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "This banner will be displayed above site footer on all pages.", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Banner", "id" => "banner_enable_above_footer", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block to show your advertisement.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner HTML code", "id" => "banner_above_footer_content", "std" => '', "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); // BANNER OPTIONS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Site Footer Banner", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => false // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "This banner will be displayed in site footer on all pages.", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Banner", "id" => "banner_enable_footer", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block to show your advertisement.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner HTML code", "id" => "banner_footer_content", "std" => '', "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); // BANNER OPTIONS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner Below Homepage Popular Posts Slider", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => false // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "This banner will be displayed on homepage below Homepage Popular Posts Slider.", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Banner", "id" => "banner_enable_below_homepage_popular_posts", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block to show your advertisement.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner HTML code", "id" => "banner_below_homepage_popular_posts_content", "std" => '', "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); // BANNER OPTIONS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Post Loops Middle Banner", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => false // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "This banner will be displayed at the middle between posts on all posts listing pages (Homepage, Archives, Search, etc). This banner does not available in Masonry and Two column blog layouts.", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Banner", "id" => "banner_enable_posts_loop_middle", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block to show your advertisement.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner HTML code", "id" => "banner_posts_loop_middle_content", "std" => '', "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); // BANNER OPTIONS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Post Loops Bottom Banner", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => false // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "This banner will be displayed at the bottom after all posts on posts listing pages (Homepage, Archives, Search, etc).", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Banner", "id" => "banner_enable_posts_loop_bottom", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block to show your advertisement.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner HTML code", "id" => "banner_posts_loop_bottom_content", "std" => '', "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); // BANNER OPTIONS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Single Blog Post page Top banner", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => false // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "This banner will be displayed on single blog post page between post content and featured image.", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Banner", "id" => "banner_enable_single_post_top", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block to show your advertisement.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner HTML code", "id" => "banner_single_post_top_content", "std" => '', "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); // BANNER OPTIONS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Single Blog Post page Bottom banner", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => false // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "This banner will be displayed on single blog post page after post content.", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Banner", "id" => "banner_enable_single_post_bottom", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block to show your advertisement.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner HTML code", "id" => "banner_single_post_bottom_content", "std" => '', "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); // BANNER OPTIONS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "404 Page and Search Nothing Found Banner", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => false // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "This banner will be displayed on 404 (page not found) and search nothing found pages.", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Banner", "id" => "banner_enable_404", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block to show your advertisement.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner HTML code", "id" => "banner_404_content", "std" => '', "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); // END BANNERS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndTab" ); /** * CUSTOM CODE TAB **/ $ipanel_camille_tabs[] = array( 'name' => 'Custom code', 'id' => 'custom_code' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "StartTab", "id" => "custom_code", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Custom JavaScript code", "id" => "custom_js_code", "std" => '', "field_options" => array( "language" => "javascript", "line_numbers" => true, "autoCloseBrackets" => true, "autoCloseTags" => true ), "desc" => "This code will run in header", "type" => "code", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Custom CSS styles", "id" => "custom_css_code", "std" => '', "field_options" => array( "language" => "json", "line_numbers" => true, "autoCloseBrackets" => true, "autoCloseTags" => true ), "desc" => "This CSS code will be included in header", "type" => "code", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndTab" ); /** * DOCUMENTATION TAB **/ $ipanel_camille_tabs[] = array( 'name' => 'Documentation', 'id' => 'documentation' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "StartTab", "id" => "documentation" ); function get_plugin_version_number($plugin_name) { // If get_plugins() isn't available, require it if ( ! function_exists( 'get_plugins' ) ) require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' ); // Create the plugins folder and file variables $plugin_folder = get_plugins( '/' . $plugin_name ); $plugin_file = $plugin_name.'.php'; // If the plugin version number is set, return it if ( isset( $plugin_folder[$plugin_file]['Version'] ) ) { return $plugin_folder[$plugin_file]['Version']; } else { // Otherwise return null return 'Plugin not installed'; } } $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "htmlpage", "name" => '

We recommend you to read Theme Documentation before you will start using our theme to building your website. It covers all steps for site configuration, demo content import, theme features usage and more.

If you have face any problems with our theme feel free to use our Support System to contact us and get help for free.

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The Wyndham Grand Algarve will relaunch this spring having undergone a complete €5 million transformation.

