You can upload your website logo in WordPress Customizer (in "Header Image" section at the left sidebar).

' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Logo width (px)", "id" => "logo_width", "std" => "370", "desc" => "Default: 370. Upload retina logo (2x size) and input your regular logo width here. For example if your retina logo have 400px width put 200 value here. If you does not use retina logo input regular logo width here (your logo image width).", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Sticky/Fixed top header (with menu, search, social icons)", "id" => "enable_sticky_header", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Top Header will be fixed to top if enabled", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show site logo in sticky header", "id" => "enable_sticky_header_logo", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Top Header will be fixed to top if enabled", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable left side offcanvas floating sidebar menu", "id" => "enable_offcanvas_sidebar", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Sidebar can be opened by toggle button near header mini cart. You can add widgets to this sidebar in 'Offcanvas Right sidebar' in Appearance > Widgets", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "MainMenu font decoration", "id" => "header_menu_font_decoration", "std" => "uppercase", "options" => array( "uppercase" => "Uppercase letters", "italic" => "Italic letters", "none" => "None", ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "MainMenu font size", "id" => "header_menu_font_size", "std" => "largefont", "options" => array( "largefont" => "Large font", "normalfont" => "Normal font" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "MainMenu dropdown arrows style for submenus", "id" => "header_menu_arrow_style", "std" => "downarrow", "options" => array( "rightarrow" => "Right arrow", "downarrow" => "Down arrow", "noarrow" => "Disable arrow" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Header Logo position", "id" => "header_logo_position", "options" => array( 'left' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/header_block_position_1.png', "label" => 'Left' ), 'center' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/header_block_position_2.png', "label" => 'Center' ), 'right' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/header_block_position_3.png', "label" => 'Right' ), ), "std" => "center", "desc" => "", "type" => "image", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Header Banner position", "id" => "header_banner_position", "options" => array( 'left' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/header_block_position_1.png', "label" => 'Left' ), 'center' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/header_block_position_2.png', "label" => 'Center' ), 'right' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/header_block_position_3.png', "label" => 'Right' ), 'disable' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/header_block_position_0.png', "label" => 'Disable' ) ), "std" => "disable", "desc" => "You can show banner image or some text in your header. Make sure that you use different positions for logo and your banner (for example logo at the left and banner at the right).", "type" => "image", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Header Banner content", "id" => "header_banner_editor", "std" => '', "desc" => "If you selected Header banner position below you can use any HTML here to show your banner or other content in header.", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Social icons", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => true // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "Leave URL fields blank to hide this social icons", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Facebook Page url", "id" => "facebook", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Vkontakte page url", "id" => "vk", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Twitter Page url", "id" => "twitter", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Google+ Page url", "id" => "google-plus", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "LinkedIn Page url", "id" => "linkedin", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Dribbble Page url", "id" => "dribbble", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Behance Page url", "id" => "behance", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Instagram Page url", "id" => "instagram", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Tumblr page url", "id" => "tumblr", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Pinterest page url", "id" => "pinterest", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Vimeo page url", "id" => "vimeo-square", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "YouTube page url", "id" => "youtube", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Skype url", "id" => "skype", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndTab" ); /** * FOOTER TAB **/ $ipanel_camille_tabs[] = array( 'name' => 'Footer', 'id' => 'footer_settings' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "StartTab", "id" => "footer_settings" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show 'Footer light sidebar' only on homepage", "id" => "footer_sidebar_1_homepage_only", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Display Instagram Feed in Footer", "id" => "footer_instagram_display", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Instagram Feed plugin must be installed and configured by theme documentation before enabling this option.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Footer Instagram title", "id" => "footer_instagram_title", "std" => "Instagram", "desc" => "Leave empty if you don't want to show text title.", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Footer Instagram subtitle", "id" => "footer_instagram_subtitle", "std" => "Get personal and follow me on", "desc" => "Leave empty if you don't want to show text subtitle.", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Footer Menu", "id" => "footer_enable_menu", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Social Icons in Footer", "id" => "footer_enable_social", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Upload Footer Logo", "id" => "footer_logo", "field_options" => array( "std" => get_template_directory_uri().'/img/footer-logo.png' ), "desc" => "Upload your site footer logo. Remove image if you dont want to show logo in footer.", "type" => "qup", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Footer Logo width (px)", "id" => "footer_logo_width", "std" => "370", "desc" => "Default: 370. Upload retina logo (2x size) and input your regular logo width here. For example if your retina logo have 400px width put 200 value here. If you does not use retina logo input regular logo width here (your logo image width).", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Footer copyright text", "id" => "footer_copyright_editor", "std" => "Powered by Camille - Premium Wordpress Theme", "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => false ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndTab" ); /** * SIDEBARS TAB **/ $ipanel_camille_tabs[] = array( 'name' => 'Sidebars', 'id' => 'sidebar_settings' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "StartTab", "id" => "sidebar_settings" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Blog page sidebar position", "id" => "blog_sidebar_position", "options" => array( 'left' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_1.png', "label" => 'Left' ), 'right' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_2.png', "label" => 'Right' ), 'disable' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_3.png', "label" => 'Disable sidebar' ), ), "std" => "right", "desc" => "", "type" => "image", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Pages sidebar position", "id" => "page_sidebar_position", "options" => array( 'left' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_1.png', "label" => 'Left' ), 'right' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_2.png', "label" => 'Right' ), 'disable' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_3.png', "label" => 'Disable sidebar' ), ), "std" => "disable", "desc" => "", "type" => "image", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Blog Archive page sidebar position", "id" => "archive_sidebar_position", "options" => array( 'left' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_1.png', "label" => 'Left' ), 'right' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_2.png', "label" => 'Right' ), 'disable' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_3.png', "label" => 'Disable sidebar' ), ), "std" => "right", "desc" => "", "type" => "image", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Blog Search page sidebar position", "id" => "search_sidebar_position", "options" => array( 'left' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_1.png', "label" => 'Left' ), 'right' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_2.png', "label" => 'Right' ), 'disable' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_3.png', "label" => 'Disable sidebar' ), ), "std" => "right", "desc" => "", "type" => "image", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Blog post sidebar position", "id" => "post_sidebar_position", "options" => array( 'left' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_1.png', "label" => 'Left' ), 'right' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_2.png', "label" => 'Right' ), 'disable' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_3.png', "label" => 'Disable sidebar' ), ), "std" => "disable", "desc" => "", "type" => "image", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndTab" ); /** * BLOG TAB **/ $ipanel_camille_tabs[] = array( 'name' => 'Blog', 'id' => 'blog_settings' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "StartTab", "id" => "blog_settings" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Main Blog settings", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => true // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Blog layout", "id" => "blog_layout", "options" => array( 'layout_default' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/blog_layout_1.png', "label" => 'Default layout' ), 'layout_vertical_design' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/blog_layout_2.png', "label" => 'Show every third post in vertical design' ), 'layout_2column_design' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/blog_layout_3.png', "label" => 'Show second and next posts in 2 columns' ), 'layout_list' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/blog_layout_4.png', "label" => 'List with short posts blocks' ), 'layout_list_advanced' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/blog_layout_5.png', "label" => 'List with short posts and big blocks (every third post)' ), 'layout_masonry' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/blog_layout_6.png', "label" => 'Masonry layout' ), 'layout_text' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/blog_layout_7.png', "label" => 'Centered text (Minimnalistic, No images)' ), ), "std" => "layout_default", "desc" => "This option will completely change blog listing layout and posts display.", "type" => "image", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Blog posts titles style", "id" => "blog_posttitle_font_decoration", "std" => "uppercase", "options" => array( "none" => "Normal", "italic" => "Italic", "uppercase" => "UPPERCASE", ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show blog posts in listing as", "id" => "blog_post_loop_type", "std" => "content", "options" => array( "content" => "Full content (You will add More tag manually)", "excerpt" => "Excerpt (Auto crop by words)", ), "desc" => "We recommend you to use Fullwidth layout for Slider Style 3", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Post excerpt length (words)", "id" => "post_excerpt_legth", "std" => "40", "desc" => "Used by WordPress for post shortening. Default: 40", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Disable blog posts loop on main Blog page (Blog homepage)", "id" => "blog_disable_posts_loop", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Enable this options if you does not want to show posts on your blog homepage. You can use this to create minimalistic website (you will have just blog slider, welcome blocks and editor's picks blocks on homepage.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show author name ('by author') in blog posts", "id" => "blog_post_show_author", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show related posts on posts listing page", "id" => "blog_list_show_related", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Will show 3 related posts after every post in posts list. Does not available in Masonry layout and 2 column layout.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show Post Views counters in posts blocks", "id" => "blog_enable_post_views_counter", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "This option will enable post views counter display in sliders, popular posts, editor picks, reagular posts blocks.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show Post Comments counters in posts blocks", "id" => "blog_enable_post_comments_counter", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "This option will enable post comments counter display in sliders, popular posts, editor picks, reagular posts blocks.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Featured Posts Slider settings", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => true // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ), "name" => '

