You can upload your website logo in WordPress Customizer (in "Header Image" section at the left sidebar).

' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Logo width (px)", "id" => "logo_width", "std" => "370", "desc" => "Default: 370. Upload retina logo (2x size) and input your regular logo width here. For example if your retina logo have 400px width put 200 value here. If you does not use retina logo input regular logo width here (your logo image width).", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Sticky/Fixed top header (with menu, search, social icons)", "id" => "enable_sticky_header", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Top Header will be fixed to top if enabled", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show site logo in sticky header", "id" => "enable_sticky_header_logo", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Top Header will be fixed to top if enabled", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable left side offcanvas floating sidebar menu", "id" => "enable_offcanvas_sidebar", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Sidebar can be opened by toggle button near header mini cart. You can add widgets to this sidebar in 'Offcanvas Right sidebar' in Appearance > Widgets", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "MainMenu font decoration", "id" => "header_menu_font_decoration", "std" => "uppercase", "options" => array( "uppercase" => "Uppercase letters", "italic" => "Italic letters", "none" => "None", ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "MainMenu font size", "id" => "header_menu_font_size", "std" => "largefont", "options" => array( "largefont" => "Large font", "normalfont" => "Normal font" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "MainMenu dropdown arrows style for submenus", "id" => "header_menu_arrow_style", "std" => "downarrow", "options" => array( "rightarrow" => "Right arrow", "downarrow" => "Down arrow", "noarrow" => "Disable arrow" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Header Logo position", "id" => "header_logo_position", "options" => array( 'left' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/header_block_position_1.png', "label" => 'Left' ), 'center' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/header_block_position_2.png', "label" => 'Center' ), 'right' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/header_block_position_3.png', "label" => 'Right' ), ), "std" => "center", "desc" => "", "type" => "image", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Header Banner position", "id" => "header_banner_position", "options" => array( 'left' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/header_block_position_1.png', "label" => 'Left' ), 'center' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/header_block_position_2.png', "label" => 'Center' ), 'right' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/header_block_position_3.png', "label" => 'Right' ), 'disable' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/header_block_position_0.png', "label" => 'Disable' ) ), "std" => "disable", "desc" => "You can show banner image or some text in your header. Make sure that you use different positions for logo and your banner (for example logo at the left and banner at the right).", "type" => "image", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Header Banner content", "id" => "header_banner_editor", "std" => '', "desc" => "If you selected Header banner position below you can use any HTML here to show your banner or other content in header.", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Social icons", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => true // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "Leave URL fields blank to hide this social icons", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Facebook Page url", "id" => "facebook", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Vkontakte page url", "id" => "vk", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Twitter Page url", "id" => "twitter", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Google+ Page url", "id" => "google-plus", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "LinkedIn Page url", "id" => "linkedin", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Dribbble Page url", "id" => "dribbble", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Behance Page url", "id" => "behance", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Instagram Page url", "id" => "instagram", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Tumblr page url", "id" => "tumblr", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Pinterest page url", "id" => "pinterest", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Vimeo page url", "id" => "vimeo-square", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "YouTube page url", "id" => "youtube", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Skype url", "id" => "skype", "std" => "", "desc" => "", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndTab" ); /** * FOOTER TAB **/ $ipanel_camille_tabs[] = array( 'name' => 'Footer', 'id' => 'footer_settings' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "StartTab", "id" => "footer_settings" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show 'Footer light sidebar' only on homepage", "id" => "footer_sidebar_1_homepage_only", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Display Instagram Feed in Footer", "id" => "footer_instagram_display", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Instagram Feed plugin must be installed and configured by theme documentation before enabling this option.