The sophisticated five-star resort is the gateway to the Quinta do Lago, the most exclusive and sought-after location in the Algarve, Portugal.

The all-suite property – formerly known as Monte da Quinta Resort – has been reimagined to provide premium amenities, stylish interiors and the most attentive service.

The 132 suites are the largest in Quinta do Lago, with one-, two- and three-bedroom suites offering a relaxed lounge area with kitchen facilities.

A sun-drenched balcony or terrace provide extensive views across the lush gardens.

Guests may pick from five dining experiences during a stay, each emphasising the very best and freshest ingredients throughout.

Outside of the hotel, guests at the Wyndham Grand Algarve benefit from the location in Quinta do Lago, one of the largest golf resorts in Portugal.

The year round-temperate climate encourages an outdoor lifestyle.

Guests enjoy easy access to the seven celebrated golf courses in the area which combine challenging tour-quality greens with captivating Algarve coastal scenery.

Maarten de Boer, general manager of Wyndham Grand Algarve, said: “We are eagerly anticipating welcoming guests to the Wyndham Grand Algarve for our grand opening this spring.

“We look forward to indulging our guests with wonderful service, attention to detail and leading facilities, all on the doorstep of Portugal’s outdoor playground, Quinta do Lago.”

Wyndham initially took over the property last year, closing it in October for refurbishment, ahead of the relaunch.

Source: breakingtravelnews.com

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CAA clears Boeing 737 Max for return to UK airspace https://travelandtravel.org/caa-clears-boeing-737-max-for-return-to-uk-airspace/ https://travelandtravel.org/caa-clears-boeing-737-max-for-return-to-uk-airspace/#respond Mon, 01 Feb 2021 14:56:00 +0000 https://travelandtravel.org/?p=146104

The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has announced that it will allow UK airlines to operate passenger flights with the Boeing 737 Max aircraft.

The body said the plane would still be subject to close oversight as it returns to service after two fatal crashes.

The ban on the aircraft operating in UK airspace, which has been in place since spring 2019, will also be removed.

It follows similar decisions by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Transport Canada.

The move follows the approval of design modifications to the aircraft itself, how it is flown and to pilot training.

This has included modification to the manoeuvring characteristics augmentation system (MCAS) and other key safety changes aimed at preventing further accidents.

Richard Moriarty, chief executive at the UK Civil Aviation Authority, said: “Our thoughts remain with those affected by the tragic accidents of the Boeing 737 Max.

“This is not a decision we have taken lightly, and we would not have allowed a return to service for UK operators, or lifted the ban on the aircraft operating in UK airspace, unless we were satisfied that the aircraft type is airworthy and can be operated safely.

“The international work to return the Boeing 737 Max to the skies has been the most extensive project of this kind ever undertaken in civil aviation and shows how important the cooperation between states and regulators is to maintaining safety.”

The CAA said it had been closely involved in this approval work and the extensive process undertaken by all involved.

Official said they were in close contact with TUI, currently the only UK operator of the aircraft, as it returns its aircraft to service.

The removal of the airspace ban will allow foreign operators to fly the Boeing 737 MAX in UK airspace.

All airlines, however, will need to go through the necessary steps to return the aircraft to service, including pilot training, which may slow the UK return of the aircraft.

Two Boeing 737 Max planes were involved in accidents – Lion Air Flight 610 on October 29th, 2018, and Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 on March 10th, 2019.

The CAA has based its decision to allow a return to service on detailed information from EASA, the FAA and Boeing, in addition to extensive engagement with airline operators and pilot representative organisations.

Source: breakingtravelnews.com

https://travelandtravel.org/caa-clears-boeing-737-max-for-return-to-uk-airspace/feed/ 0
Eurotunnel struggles with fewer passengers, revenues went down https://travelandtravel.org/eurotunnel-struggles-with-fewer-passengers-revenues-went-down/ https://travelandtravel.org/eurotunnel-struggles-with-fewer-passengers-revenues-went-down/#respond Fri, 29 Jan 2021 13:31:01 +0000 https://travelandtravel.org/?p=146082

The Getlink Group, the operator of the Channel Tunnel, saw its revenues fall by 25% due to the health crisis in 2020, to EUR 816 million, particularly affected by the debacle of the Eurostar high-speed trains. At constant exchange rates, revenues were down 24%, according to a press release published last week.