To add your posts to Featured Posts Slider you need to edit your post and set it as featured for slider in Post Settings box.

' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show Featured Posts Slider on homepage", "id" => "blog_enable_homepage_slider", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can mark posts as featured in post edit screen at the bottom settings box to display it in slider in homepage header.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Featured Posts Slider width", "id" => "blog_homepage_slider_fullwidth", "std" => "0", "options" => array( "1" => "Fullwidth", "0" => "Boxed", ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Featured Posts Slider height", "id" => "blog_homepage_slider_height", "std" => "530", "field_options" => array( "min" => 250, "max" => 800, "step" => 5, "dimension" => 'px', "animation" => true ), "desc" => "Drag to change value. Default: 530px", "type" => "slider", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Featured Posts Slider items per row", "id" => "blog_homepage_slider_items", "std" => "1", "options" => array( "4" => "4", "3" => "3", "2" => "2", "1" => "1", ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Featured Posts Slider post details layout", "id" => "blog_homepage_slider_post_details_layout", "std" => "horizontal", "options" => array( "horizontal" => "Horizontal", "vertical" => "Vertical", ), "desc" => "Select where to show post details (title, description, category, etc) in blog posts inside slider. 'Vertical' value will work only if you set 1 items per row in option above.", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Featured Posts Slider posts titles style", "id" => "blog_homepage_slider_posttitle_font_decoration", "std" => "italic", "options" => array( "none" => "Normal", "italic" => "Italic", "uppercase" => "UPPERCASE", ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Merge slider slides", "id" => "blog_enable_homepage_merge_slider", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Check if you want to see different slides widths in one row.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Center active slide", "id" => "blog_enable_homepage_center_slide", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Check if you want to see current slide centered and near slides cropped. Work best with slides per row set to 2 or 4.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Featured Posts Slider autoplay", "id" => "blog_homepage_slider_autoplay", "std" => "3000", "options" => array( "10000" => "Enable - 10 seconds", "5000" => "Enable - 5 seconds", "3000" => "Enable - 3 seconds", "2000" => "Enable - 2 seconds", "1000" => "Enable - 1 second", "0" => "Disable", ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Featured Posts Slider navigation arrows", "id" => "blog_homepage_slider_navigation", "std" => "1", "options" => array( "1" => "Enable", "0" => "Disable", ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Featured Posts Slider pagination buttons", "id" => "blog_homepage_slider_pagination", "std" => "false", "options" => array( "true" => "Enable", "false" => "Disable", ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Welcome Block settings", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => true // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show Welcome Block on homepage", "id" => "blog_enable_homepage_welcome_block", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block below your slider or header.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Homepage Welcome Block content", "id" => "blog_homepage_welcome_block_content", "std" => '
Featured category


Popular category


About blog

About me

', "desc" => "You can use any HTML here to display any content in your welcome block with predefined layout.", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Editor's Picks Homepage Block settings", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => true // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ), "name" => "

To add your posts to Editor's Picks Block you need to edit your post and set it as Editors Pick post in Post Settings box.

" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show Editor's Picks Block on homepage footer", "id" => "blog_enable_homepage_editorspick_posts", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Editor's Picks Block title", "id" => "blog_homepage_editorspick_posts_title", "std" => "Editor's Picks", "desc" => "Change default Editor's Picks Posts block title. Leave empty to hide title.", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Editor's Picks Block subtitle", "id" => "blog_homepage_editorspick_posts_subtitle", "std" => "Featured posts from Camille", "desc" => "Change default Editor's Picks block subtitle. Leave empty to hide title.", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Editorss Picks Block posts limit (rows)", "id" => "blog_homepage_editorspick_posts_limit", "std" => "1", "options" => array( "1" => "One row", "2" => "Two rows", ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Editor's Picks Block posts category slug", "id" => "blog_homepage_editorspick_posts_category", "std" => "", "desc" => "If you want to show popular posts only from some category specify it's SLUG here (You can create special category like 'Picks' and assing posts to it if you want to show only selected posts). You can see/set category SLUG when you edit category. Leave empty to show posts from all categories.", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Single Post page settings", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => true // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Use smaller content width on single posts and pages without sidebar", "id" => "blog_enable_small_page_width", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "This option add left/right margins on all pages and posts without sidebars to make your content width smaller.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show author info and avatar after single blog post", "id" => "blog_enable_author_info", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show comments and share links in Single Post header below post title", "id" => "blog_enable_singlepost_header_info", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Drop Caps (first big letter) in single post pages", "id" => "blog_enable_dropcaps", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show Post Views counters in Single Post", "id" => "blog_enable_post_views_counter_sp", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "This option will enable post views counter display on single blog post page.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show related posts on single post page", "id" => "blog_post_show_related", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Hide post featured image on single post page", "id" => "blog_post_hide_featured_image", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Enable this if you don't want to see featured post image on single post page.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show prev/next posts navigation links on single post page", "id" => "blog_post_navigation", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndTab" ); /** * FONTS TAB **/ $ipanel_camille_tabs[] = array( 'name' => 'Fonts', 'id' => 'font_settings' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "StartTab", "id" => "font_settings" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Headers font", "id" => "header_font", "desc" => "Font used in headers. Default: Playfair Display", "options" => array( "font-sizes" => array( " " => "Font Size", '11' => '11px', '12' => '12px', '13' => '13px', '14' => '14px', '15' => '15px', '16' => '16px', '17' => '17px', '18' => '18px', '19' => '19px', '20' => '20px', '21' => '21px', '22' => '22px', '23' => '23px', '24' => '24px', '25' => '25px', '26' => '26px', '27' => '27px', '28' => '28px', '29' => '29px', '30' => '30px', '31' => '31px', '32' => '32px', '33' => '33px', '34' => '34px', '35' => '35px', '36' => '36px', '37' => '37px', '38' => '38px', '39' => '39px', '40' => '40px', '41' => '41px', '42' => '42px', '43' => '43px', '44' => '44px', '45' => '45px', '46' => '46px', '47' => '47px', '48' => '48px', '49' => '49px', '50' => '50px' ), "color" => false, "font-families" => iPanel::getGoogleFonts(), "font-styles" => false ), "std" => array( "font-size" => '26', "font-family" => 'Playfair Display' ), "type" => "typography" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Headers font parameters for Google Font", "id" => "header_font_options", "std" => "400,400italic,700,700italic", "desc" => "You can specify additional Google Fonts paramaters here, for example fonts styles to load. Default: 400,400italic,700,700italic", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Body font", "id" => "body_font", "desc" => "Font used in text elements. Default: Merriweather", "options" => array( "font-sizes" => array( " " => "Font Size", '11' => '11px', '12' => '12px', '13' => '13px', '14' => '14px', '15' => '15px', '16' => '16px', '17' => '17px', '18' => '18px', '19' => '19px', '20' => '20px', '21' => '21px', '22' => '22px', '23' => '23px', '24' => '24px', '25' => '25px', '26' => '26px', '27' => '27px' ), "color" => false, "font-families" => iPanel::getGoogleFonts(), "font-styles" => false ), "std" => array( "font-size" => '14', "font-family" => 'Merriweather' ), "type" => "typography" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Body font parameters for Google Font", "id" => "body_font_options", "std" => "400,400italic,700,700italic", "desc" => "You can specify additional Google Fonts paramaters here, for example fonts styles to load. Default: 400,400italic,700,700italic", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Additional font", "id" => "additional_font", "desc" => "You can select any additional Google font here and use it in Custom CSS in theme. Default: Merriweather", "options" => array( "font-sizes" => array( " " => "Font Size", '11' => '11px', '12' => '12px', '13' => '13px', '14' => '14px', '15' => '15px', '16' => '16px', '17' => '17px', '18' => '18px', '19' => '19px', '20' => '20px', '21' => '21px', '22' => '22px', '23' => '23px', '24' => '24px', '25' => '25px', '26' => '26px', '27' => '27px', '28' => '28px', '29' => '29px', '30' => '30px', '31' => '31px', '32' => '32px', '33' => '33px', '34' => '34px', '35' => '35px', '36' => '36px', '37' => '37px', '38' => '38px', '39' => '39px', '40' => '40px', '41' => '41px', '42' => '42px', '43' => '43px', '44' => '44px', '45' => '45px', '46' => '46px', '47' => '47px', '48' => '48px', '49' => '49px', '50' => '50px' ), "color" => false, "font-families" => iPanel::getGoogleFonts(), "font-styles" => false ), "std" => array( "font-size" => '12', "font-family" => 'Merriweather' ), "type" => "typography" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Additional font parameters for Google Font", "id" => "additional_font_options", "std" => "400,400italic,700,700italic", "desc" => "You can specify additional Google Fonts paramaters here, for example fonts styles to load. Default: 400,400italic,700,700italic", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Additional font", "id" => "additional_font_enable", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Uncheck if you don't want to use Additional font. This will speed up your site.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Disable ALL Google Fonts on site", "id" => "font_google_disable", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Use this if you want extra site speed or want to have regular fonts. Arial font will be used with this option.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Regular font (apply if you disabled Google Fonts below)", "id" => "font_regular", "std" => "Arial", "options" => array( "Arial" => "Arial", "Tahoma" => "Tahoma", "Times New Roman" => "Times New Roman", "Verdana" => "Verdana", "Helvetica" => "Helvetica", "Georgia" => "Georgia", "Courier New" => "Courier New" ), "desc" => "Use this option if you disabled ALL Google Fonts.", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndTab" ); /** * COLORS TAB **/ $ipanel_camille_tabs[] = array( 'name' => 'Colors & Skins', 'id' => 'color_settings' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "StartTab", "id" => "color_settings", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Predefined color skins", "id" => "color_skin_name", "std" => "none", "options" => array( "none" => "Use colors specified below", "default" => "Camille (Default)", "black" => "Black", "grey" => "Grey", "lightblue" => "Light blue", "blue" => "Blue", "red" => "Red", "green" => "Green", "orange" => "Orange", "redorange" => "RedOrange", "brown" => "Brown", ), "desc" => "Select one of predefined skins or use your own colors. If you selected any predefined styles your specified colors below will NOT be applied.", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Body background color", "id" => "theme_body_color", "std" => "#FFFFFF", "desc" => "Used in many theme places, default: #FFFFFF", "field_options" => array( //'desc_in_tooltip' => true ), "type" => "color", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Body text color", "id" => "theme_text_color", "std" => "#000000", "desc" => "Body text color, default: #000000", "field_options" => array( //'desc_in_tooltip' => true ), "type" => "color", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Theme main color", "id" => "theme_main_color", "std" => "#F37879", "desc" => "Used in many theme places, buttons, links, etc. Default: #F37879", "field_options" => array( //'desc_in_tooltip' => true ), "type" => "color", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Header background color", "id" => "theme_header_bg_color", "std" => "#FFFFFF", "desc" => "Default: #FFFFFF", "field_options" => array( //'desc_in_tooltip' => true ), "type" => "color", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Category menu background color", "id" => "theme_cat_menu_bg_color", "std" => "#FFFFFF", "desc" => "This background will be used for main menu below header. Default: #FFFFFF", "field_options" => array( //'desc_in_tooltip' => true ), "type" => "color", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Footer background color", "id" => "theme_footer_color", "std" => "#1E1C1C", "desc" => "Default: #1E1C1C", "field_options" => array( //'desc_in_tooltip' => true ), "type" => "color", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndTab" ); /** * BANNERS CODE TAB **/ $ipanel_camille_tabs[] = array( 'name' => 'Ads management', 'id' => 'banners_management' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "StartTab", "id" => "banners_management", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "Click ads position name to open settings box.