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Footer Instagram title", "id" => "footer_instagram_title", "std" => "Instagram", "desc" => "Leave empty if you don't want to show text title.", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Footer Instagram subtitle", "id" => "footer_instagram_subtitle", "std" => "Get personal and follow me on", "desc" => "Leave empty if you don't want to show text subtitle.", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Footer Menu", "id" => "footer_enable_menu", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Social Icons in Footer", "id" => "footer_enable_social", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Upload Footer Logo", "id" => "footer_logo", "field_options" => array( "std" => get_template_directory_uri().'/img/footer-logo.png' ), "desc" => "Upload your site footer logo. Remove image if you dont want to show logo in footer.", "type" => "qup", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Footer Logo width (px)", "id" => "footer_logo_width", "std" => "370", "desc" => "Default: 370. Upload retina logo (2x size) and input your regular logo width here. For example if your retina logo have 400px width put 200 value here. If you does not use retina logo input regular logo width here (your logo image width).", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Footer copyright text", "id" => "footer_copyright_editor", "std" => "Powered by Camille - Premium Wordpress Theme", "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => false ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndTab" ); /** * SIDEBARS TAB **/ $ipanel_camille_tabs[] = array( 'name' => 'Sidebars', 'id' => 'sidebar_settings' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "StartTab", "id" => "sidebar_settings" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Blog page sidebar position", "id" => "blog_sidebar_position", "options" => array( 'left' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_1.png', "label" => 'Left' ), 'right' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_2.png', "label" => 'Right' ), 'disable' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_3.png', "label" => 'Disable sidebar' ), ), "std" => "right", "desc" => "", "type" => "image", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Pages sidebar position", "id" => "page_sidebar_position", "options" => array( 'left' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_1.png', "label" => 'Left' ), 'right' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_2.png', "label" => 'Right' ), 'disable' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_3.png', "label" => 'Disable sidebar' ), ), "std" => "disable", "desc" => "", "type" => "image", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Blog Archive page sidebar position", "id" => "archive_sidebar_position", "options" => array( 'left' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_1.png', "label" => 'Left' ), 'right' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_2.png', "label" => 'Right' ), 'disable' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_3.png', "label" => 'Disable sidebar' ), ), "std" => "right", "desc" => "", "type" => "image", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Blog Search page sidebar position", "id" => "search_sidebar_position", "options" => array( 'left' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_1.png', "label" => 'Left' ), 'right' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_2.png', "label" => 'Right' ), 'disable' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_3.png', "label" => 'Disable sidebar' ), ), "std" => "right", "desc" => "", "type" => "image", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Blog post sidebar position", "id" => "post_sidebar_position", "options" => array( 'left' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_1.png', "label" => 'Left' ), 'right' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_2.png', "label" => 'Right' ), 'disable' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/sidebar_position_3.png', "label" => 'Disable sidebar' ), ), "std" => "disable", "desc" => "", "type" => "image", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndTab" ); /** * BLOG TAB **/ $ipanel_camille_tabs[] = array( 'name' => 'Blog', 'id' => 'blog_settings' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "StartTab", "id" => "blog_settings" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Main Blog settings", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => true // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Blog layout", "id" => "blog_layout", "options" => array( 'layout_default' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/blog_layout_1.png', "label" => 'Default layout' ), 'layout_vertical_design' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/blog_layout_2.png', "label" => 'Show every third post in vertical design' ), 'layout_2column_design' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/blog_layout_3.png', "label" => 'Show second and next posts in 2 columns' ), 'layout_list' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/blog_layout_4.png', "label" => 'List with short posts blocks' ), 'layout_list_advanced' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/blog_layout_5.png', "label" => 'List with short posts and big blocks (every third post)' ), 'layout_masonry' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/blog_layout_6.png', "label" => 'Masonry layout' ), 'layout_text' => array( "image" => IPANEL_URI . 'option-images/blog_layout_7.png', "label" => 'Centered text (Minimnalistic, No images)' ), ), "std" => "layout_default", "desc" => "This option will completely change blog listing layout and posts display.", "type" => "image", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Blog posts titles style", "id" => "blog_posttitle_font_decoration", "std" => "uppercase", "options" => array( "none" => "Normal", "italic" => "Italic", "uppercase" => "UPPERCASE", ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show blog posts in listing as", "id" => "blog_post_loop_type", "std" => "content", "options" => array( "content" => "Full content (You will add More tag manually)", "excerpt" => "Excerpt (Auto crop by words)", ), "desc" => "We recommend you to use Fullwidth layout for Slider Style 3", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Post excerpt length (words)", "id" => "post_excerpt_legth", "std" => "40", "desc" => "Used by WordPress for post shortening. Default: 40", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Disable blog posts loop on main Blog page (Blog homepage)", "id" => "blog_disable_posts_loop", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Enable this options if you does not want to show posts on your blog homepage. You can use this to create minimalistic website (you will have just blog slider, welcome blocks and editor's picks blocks on homepage.