Eurotunnel – the Channel Tunnel – accounted for 85% of the Getlink Group’s business last year, with revenues down 28% to EUR 693 million. The shuttle business – the transport of cars and trucks on rail shuttles between France and UK – was down 17% to EUR 521 million. Traffic fell by 9% for trucks, 46% for passenger vehicles and 71% for coaches. Revenues from the rail network – the tolls paid by freight and passenger train operators to run through the tunnel – were down 48% over the year to EUR 163 million.

According to Getlink, Eurostar high-speed trains carried 77% fewer passengers last year, recording only 2.5 million passengers. 1736 freight trains passed through the tunnel in parallel in 2020 (-19%). As for Europorte, the group’s rail freight company, its annual turnover is down a further 3% to EUR 123 million.

The management welcomes “a solid performance in the economic and health context of 2020, linked in particular to the strong demand for additional last-minute trains for the transport of products needed for the manufacture of hydroalcoholic gel”. In the fourth quarter alone, Getlink Group revenues declined 24% – and 23% at constant exchange rates – to EUR 194 million.

Heavy truck traffic through the tunnel increased by 3% in the last three months of the year, while car traffic was down 60%, coach traffic was down 82% and Eurostar passenger traffic was down 94%, according to the release.

Source: tourism-review.com

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Hydrogen-Powered transport – first efforts in train and airplane sectors https://travelandtravel.org/hydrogen-powered-transport-first-efforts-in-train-and-airplane-sectors/ https://travelandtravel.org/hydrogen-powered-transport-first-efforts-in-train-and-airplane-sectors/#respond Thu, 28 Jan 2021 23:07:47 +0000 https://travelandtravel.org/?p=146060

With the goal of cutting carbon emissions from fossil fuels, many transport companies have launched projects involving hydrogen-powered vehicles. Several countries committed to reaching carbon neutrality are expected to include hydrogen trains in their rail systems within several years. Moreover, Airbus has been working on hydrogen-powered aircraft.

Scotland Refurbishing Old Trains

Mysterious lakes, dramatic peaks and romantic Scottish castles are all possible to see in the world’s best and most luxurious scenic trains, like the Belmond Royal Scotsman. However, Scotland wants to take green trains even further and is working on a grand plan to develop hydrogen-powered trains for the country’s entire rail network.

It is an ambitious project: by 2035, five years ahead of the goal for the rest of the UK, Scotland wants its entire passenger trains to reach carbon neutrality.

The first of the trains is already underway and is expected to be unveiled in this year’s UN Climate change Conference (COP26) that will take place between November 1 and 12 in Glasgow.

The project goes beyond the launch of a new fleet of trains. In an even more revolutionary sustainability concept, the idea is to reuse existing trains, giving them new life but now emission-free.

According to Scotland’s Secretary for Transport, Michael Matheson, it has “the potential to be a game-changer for the future of Scotland’s rail rolling stock”. He said that the Rail Decarbonization Action Plan sets out to make the passenger railways emissions-free by 2035, but to maximize the UK’s climate change ambitions, there is also a requirement to look at what the country does with the retired stock. “If we can bring those back to use in a carbon-neutral way, there are huge climate gains to be made,” said Matheson.

Germany Preparing Trains and Regulations

In Germany, Deutsche Bahn plans to deploy hydrogen-powered trains by 2024. The German railway operator will run the trial using a Siemens hydrogen train based on the Mireo Plus H unit between Tübingen, Horb and Pforzheim which, according to estimates, could cut CO2 emissions by 330 tons a year.

The company claims that the hydrogen train will be as fast as current electric trains, with a top speed of 160 km/h and able to run for 600km. It will run on a fuel cell and a lithium-ion battery and, since it is a project to cut the carbon footprint, the electricity used will come from renewable sources.

Moreover, the Alstom hydrogen trains have already won several territories in Germany. By 2022, 14 additional units will be launched on the rails in Lower Saxony on behalf of the regional operator LNVG, and 27 in the Land of Hesse with RMV.

These programs and those to come have encouraged the German authorities to secure this development with distinctive regulatory and technical requirements.

Under the Federal Office of Railways, the German Rail Transport Research Center asked the TÜV Rheinland InterTraffic certification office to draft a standard as a prerequisite for the development of hydrogen-powered trains.

While tests of hydrogen trainsets have already made it possible to launch the first orders and to schedule the construction of 2 dedicated fueling stations, respectively near Frankfurt and Bremervörde in northern Germany, the federal government is worried about not having any specific safety regulations.