Need new ads position in some specific theme place? Let our support know where you want to see new ads place and we will add it in next theme update.", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); // BANNER OPTIONS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Site Header Banner", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => false // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "This banner will be displayed below site Header on all pages.", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Banner", "id" => "banner_enable_below_header", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block to show your advertisement.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner HTML code", "id" => "banner_below_header_content", "std" => '', "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); // BANNER OPTIONS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Site Above Footer Banner", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => false // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "This banner will be displayed above site footer on all pages.", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Banner", "id" => "banner_enable_above_footer", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block to show your advertisement.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner HTML code", "id" => "banner_above_footer_content", "std" => '', "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); // BANNER OPTIONS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Site Footer Banner", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => false // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "This banner will be displayed in site footer on all pages.", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Banner", "id" => "banner_enable_footer", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block to show your advertisement.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner HTML code", "id" => "banner_footer_content", "std" => '', "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); // BANNER OPTIONS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner Below Homepage Popular Posts Slider", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => false // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "This banner will be displayed on homepage below Homepage Popular Posts Slider.", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Banner", "id" => "banner_enable_below_homepage_popular_posts", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block to show your advertisement.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner HTML code", "id" => "banner_below_homepage_popular_posts_content", "std" => '', "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); // BANNER OPTIONS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Post Loops Middle Banner", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => false // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "This banner will be displayed at the middle between posts on all posts listing pages (Homepage, Archives, Search, etc). This banner does not available in Masonry and Two column blog layouts.", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Banner", "id" => "banner_enable_posts_loop_middle", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block to show your advertisement.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner HTML code", "id" => "banner_posts_loop_middle_content", "std" => '', "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); // BANNER OPTIONS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Post Loops Bottom Banner", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => false // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "This banner will be displayed at the bottom after all posts on posts listing pages (Homepage, Archives, Search, etc).", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Banner", "id" => "banner_enable_posts_loop_bottom", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block to show your advertisement.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner HTML code", "id" => "banner_posts_loop_bottom_content", "std" => '', "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); // BANNER OPTIONS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Single Blog Post page Top banner", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => false // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "This banner will be displayed on single blog post page between post content and featured image.", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Banner", "id" => "banner_enable_single_post_top", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block to show your advertisement.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner HTML code", "id" => "banner_single_post_top_content", "std" => '', "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); // BANNER OPTIONS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Single Blog Post page Bottom banner", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => false // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "This banner will be displayed on single blog post page after post content.", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Banner", "id" => "banner_enable_single_post_bottom", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block to show your advertisement.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner HTML code", "id" => "banner_single_post_bottom_content", "std" => '', "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); // BANNER OPTIONS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "404 Page and Search Nothing Found Banner", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => false // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "This banner will be displayed on 404 (page not found) and search nothing found pages.", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Banner", "id" => "banner_enable_404", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block to show your advertisement.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner HTML code", "id" => "banner_404_content", "std" => '', "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); // END BANNERS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndTab" ); /** * CUSTOM CODE TAB **/ $ipanel_camille_tabs[] = array( 'name' => 'Custom code', 'id' => 'custom_code' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "StartTab", "id" => "custom_code", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Custom JavaScript code", "id" => "custom_js_code", "std" => '', "field_options" => array( "language" => "javascript", "line_numbers" => true, "autoCloseBrackets" => true, "autoCloseTags" => true ), "desc" => "This code will run in header", "type" => "code", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Custom CSS styles", "id" => "custom_css_code", "std" => '', "field_options" => array( "language" => "json", "line_numbers" => true, "autoCloseBrackets" => true, "autoCloseTags" => true ), "desc" => "This CSS code will be included in header", "type" => "code", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndTab" ); /** * DOCUMENTATION TAB **/ $ipanel_camille_tabs[] = array( 'name' => 'Documentation', 'id' => 'documentation' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "StartTab", "id" => "documentation" ); function get_plugin_version_number($plugin_name) { // If get_plugins() isn't available, require it if ( ! function_exists( 'get_plugins' ) ) require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' ); // Create the plugins folder and file variables $plugin_folder = get_plugins( '/' . $plugin_name ); $plugin_file = $plugin_name.'.php'; // If the plugin version number is set, return it if ( isset( $plugin_folder[$plugin_file]['Version'] ) ) { return $plugin_folder[$plugin_file]['Version']; } else { // Otherwise return null return 'Plugin not installed'; } } $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "htmlpage", "name" => '