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show author name ('by author') in blog posts", "id" => "blog_post_show_author", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show related posts on posts listing page", "id" => "blog_list_show_related", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Will show 3 related posts after every post in posts list. Does not available in Masonry layout and 2 column layout.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show Post Views counters in posts blocks", "id" => "blog_enable_post_views_counter", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "This option will enable post views counter display in sliders, popular posts, editor picks, reagular posts blocks.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show Post Comments counters in posts blocks", "id" => "blog_enable_post_comments_counter", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "This option will enable post comments counter display in sliders, popular posts, editor picks, reagular posts blocks.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Featured Posts Slider settings", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => true // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ), "name" => '

To add your posts to Featured Posts Slider you need to edit your post and set it as featured for slider in Post Settings box.

' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show Featured Posts Slider on homepage", "id" => "blog_enable_homepage_slider", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can mark posts as featured in post edit screen at the bottom settings box to display it in slider in homepage header.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Featured Posts Slider width", "id" => "blog_homepage_slider_fullwidth", "std" => "0", "options" => array( "1" => "Fullwidth", "0" => "Boxed", ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Featured Posts Slider height", "id" => "blog_homepage_slider_height", "std" => "530", "field_options" => array( "min" => 250, "max" => 800, "step" => 5, "dimension" => 'px', "animation" => true ), "desc" => "Drag to change value. Default: 530px", "type" => "slider", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Featured Posts Slider items per row", "id" => "blog_homepage_slider_items", "std" => "1", "options" => array( "4" => "4", "3" => "3", "2" => "2", "1" => "1", ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Featured Posts Slider post details layout", "id" => "blog_homepage_slider_post_details_layout", "std" => "horizontal", "options" => array( "horizontal" => "Horizontal", "vertical" => "Vertical", ), "desc" => "Select where to show post details (title, description, category, etc) in blog posts inside slider. 'Vertical' value will work only if you set 1 items per row in option above.", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Featured Posts Slider posts titles style", "id" => "blog_homepage_slider_posttitle_font_decoration", "std" => "italic", "options" => array( "none" => "Normal", "italic" => "Italic", "uppercase" => "UPPERCASE", ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Merge slider slides", "id" => "blog_enable_homepage_merge_slider", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Check if you want to see different slides widths in one row.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Center active slide", "id" => "blog_enable_homepage_center_slide", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Check if you want to see current slide centered and near slides cropped. Work best with slides per row set to 2 or 4.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Featured Posts Slider autoplay", "id" => "blog_homepage_slider_autoplay", "std" => "3000", "options" => array( "10000" => "Enable - 10 seconds", "5000" => "Enable - 5 seconds", "3000" => "Enable - 3 seconds", "2000" => "Enable - 2 seconds", "1000" => "Enable - 1 second", "0" => "Disable", ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Featured Posts Slider navigation arrows", "id" => "blog_homepage_slider_navigation", "std" => "1", "options" => array( "1" => "Enable", "0" => "Disable", ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Featured Posts Slider pagination buttons", "id" => "blog_homepage_slider_pagination", "std" => "false", "options" => array( "true" => "Enable", "false" => "Disable", ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Welcome Block settings", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => true // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show Welcome Block on homepage", "id" => "blog_enable_homepage_welcome_block", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block below your slider or header.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Homepage Welcome Block content", "id" => "blog_homepage_welcome_block_content", "std" => '
Featured category


Popular category


About blog

About me

', "desc" => "You can use any HTML here to display any content in your welcome block with predefined layout.", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Editor's Picks Homepage Block settings", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => true // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ), "name" => "

To add your posts to Editor's Picks Block you need to edit your post and set it as Editors Pick post in Post Settings box.

" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show Editor's Picks Block on homepage footer", "id" => "blog_enable_homepage_editorspick_posts", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Editor's Picks Block title", "id" => "blog_homepage_editorspick_posts_title", "std" => "Editor's Picks", "desc" => "Change default Editor's Picks Posts block title. Leave empty to hide title.", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Editor's Picks Block subtitle", "id" => "blog_homepage_editorspick_posts_subtitle", "std" => "Featured posts from Camille", "desc" => "Change default Editor's Picks block subtitle. Leave empty to hide title.", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Editorss Picks Block posts limit (rows)", "id" => "blog_homepage_editorspick_posts_limit", "std" => "1", "options" => array( "1" => "One row", "2" => "Two rows", ), "desc" => "", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Editor's Picks Block posts category slug", "id" => "blog_homepage_editorspick_posts_category", "std" => "", "desc" => "If you want to show popular posts only from some category specify it's SLUG here (You can create special category like 'Picks' and assing posts to it if you want to show only selected posts). You can see/set category SLUG when you edit category. Leave empty to show posts from all categories.", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Single Post page settings", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => true // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Use smaller content width on single posts and pages without sidebar", "id" => "blog_enable_small_page_width", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "This option add left/right margins on all pages and posts without sidebars to make your content width smaller.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show author info and avatar after single blog post", "id" => "blog_enable_author_info", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show comments and share links in Single Post header below post title", "id" => "blog_enable_singlepost_header_info", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Drop Caps (first big letter) in single post pages", "id" => "blog_enable_dropcaps", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show Post Views counters in Single Post", "id" => "blog_enable_post_views_counter_sp", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "This option will enable post views counter display on single blog post page.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show related posts on single post page", "id" => "blog_post_show_related", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Hide post featured image on single post page", "id" => "blog_post_hide_featured_image", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Enable this if you don't want to see featured post image on single post page.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Show prev/next posts navigation links on single post page", "id" => "blog_post_navigation", "std" => true, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndTab" ); /** * FONTS TAB **/ $ipanel_camille_tabs[] = array( 'name' => 'Fonts', 'id' => 'font_settings' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "StartTab", "id" => "font_settings" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Headers font", "id" => "header_font", "desc" => "Font used in headers. Default: Playfair Display", "options" => array( "font-sizes" => array( " " => "Font Size", '11' => '11px', '12' => '12px', '13' => '13px', '14' => '14px', '15' => '15px', '16' => '16px', '17' => '17px', '18' => '18px', '19' => '19px', '20' => '20px', '21' => '21px', '22' => '22px', '23' => '23px', '24' => '24px', '25' => '25px', '26' => '26px', '27' => '27px', '28' => '28px', '29' => '29px', '30' => '30px', '31' => '31px', '32' => '32px', '33' => '33px', '34' => '34px', '35' => '35px', '36' => '36px', '37' => '37px', '38' => '38px', '39' => '39px', '40' => '40px', '41' => '41px', '42' => '42px', '43' => '43px', '44' => '44px', '45' => '45px', '46' => '46px', '47' => '47px', '48' => '48px', '49' => '49px', '50' => '50px' ), "color" => false, "font-families" => iPanel::getGoogleFonts(), "font-styles" => false ), "std" => array( "font-size" => '26', "font-family" => 'Playfair Display' ), "type" => "typography" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Headers font parameters for Google Font", "id" => "header_font_options", "std" => "400,400italic,700,700italic", "desc" => "You can specify additional Google Fonts paramaters here, for example fonts styles to load. Default: 400,400italic,700,700italic", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Body font", "id" => "body_font", "desc" => "Font used in text elements. Default: Merriweather", "options" => array( "font-sizes" => array( " " => "Font Size", '11' => '11px', '12' => '12px', '13' => '13px', '14' => '14px', '15' => '15px', '16' => '16px', '17' => '17px', '18' => '18px', '19' => '19px', '20' => '20px', '21' => '21px', '22' => '22px', '23' => '23px', '24' => '24px', '25' => '25px', '26' => '26px', '27' => '27px' ), "color" => false, "font-families" => iPanel::getGoogleFonts(), "font-styles" => false ), "std" => array( "font-size" => '14', "font-family" => 'Merriweather' ), "type" => "typography" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Body font parameters for Google Font", "id" => "body_font_options", "std" => "400,400italic,700,700italic", "desc" => "You can specify additional Google Fonts paramaters here, for example fonts styles to load. Default: 400,400italic,700,700italic", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Additional font", "id" => "additional_font", "desc" => "You can select any additional Google font here and use it in Custom CSS in theme. Default: Merriweather", "options" => array( "font-sizes" => array( " " => "Font Size", '11' => '11px', '12' => '12px', '13' => '13px', '14' => '14px', '15' => '15px', '16' => '16px', '17' => '17px', '18' => '18px', '19' => '19px', '20' => '20px', '21' => '21px', '22' => '22px', '23' => '23px', '24' => '24px', '25' => '25px', '26' => '26px', '27' => '27px', '28' => '28px', '29' => '29px', '30' => '30px', '31' => '31px', '32' => '32px', '33' => '33px', '34' => '34px', '35' => '35px', '36' => '36px', '37' => '37px', '38' => '38px', '39' => '39px', '40' => '40px', '41' => '41px', '42' => '42px', '43' => '43px', '44' => '44px', '45' => '45px', '46' => '46px', '47' => '47px', '48' => '48px', '49' => '49px', '50' => '50px' ), "color" => false, "font-families" => iPanel::getGoogleFonts(), "font-styles" => false ), "std" => array( "font-size" => '12', "font-family" => 'Merriweather' ), "type" => "typography" ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Additional font parameters for Google Font", "id" => "additional_font_options", "std" => "400,400italic,700,700italic", "desc" => "You can specify additional Google Fonts paramaters here, for example fonts styles to load. Default: 400,400italic,700,700italic", "type" => "text", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Additional font", "id" => "additional_font_enable", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Uncheck if you don't want to use Additional font. This will speed up your site.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Disable ALL Google Fonts on site", "id" => "font_google_disable", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "Use this if you want extra site speed or want to have regular fonts. Arial font will be used with this option.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Regular font (apply if you disabled Google Fonts below)", "id" => "font_regular", "std" => "Arial", "options" => array( "Arial" => "Arial", "Tahoma" => "Tahoma", "Times New Roman" => "Times New Roman", "Verdana" => "Verdana", "Helvetica" => "Helvetica", "Georgia" => "Georgia", "Courier New" => "Courier New" ), "desc" => "Use this option if you disabled ALL Google Fonts.", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndTab" ); /** * COLORS TAB **/ $ipanel_camille_tabs[] = array( 'name' => 'Colors & Skins', 'id' => 'color_settings' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "StartTab", "id" => "color_settings", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Predefined color skins", "id" => "color_skin_name", "std" => "none", "options" => array( "none" => "Use colors specified below", "default" => "Camille (Default)", "black" => "Black", "grey" => "Grey", "lightblue" => "Light blue", "blue" => "Blue", "red" => "Red", "green" => "Green", "orange" => "Orange", "redorange" => "RedOrange", "brown" => "Brown", ), "desc" => "Select one of predefined skins or use your own colors. If you selected any predefined styles your specified colors below will NOT be applied.", "type" => "select", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Body background color", "id" => "theme_body_color", "std" => "#FFFFFF", "desc" => "Used in many theme places, default: #FFFFFF", "field_options" => array( //'desc_in_tooltip' => true ), "type" => "color", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Body text color", "id" => "theme_text_color", "std" => "#000000", "desc" => "Body text color, default: #000000", "field_options" => array( //'desc_in_tooltip' => true ), "type" => "color", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Theme main color", "id" => "theme_main_color", "std" => "#F37879", "desc" => "Used in many theme places, buttons, links, etc. Default: #F37879", "field_options" => array( //'desc_in_tooltip' => true ), "type" => "color", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Header background color", "id" => "theme_header_bg_color", "std" => "#FFFFFF", "desc" => "Default: #FFFFFF", "field_options" => array( //'desc_in_tooltip' => true ), "type" => "color", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Category menu background color", "id" => "theme_cat_menu_bg_color", "std" => "#FFFFFF", "desc" => "This background will be used for main menu below header. Default: #FFFFFF", "field_options" => array( //'desc_in_tooltip' => true ), "type" => "color", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Footer background color", "id" => "theme_footer_color", "std" => "#1E1C1C", "desc" => "Default: #1E1C1C", "field_options" => array( //'desc_in_tooltip' => true ), "type" => "color", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndTab" ); /** * BANNERS CODE TAB **/ $ipanel_camille_tabs[] = array( 'name' => 'Ads management', 'id' => 'banners_management' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "StartTab", "id" => "banners_management", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "Click ads position name to open settings box.