Before embarking on drafting a set of rules, the certification body intends to review all relevant national and international constraints and standards applicable to hydrogen-powered transport – both vehicles and fuel cell systems. An analysis will follow to estimate their transposition to rail mobility. Then, TÜV Rheinland InterTraffic will provide within 1 year a draft rail-specific standard for onboard hydrogen fuel cell systems in rail vehicles. Overall, the organization will manage the project, document the results of the work, and coordinate the working group. The latter will include experts active worldwide in the hydrogen-powered transport sector.

Hydrogen-powered Trains Even in Spain

In the case of Spain, a bit behind schedule, Talgo unveiled its Talgo Vittal-One, a commuter and medium-distance train that should begin its trial run at the end of 2021. If successful, the new hydrogen-powered trains would be implemented between 2022 and 2023.


Cutting Emissions of Airplanes

For Airbus, as well, the future is hydrogen. The drop in air traffic did not stop the talks about the ecological impact of the industry. Among the projects for sustainable aviation is Airbus’s hydrogen-powered aircraft, a concept that it plans to use regularly in 15 years. The company has revealed three hydrogen-powered prototypes, which would cut CO2 emissions generated by fossil fuels.

The global aviation industry is responsible for 2.5% of the total carbon dioxide emissions, but when other emissions like nitrogen oxide, water vapor and the aerosol effect on the ozone layer are added, the total reaches 3.5%, according to the Manchester Metropolitan University.

Airbus aims to become the first company in using hydrogen as fuel, the most abundant gas in the universe. “Its use in synthetic fuels or as a primary energy source for commercial aircraft has the potential to significantly reduce the climate impact of aviation,” said Guillaume Faury, CEO of Airbus.

The zero-emission aircraft concept, named ZEROe, is made up of three projects. One is a design similar to single-aisle aircraft like the A320, capable of carrying between 120 and 200 passengers over a distance of 3,500km. This model, capable of transcontinental flights, would be powered by a modified gas turbine engine, which works by combustion of hydrogen instead of fossil fuel. The liquid hydrogen may be stored in tanks located behind the aft pressure bulkhead.

The second project is a smaller aircraft, powered by turboprop engines instead of the turbofan.

Hydrogen combustion would be used here in modified gas turbine engines, allowing these aircraft to carry 100 passengers over distances of 1,852km.

The third and final prototype, which may never see the light of day, is a mixed-wing shaped design, reminiscent of a delta wing aircraft. The wings are fused with the main body of the aircraft, and thanks to the very wide fuselage, several options for hydrogen storage and distribution would be possible.

Challenges on the Road to Zero Emissions

The CEO of Airbus however acknowledged that there is still a long way to go: “It is necessary to produce hydrogen in large quantities and in a non-polluting way.” The ZEROe concept would also mean a profound reform in airports given that none have the infrastructure to transport and store liquid hydrogen.

The company still studies how large quantities of this gas could be transported, which are stored in tanks at high pressure or in liquid form and at temperatures of -225°C.

There is also the issue of costs: fossil fuel is much cheaper to extract, refine and distribute.

If the entire industry shifts to hydrogen, passengers would have to forget about low-cost flights, putting a brake on the accelerated expansion that the aviation industry has experienced in the last 25 years.

Source: tourism-review.com

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Austria experiencing tremendous unemployment in the tourism sector https://travelandtravel.org/austria-experiencing-tremendous-unemployment-in-the-tourism-sector/ https://travelandtravel.org/austria-experiencing-tremendous-unemployment-in-the-tourism-sector/#respond Wed, 27 Jan 2021 22:59:15 +0000 https://travelandtravel.org/?p=146034

For more than eleven weeks, everything has been at a standstill in the Austrian tourism industry. The current lockdown for hotels and catering businesses will probably continue until the end of February. Thus, at this point, it is difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

This unprecedented situation is having an enormous impact on the labor market, as unemployment in the tourism industry has reached staggering levels. Currently, around 72,000 people are looking for work in the sector – 50 % more than a year ago. This was revealed by the Ministry of Labor.

“The tourism job market is extremely difficult at the moment,” said Tourism Minister Elisabeth Köstinger. This applies to the hotel sector as well as to gastronomy and events.

“Around a third of the crisis-related job seekers can be traced back to tourism,” she emphasized. The more than 70,000 unemployed in tourism correspond to a share of around 16 % of the total unemployment in Austria.