We recommend you to read Theme Documentation before you will start using our theme to building your website. It covers all steps for site configuration, demo content import, theme features usage and more.

If you have face any problems with our theme feel free to use our Support System to contact us and get help for free.

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The International Air Transport Association has called on governments to partner with the air transport industry to devise plans to safely re-link people, business and economies when the Covid-19 epidemiological situation permits.

A priority for this critical cooperation is acceleration of the establishment of global standards for vaccination and testing certification.

“We can see the light at the end of the tunnel as vaccination programs roll out.

“Turning this vision into a safe and orderly re-start will require careful planning and coordination by governments and industry.

“This will be challenging as the priority for the weeks and months ahead will be containing the spread of new variants.

“But even as the crisis deepens, it is important to prepare the way for a resumption of flights when the epidemiological situation permits,” said Alexandre de Juniac, IATA chief executive.

“Understanding government policy benchmarks and agreeing the global standards needed to support a return to normality in travel will ensure that air transport is well-prepared and does not become a meaningful vector for reimportation. Airlines are ready to support governments in this task.”

When governments do turn their attention to re-establishing global air connectivity, IATA is ready to partner with them to facilitate a globally consistent, efficient and effective approach, the body said.

IATA said some governments were already evolving principles in their testing/vaccination programs that could form the foundation for global harmonisation.

These include:

Vaccinations: Most governments are pursuing a vaccination strategy that seeks to protect their health care workers and most vulnerable populations first. IATA supports re-opening borders to travel when this has been achieved, as the greatest risks will have been mitigated.

Vaccinated individuals: The Greek government last week proposed that vaccinated individuals should be immediately exempted from travel restrictions, including quarantine. IATA supports moves by governments, including Poland, Latvia, Lebanon and the Seychelles, to implement this exemption.

Testing: Many governments are implementing testing regimes to facilitate travel, which IATA supports. Germany and the US, for example, are taking advantage of the rapid improvement in testing technologies to accept PCR and antigen testing to safely manage the risks of travel. While rapid antigen tests are preferred for their speed and cost advantages, it is clear that PCR testing will play a role as many governments are requiring tests within a 48- to 72-hour window prior to travel.

Crew: The ICAO-CART guidance recommends that crew be exempted from testing processes and restrictions that are designed for passengers. IATA supports crew health management protocols which include, for example, regular testing and health checks at home bases, along with strict guidelines limiting interaction with the local community during crew layovers. This enables airlines to manage the risks of Covid-19 while maintaining operational viability.

Multi-layered bio-safety measures: The ICAO recommendations for multi-layered bio-safety measures (including mask-wearing) are being globally implemented. IATA supports such measures remaining fully in place for all travellers until such time as the epidemiological situation allows for relaxation.

“There are plenty of moving parts in the equation.

“The number of people vaccinated, and the availability of testing are key among them.

“Airlines have adapted their operations in order to maintain cargo operations and some passenger services, while complying with the numerous and uncoordinated restrictions imposed.

“Building on this experience they can help governments with their preparations for eventually safely re-establishing global connectivity for their people, businesses and economies,” said de Juniac.

Source: breakingtravelnews.com

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Race to lead new Ledger Shearings Group https://travelandtravel.org/race-to-lead-new-ledger-shearings-group/ https://travelandtravel.org/race-to-lead-new-ledger-shearings-group/#respond Mon, 01 Feb 2021 14:57:09 +0000 https://travelandtravel.org/?p=146107

Leger Holidays has announced that Liam Race has been appointed chief executive of the newly formed Leger Shearings Group of escorted coach tour companies.

He takes over from Ian Henry, who moves to an executive chairman position.

Race joined Leger Holidays in 2017 as commercial manager, becoming commercial director two years later.