Short-time Work Secures 130,000 Tourism Jobs

Around 70 % of those employed in tourism are currently on short-time work. According to official data, this is around a quarter of all short-time workers in the country. According to Köstinger, a short-time work instead of layoffs’ approach has proven itself as it has saved 129,000 jobs in the area of accommodation and catering alone.

But it is not only about maintaining jobs, but also about winning back employees for the time after the crisis. Many have left the tourism industry in the past few months and instruments must be worked out to encourage the workforce to return.

Rethinking Tourism?

The extremely high unemployment in the tourism sector has led to some discussions among experts in the sector whether its conceptualization shouldn’t be rethought for the years to come.

Some have even gone as far as to say that jobs in the sector are very poorly secured, often poorly paid and always exhausting. For this reason, young people are losing motivation to become a part of the tourism workforce or often leave abroad to pursue a career in the sector.

In addition, before the crisis, there were many complaints about the so-called overtourism in some places. Locals felt almost overwhelmed by the large quantities of guests. Not to mention the conflicts between those who complain about the overexploitation of nature and the others who still want to expand ski areas here and there or create holiday villages in nature.

Thus, some in the sector are calling for a discussion about the conceptualization of tourism, also considering its enormous importance for Austria in the past few decades.

Source: tourism-review.com

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Spanish tourism calls for more aid https://travelandtravel.org/spanish-tourism-calls-for-more-aid/ https://travelandtravel.org/spanish-tourism-calls-for-more-aid/#respond Tue, 26 Jan 2021 20:06:10 +0000 https://travelandtravel.org/?p=146013

The coronavirus has torn Spanish tourism apart, setting it back to 1995 levels. The industry’s contribution to Spain’s GDP was 106 billion euros smaller in 2020 (about 69% of activity). A total of 728,000 workers (435,000 furloughed and 293,000 laid off) were affected by the crisis. For 2021, the industry’s prospects are not optimistic, and tourism is expected to barely reach 55% of the revenue it recorded in 2019.

The Spanish tourism association EXCELTUR, released the latest data stating that the storm is still far from over. In an extensive report, the organization highlights that tourism companies suffer the most from the impact of COVID-19: in 2020, travel agency sales plummeted 80%; leisure companies, 71.1%; hotels, 66.6%; airlines, 65.5% and car rental, 50.3%.

Due to the pandemic, the industry has gone from contributing 12.4% in 2019 to only 4.3% of the GDP. It is the lowest figure ever, according to the association.

Looking ahead to 2021, EXCELTUR predicts a great “volatility” that will continue to weigh down Spanish tourism, with 85% of the industry still paralyzed in January. At first, 48 billion euros will be recovered compared to 2020, but the activity will still be 37.6% below the 154,487 million it registered in 2019. The goal of the association is to increase the economic activity, from the current 4.3% to 8.2%, hoping to reach the pre-pandemic levels by 2023.

EXCELTUR considers it essential to involve private health sector in the vaccination process and prioritize the vaccination of the risk groups as well as the workers in tourism. The organization also supports the approval of the digitized health protocols to promote international travel.

The Spanish tourism association has also called for a comprehensive rescue plan that includes direct aid close to 5,316 million euros for six months. José Luiz Zoreda, Executive Vice President of EXCELTUR, said that in 15 months of continuous decreases in turnover of more than 70% of companies, they have only been provisionally covered with the compensation through ERTEs (the Spanish furlough scheme) and access to preferential financing with ICO guarantee. “These are temporary aids that become increasingly unaffordable financial burdens for the future,” commented Zoreda.

Instead, Zoreda has called for non-refundable liquidity, flexible ERTEs throughout the year, and to accelerate the vaccination campaigns in order to achieve immunity before the summer, maintaining the general support plans for large companies channeled through the Secretariat of State for Tourism, prioritizing tourism companies.

Among the 5,316 million euros requested: 2,008 would go to tourist accommodation, 1,498 million for 30% of the tourist buildings restorations, 1,020 million euros for sites of tourist interest, and 790 million for travel agencies, car rental and non-regulated tourist road transport. It will be difficult to fulfil these demands since the Government has been opposed to grant direct aid to companies in distress.