Earlier in his career he held positions at Apollo Direct, Alpharooms and Clickstay but immediately prior to joining Leger he spent nearly five years at electronics retail giant Maplin, in various roles across pricing, procurement purchasing and digital marketing.

In December 2019, Race, finance director Andrew Oldfield and operations director Chris Plummer acquired a 30 per cent stake in Leger Holidays, with backing from NatWest.

Ian and Kathleen Henry hold the remaining 70 per cent.

Yorkshire-based Leger Holidays acquired the Shearings’ brand in June, following the collapse of former owner, Specialist Leisure Group.

Race said of his appointment: “Ian Henry has been an inspirational mentor to me and has successfully led Leger Holidays for many years, including during these challenging pandemic times.

“When I committed to the company, by acquiring a stake holding a year ago, the intention was for me to step up and Ian to be less involved in the day-to-day running of the company and that time has now come.

“I have learnt so much from Ian and am pleased that in his new role as executive chairman, the Leger Shearings Group will continue to benefit from his exceptional strategic thinking.”

Source: breakingtravelnews.com

https://travelandtravel.org/race-to-lead-new-ledger-shearings-group/feed/ 0
Canada to quarantine travelers, suspend flights to Mexico and the Caribbean https://travelandtravel.org/canada-to-quarantine-travelers-suspend-flights-to-mexico-and-the-caribbean/ https://travelandtravel.org/canada-to-quarantine-travelers-suspend-flights-to-mexico-and-the-caribbean/#respond Fri, 29 Jan 2021 13:31:57 +0000 https://travelandtravel.org/?p=146085

TORONTO (AP) — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Friday announced stricter restrictions on travelers in response to new, likely more contagious variants of the novel coronavirus — including making it mandatory for travelers to quarantine in a hotel at their own expense when they arrive in Canada and suspending airline service to Mexico and all Caribbean destinations until April 30.

Trudeau said in addition to the pre-boarding test Canada already requires, the government will be introducing mandatory PCR testing at the airport for people returning to Canada.

“Travelers will then have to wait for up to three days at an approved hotel for their test results, at their own expense, which is expected to be more than $2000,” Trudeau said.

“Those with negative test results will then be able to quarantine at home under significantly increased surveillance and enforcement.”

The steep cost for the hotel stay includes the cost for a private PCR test, security, food and the cost of measures the designated hotels will have to take to keep their workers safe.

The prime minister said those with positive tests will be immediately required to quarantine in designated government facilities to make sure they’re not carrying variants of particular concern.

Trudeau also said the government and Canada’s main airlines have agreed to suspend service to sun destinations right away. He said Air Canada, WestJet, Sunwing, and Air Transat are cancelling air service to all Caribbean destinations and Mexico starting Sunday until April 30.

“They will be making arrangements with their customers who are currently on a trip in these regions to organize their return flights,” Trudeau said.

He said starting next week, all international passenger flights must land at the following four airports: Vancouver, Toronto, Calgary and Montreal.

“We will also, in the coming weeks, be requiring nonessential travelers to show a negative test before entry at the land border with the US, and we are working to stand up additional testing requirements for land travel,” Trudeau said.

Canada already requires those entering the country to self-isolate for 14 days and to present a negative Covid-19 test taken within three days before arrival.

The move to require a hotel stay upon return would discourage vacations as people would not want to have to quarantine at a hotel at their own expense upon return.

“It’s excellent. It’s a shame it’s this late. This is something they could have done ages ago,” said Dr. Andrew Morris, a professor of infectious diseases at the University of Toronto and the medical director of the Antimicrobial Stewardship Program at Sinai-University Health Network.

“This is definitely a step in the right direction.”

More and more governments are thinking about ways to be more aggressive because of the new variants, delays in vaccines, the challenges with getting the population vaccinated and the strains on health care systems.

Trudeau also announced there will be a delay in part of the next shipment of the Moderna vaccine, which arrives next week. He said Canada will receive 78% of the expected amount, translating to 180,000 doses.

Source: travelweekly.com

https://travelandtravel.org/canada-to-quarantine-travelers-suspend-flights-to-mexico-and-the-caribbean/feed/ 0
American Airlines seeks to cash in on stock surge https://travelandtravel.org/american-airlines-seeks-to-cash-in-on-stock-surge/ https://travelandtravel.org/american-airlines-seeks-to-cash-in-on-stock-surge/#respond Thu, 28 Jan 2021 23:09:10 +0000 https://travelandtravel.org/?p=146064

American Airlines reported in a regulatory filing Friday that it will issue $1.1 billion worth of new shares. The move comes as the carrier’s stock has surged this week — buoyed by retail investors taking aim at institutional investment firms, including hedge funds, that routinely short stocks.

The extraordinary volatility of American stock in recent days also led the trading app Robinhood to include American on a list of 13 stocks for which it is limiting purchases Friday.

Robinhood’s trading customers are now limited to purchasing no more than 55 shares of American, and they can open no more than 50 purchase option contracts. Those caps are aggregate. Investors who already hold positions at or above those caps won’t be allowed to buy more American shares via Robinhood.

Robinhood is the favored investment platform of the small investors who have run up share prices this week for GameStop, AMC and other companies in which institutional investors were highly leveraged in short positions.

On Thursday, the investment platform took the extraordinary step of blocking all purchases of GameStop, AMC, BlackBerry, Bed Bath & Beyond, Express, Naked Brand Group, Nokia and Koss. GameStop, in particular, was up nearly 3,000% for January before Robinhood imposed the purchase block. The move caused a backlash from investors and drew attacks from legislators on Capitol Hill. Robinhood has now replaced that ban with purchase limits.

Robinhood didn’t halt trading of American shares Thursday. But the airline was also caught up in this battle between retail and institutional investors. American stock jumped as much as 30% overnight and in early morning trading Thursday, before finishing the day up 7%. The carrier’s stock price was unusually volatile once again in the overnight hours of Friday morning. It was trading down approximately 2% by mid-morning.

Driven by social media sites, most notably Reddit, retail investors have targeted GameStop and others in an effort to undercut hedge funds that routinely short stocks. Shorting is a process under which investors gamble that a stock price will drop: Investors borrow shares of a company for a set period of time, then sell those shares with the expectation that they’ll be able to buy them back at a lower price before the borrowed share must be returned.

As of Thursday morning, approximately 25% of American shares were held by investors with short interests, investment analyst Helane Becker of Cowen Research wrote in a report, among the highest proportion for the airlines Cowen follows.

American stock rose 20% between the opening Monday and the opening Friday.

With the new stock issuance, American seeks to improve the company’s Covid-ravaged balance sheet. On Thursday, American reported a net loss for 2020 of $8.89 billion.

Source: travelweekly.com

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Standard Hollywood closing after 22 years https://travelandtravel.org/standard-hollywood-closing-after-22-years/ https://travelandtravel.org/standard-hollywood-closing-after-22-years/#respond Tue, 26 Jan 2021 20:07:00 +0000 https://travelandtravel.org/?p=146016

The Standard Hollywood hotel in West Hollywood, Calif., has announced that it is closing “indefinitely” this week after more than two decades in operation.

The property was the first to open under hotelier Andre Balazs’ boutique Standard flag in 1998.

“Despite 22 years of unconditional love for our hotel, our guests, our team and our community, the hotel was unable to prevent a significant increase to its lease, which makes operating the property impossible,” the Standard Hollywood said in a statement. “While there are and will be more Standard hotels, there will never be another Standard, Hollywood. And though it is painful to say goodbye, we know that the community we inspired will live on.”

The Standard brand, known for its ultracool and unconventional take on high-end hospitality, will still have four U.S. outposts across the Los Angeles area, New York and Miami.

Though Balazs stepped down as the company’s chairman in 2017, the Standard has continued to expand in more recent years, opening its first non-U.S. location in London in 2019, followed by the debut of the Standard Huruvalhi Maldives resort later that same year.

Source: travelweekly.com

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Mövenpick Hotel Hobart takes brand into Australia https://travelandtravel.org/movenpick-hotel-hobart-takes-brand-into-australia/ https://travelandtravel.org/movenpick-hotel-hobart-takes-brand-into-australia/#respond Mon, 25 Jan 2021 12:35:47 +0000 https://travelandtravel.org/?p=145990

Accor has opened the doors to Australia’s first Mövenpick hotel, Mövenpick Hotel Hobart.

The property stands on one of Hobart’s principal heritage streetscapes near the waterfront.

Welcoming its first guests today, the 221-room warm and contemporary hotel promises to delight guests with Tasmanian nature design-inspired boutique interiors, fine food and wine experiences at Tesoro Modern Italian restaurant, a daily Chocolate Hour, and an assortment of other Mövenpick brand signature offerings.

Accor Pacific chief executive, Simon McGrath, said: “Mövenpick Hotel Hobart transcends the traditional hotel experience by masterfully blending the brand’s Swiss heritage with a premium hospitality experience.

“We’re so excited to share this stunning property with guests visiting Hobart from other parts of Tasmania and Australia.

“Accor is planning more locations for Mövenpick across the Pacific and we believe this premium brand will quickly gain recognition for its culinary and service excellence.”

The Jaws Architects-designed hotel exemplifies Tasmanian contemporary design with richly layered textures and a locally-inspired colour palette.

Wall panelling, furniture, fabrics and colours were carefully curated to ensure they reflect the rhythm, patterns, movement and tonal qualities of the Tasmanian landscape.

All guestrooms are situated on floors three to 18, with many providing breath-taking panoramic views and connecting guests with Hobart’s spectacular natural setting, while the common areas, designed by global design agency Greymatters, are located on the first two floors.

Guests are welcomed to the hotel in a beautifully appointed lobby on the ground floor, which flows into the hotel’s Tesoro Modern Italian restaurant – positioned to be one of Hobart’s finest food and wine experiences offering guests and visitors the very finest in modern Italian cuisine as well as locally inspired signature dishes.

Source: breakingtravelnews.com

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St Lucia to offer visitors Covid-19 tests on departure https://travelandtravel.org/st-lucia-to-offer-visitors-covid-19-tests-on-departure/ https://travelandtravel.org/st-lucia-to-offer-visitors-covid-19-tests-on-departure/#respond Fri, 22 Jan 2021 14:24:35 +0000 https://travelandtravel.org/?p=145962

St Lucia is to offer Covid-19 tests to travellers returning to England in order to meet new restrictions imposed by the UK government.

Many properties in the Caribbean destination will offer the service free of charge.

Visitors can obtain a Covid-19 test conveniently at select hotels or at local testing facilities, with test results returned within a 72-hour time frame.

Visitors can make an appointment for their test once they arrive on island or through their Covid-certified hotel.

Pricing varies based on location and the type of test administered.

As of today, there are 20 hotels and villas offering free Covid-19 antigen testing to qualified guests.

Additional properties in Saint Lucia are anticipated to roll out complimentary testing in the coming weeks.

Restrictions may apply and visitors should check with their accommodation provider for details; select hotels are offering PCR tests to guests who meet qualifications.

Since the first international flights returned to Saint Lucia in July last year, the country has implemented consistent responsible Covid-19 protocols, providing increased safety for both visitors and local citizens.