Source: tourism-review.com

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Dominican Republic to offer free Covid-19 tests to travellers https://travelandtravel.org/dominican-republic-to-offer-free-covid-19-tests-to-travellers/ https://travelandtravel.org/dominican-republic-to-offer-free-covid-19-tests-to-travellers/#respond Mon, 25 Jan 2021 12:35:03 +0000 https://travelandtravel.org/?p=145987

The government of the Dominican Republic is taking measures to strengthen the capacity of the destination to respond to the entry requirements of source markets.

The ministry of tourism and the ministry of public health have announced new measures to strengthen the capacity of the destination to respond to new requirements for all visitors to the country.

The ministry of health will donate 400,000 antigen tests as part of the Traveller Assistance Plan currently provided by the state to international visitors staying at hotels in the Dominican Republic.

These antigen tests will be part of the free plan currently offered up until March 31st.

The rapid antigen tests required by the UK and other governments will be administered to hotel guests at no costs by the technical health personnel in the hotels and the result will be certified by the ministry of public health.

Regarding countries that require PCR testing for entry, the ministry of tourism highlighted that the current capacity of the laboratories is 11,000 tests per day, which guarantees sufficient capacity for locals and visitors.

Additionally, over the next three weeks there will be an increase of 40 per cent capacity to ensure that no travellers would encounter any problems when returning to their country.

The hotels will aid guests in making appointments for PCR testing, but those costs will be covered by the traveller.

“The Dominican Republic continues to be committed to offering a safe tourism experience both to those who visit us and for all Dominicans involved in the industry’s supply chain.

“Therefore we are continuously reviewing measures to offer our visitors the necessary facilities to enjoy a holiday and a return trip with complete peace of mind,” said Dominican Republic tourism minister, David Collado.

Until March 31st all international tourists arriving by air and staying in a hotel have a free medical coverage plan that covers all types of emergencies, including possible contagion of Covid-19.

Source: breakingtravelnews.com

https://travelandtravel.org/dominican-republic-to-offer-free-covid-19-tests-to-travellers/feed/ 0
UNWTO seeking to restart tourism at Madrid conference https://travelandtravel.org/unwto-seeking-to-restart-tourism-at-madrid-conference/ https://travelandtravel.org/unwto-seeking-to-restart-tourism-at-madrid-conference/#respond Fri, 22 Jan 2021 14:23:46 +0000 https://travelandtravel.org/?p=145959

The global tourism sector is starting the new year prepared to #RestartTourism when conditions allow, with the World Tourism Organisation set to again bring together leaders from across the public and private sectors.

Tomorrow in Madrid, the UNWTO Global Tourism Crisis Committee will hold its first meeting of the year.

This meeting to advance concrete plans to ensure the restart of tourism will take place in the context of the UNWTO Executive Council.

Today, the Global Tourism Crisis Committee, established by UNWTO at the very start of the pandemic as a means to unite the sector and lead a strong and consistent response to the crisis, will meet for the first time this year.

Taking advantage of the Executive Council celebrated the following day and hosted by Spain, this meeting will be a hybrid event, combining in-person and virtual participation.

Once again, the committee will bring together tourism leaders from around the world, as well as UN agencies and representatives from civil society and the private sector.

Key issues on the agenda include exploring how vaccines against Covid-19 can be part of a harmonised approach to restarting tourism, including through the potential use of health passports and other measures.

UNWTO will also call on members of the committee to join forces for a global campaign aimed at restoring confidence in tourism.

During the 113th session of the UNWTO Executive Council tomorrow, representatives of the 35 council members will be provided with updates on the implementation of the UNWTO programme of work and plans for 2021.

The Executive Council will also explore current tourism trends, including the impact of the ongoing pandemic on the sector and what this means for livelihoods and the contribution of tourism to sustainable development.

This hybrid event expects 150 in-person participants.

The Executive Council meeting will also include the election for the position of UNWTO secretary general for the term 2022-2025.

Incumbent Zurab Pololikashvili will stand for re-election for a second term, while the kingdom of Bahrain has nominated Shaikha Mai bint Mohammed Al Khalifa for the position.

Source: breakingtravelnews.com

https://travelandtravel.org/unwto-seeking-to-restart-tourism-at-madrid-conference/feed/ 0
easyJet Holidays records spike in demand for travel https://travelandtravel.org/easyjet-holidays-records-spike-in-demand-for-travel/ https://travelandtravel.org/easyjet-holidays-records-spike-in-demand-for-travel/#respond Thu, 21 Jan 2021 14:09:57 +0000 https://travelandtravel.org/?p=145938

easyJet Holidays has seen a spike in demand for trips, with bookings for summer this year up 250 per cent compared to the same time last year.

May is currently proving to be the most popular month for holiday bookings at the moment.

However, the low-cost operator said the general trend showed customers just wanted to get away as soon as they can.

Johan Lundgren, easyJet chief executive, commented: “We welcome that the much-needed vaccination programme is well underway across the UK and Europe as this is undoubtedly the key to unlocking travel again.

Not only in enabling travel to take place this summer, but in giving consumers confidence to book so we are absolutely focused on ensuring we are ready to ramp up our flying schedule for when our customers take to the skies again.”

He added: “We know there is pent up demand – we have seen that every time restrictions have been relaxed and so we know that people want to go on holiday as soon as they can.

“We have been pleased to see that some customers are making plans for their summer holidays now.

“When it comes to making plans flexibility has never been more important, so our policies for customer bookings have never been more flexible.

“This means they can book safe in the knowledge that if their plans change, so can their flights – and unlike other airlines during this lock down we are currently offering customers refunds even if their flight is not cancelled.”

Source: breakingtravelnews.com

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Turkish Airlines launches “TK Extra Care”, a new hygiene programme in collaboration with Dr Oz https://travelandtravel.org/turkish-airlines-launches-tk-extra-care-a-new-hygiene-programme-in-collaboration-with-dr-oz/ https://travelandtravel.org/turkish-airlines-launches-tk-extra-care-a-new-hygiene-programme-in-collaboration-with-dr-oz/#respond Wed, 20 Jan 2021 15:24:55 +0000 https://travelandtravel.org/?p=145916

Turkish Airlines, flying to more countries than any other airline, launched a new hygiene programme “TK Extra Care”, which highlights new protective hygiene measures, in collaboration with the global carrier’s ambassador Dr Mehmet Oz, the producer and host of the world-renowned “The Dr Oz Show.”

The announcement of the new animated in-flight video comes at a time when health and safety is a top consideration on travellers’ checklists. Inspired by the airline’s ongoing dedication to its passengers’ well-being, the three-minute video follows Dr Oz through the travel experience passengers should expect when flying with the global airline today. From the moment Dr Oz checks-in for his flight to when he arrives at his destination, viewers will not only be reminded of the airline’s hygiene protocols necessary for a safe flying experience but will have full assurance that Turkey’s flag carrier is enforcing a higher level of protection for every stage of the journey that goes above and beyond industry standards.

Turkish Airlines puts passenger hygiene at the forefront, protecting its guests at each stage of the journey. In the three-minute animated video, Dr Oz shows that from checking-in online and carrying only personal items in the cabin, passenger contact is reduced. Viewers learn that upon entering the airport, all passengers must wear a mask and are provided with hand disinfectant and body temperature screenings throughout the terminal. The video also highlights that Turkish Airlines has taken extra safety steps to ensure peace of mind, such as disinfecting luggage with a UV system and boarding passengers in smaller groups from the back of the plane to the front. Hygiene Experts are present on each flight to maintain a high health and safety level, while each passenger will receive a hygiene kit upon boarding.

Turkish Airlines Chairman of the Board and the Executive Committee, M. İlker Aycı commented on the video’s debut; “There is no question that travelers around the world are facing an immense need for enforced safety measures and peace of mind while travelling. At Turkish Airlines, the hygiene standards for our passengers are our top priority and we offer the highest standards. These extra safety precautions have been introduced following the authorized committees’ evaluations and approvals. With the release of ‘TK Extra Care’, we are hopeful that viewers will recognize Turkish Airlines’ hard work and dedication in keeping both passengers and crews safe, and we are pleased to have Dr Oz share our message with the world.”

In June, with the resumption of services, Turkish Airlines announced new ‘Guidelines for Safe Travel,’ as well as two new in-flight services to protect the health of its guests. The airline continues to distribute “Hygiene Kits,” containing a face mask, disinfectant and antiseptic tissue to its guests, while “Hygiene Expert” cabin crews are appointed to flights to enforce all on-board hygiene and social distancing measures for the healthy travel of passengers.

Dr Oz has been sharing his expertise with Turkish Airlines’ passengers since 2017 when the airline launched its “Fly Good Feel Good” project, created to provide an even more comfortable and healthy travel experience to its passengers.

Source: travelnewsdigest.in

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