Source: breakingtravelnews.com

https://travelandtravel.org/st-lucia-to-offer-visitors-covid-19-tests-on-departure/feed/ 0
Online Korea Grand Sale 2021: Korea’s representative culture and tourism festival for foreigners https://travelandtravel.org/online-korea-grand-sale-2021-koreas-representative-culture-and-tourism-festival-for-foreigners/ https://travelandtravel.org/online-korea-grand-sale-2021-koreas-representative-culture-and-tourism-festival-for-foreigners/#respond Thu, 21 Jan 2021 14:10:43 +0000 https://travelandtravel.org/?p=145941

Korea Tourism Organization is announcing the onset of the Online Korea Grand Sale 2021, Korea’s representative culture and tourism festival for travellers from January 14 – February 28, 2021. The online event is hosted by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism & Visit Korea Committee to target foreign travellers.

The Online Korea Grand Sale brings the K-contents sought after around the world, such as:

A. “Korean Tourism Product Purchase Promotion” for long-awaited travel to Korea,
B. “Korea Online Video Program” for a local experience of Korea, and
C. ‘Online Shopping Promotion’ providing special discount benefits of beauty, fashion and goods.

The festival is designed with various benefits for foreign travellers who have long been waiting to travel to Korea. Early bird promotions and special offers will be available on flights, accommodations and other sightseeing and experiential activities for future travellers.
The consumers can virtually enjoy various lively Korean contents such as K-Pop, K-Beauty, K-Fashion, K-Food and K-Heritage which will be introduced by Korean Celebrities. Online shopping special promotion “Pick Item” will be available on Korean brand products through the website and social media.

With the virtual travel and online experiences and shopping facilities, the Online Korea Grand Sale is one the first step to touch base with the global consumers for post-pandemic travel. With flights and international travelling resuming slowly, South Korea is preparing to responsibly welcome tourists from across the globe.

As of date, short term tourist visas remain suspended for all countries and all international arrivals are subject to 14 days quarantine Direct flights between India & Korea by Air India & Korean Air remain suspended. While there is no official confirmation, it is expected that regular travel to South Korea may begin by the second half of 2021.

Source: travelnewsdigest.in

https://travelandtravel.org/online-korea-grand-sale-2021-koreas-representative-culture-and-tourism-festival-for-foreigners/feed/ 0
Seychelles Tourism Board appoints BRANDit as India Representative https://travelandtravel.org/seychelles-tourism-board-appoints-brandit-as-india-representative/ https://travelandtravel.org/seychelles-tourism-board-appoints-brandit-as-india-representative/#respond Wed, 20 Jan 2021 15:25:40 +0000 https://travelandtravel.org/?p=145919

The vibrant outbound tourism industry of India is optimistic about some green shoots of recovery by the latter half of 2021. Travelling is innate to humans and having spent a considerable amount of time indoors, people are yearning to explore more than ever before. In light of this sentiment, Seychelles Tourism Board (STB) is all set to rule the travel rosters yet again with the appointment of BRANDit as its official representative in India. BRANDit will handle marketing, sales and Public Relations for the island nation in the Indian subcontinent.

Commenting on the appointment, Sherin Francis, CEO, Seychelles Tourism Board said, “We have commissioned BRANDit to plan our marketing and communication strategy in India. Various ideas have been chalked out to bring Seychelles tourism to a new dawn moving ahead with a fresh perspective. India is a promising market and its ever-evolving dynamic nature has always made it an exciting playing field for our outbound marketing efforts. Seychelles will serve as a safe haven and an exotic getaway for the pent-up travel demand among Indians. With the right skills and experience, we are confident that BRANDit will fortify Seychelles’ growth in the India market. Despite a challenging 2020, we are positive to emerge through this phase stronger and better.”

The island country had recorded a 502% growth in tourist arrivals from India in the last 6 years and has executed many creative collaborations leading to a steady uptick in visitor numbers. Condé Nast Traveller India magazine’s April 2019 issue saw a first of its kind showcase of a destination wedding collection by India’s finest designer, Sabyasachi Mukherjee shot in the picturesque Seychelles islands while fashion designers Shivan and Narresh created the EdoMer series resort wear inspired from the exotic locations of Seychelles launched at the Amazon Fashion Week in 2018.

Lubaina Sheerazi, CEO & Co-founder, BRANDit added, “We are delighted to win the mandate and serve as India representatives for the Seychelles Tourism Board. In the post COVID scenario, the aim is to reach the pre-COVID visitor arrivals while substantially increasing the number of intimate celebrations to boost tourism in one of the most exquisite countries in the African continent. Seychelles is currently open to private jet transfers from India and we wish to tap the potential of the unique private island stays through this traveller segment”.
The government has many protocols in place to ensure safe travel and stay in the country.

Source: travelnewsdigest.in

https://travelandtravel.org/seychelles-tourism-board-appoints-brandit-as-india-representative/feed/ 0
Airport support scheme to open this month https://travelandtravel.org/airport-support-scheme-to-open-this-month/ https://travelandtravel.org/airport-support-scheme-to-open-this-month/#respond Tue, 19 Jan 2021 15:38:54 +0000 https://travelandtravel.org/?p=145895

The government has announced plans for a financial support scheme aimed at airports in England.

The scheme is expected to open this month in response to new travel curbs introduced to slow the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Aviation minister, Robert Courts, said funds were available to provide grants of up to £8 million per applicant by the end of this financial year.

Industry groups have warned there was only so long airports could “run on fumes,” following the announcement of the new quarantine rules.

In a tweet, Courts said the airport and ground operations support scheme “will help airports reduce” additional costs faced due to the pandemic and that further details would follow soon.

In a statement at the time, the Airport Operators Association said the scheme would be a relief.

However, it said support equivalent to business rates would only go so far and with the pandemic crisis deepening, a broader package of support was needed for all four nations, to see the sector through the next few months.

A ban on travellers from South America, Portugal and Cape Verde also came into force on Friday, having been imposed over concerns about a new variant identified in Brazil.

The move will further hit airports across the country.

New variants causing concern have previously been identified in the UK and South Africa, with many countries imposing restrictions on arrivals from both nations.

Source: breakingtravelnews.com

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