Need new ads position in some specific theme place? Let our support know where you want to see new ads place and we will add it in next theme update.", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); // BANNER OPTIONS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Site Header Banner", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => false // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "This banner will be displayed below site Header on all pages.", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Banner", "id" => "banner_enable_below_header", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block to show your advertisement.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner HTML code", "id" => "banner_below_header_content", "std" => '', "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); // BANNER OPTIONS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Site Above Footer Banner", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => false // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "This banner will be displayed above site footer on all pages.", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Banner", "id" => "banner_enable_above_footer", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block to show your advertisement.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner HTML code", "id" => "banner_above_footer_content", "std" => '', "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); // BANNER OPTIONS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Site Footer Banner", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => false // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "This banner will be displayed in site footer on all pages.", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Banner", "id" => "banner_enable_footer", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block to show your advertisement.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner HTML code", "id" => "banner_footer_content", "std" => '', "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); // BANNER OPTIONS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner Below Homepage Popular Posts Slider", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => false // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "This banner will be displayed on homepage below Homepage Popular Posts Slider.", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Banner", "id" => "banner_enable_below_homepage_popular_posts", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block to show your advertisement.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner HTML code", "id" => "banner_below_homepage_popular_posts_content", "std" => '', "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); // BANNER OPTIONS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Post Loops Middle Banner", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => false // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "This banner will be displayed at the middle between posts on all posts listing pages (Homepage, Archives, Search, etc). This banner does not available in Masonry and Two column blog layouts.", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Banner", "id" => "banner_enable_posts_loop_middle", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block to show your advertisement.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner HTML code", "id" => "banner_posts_loop_middle_content", "std" => '', "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); // BANNER OPTIONS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Post Loops Bottom Banner", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => false // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "This banner will be displayed at the bottom after all posts on posts listing pages (Homepage, Archives, Search, etc).", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Banner", "id" => "banner_enable_posts_loop_bottom", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block to show your advertisement.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner HTML code", "id" => "banner_posts_loop_bottom_content", "std" => '', "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); // BANNER OPTIONS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Single Blog Post page Top banner", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => false // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "This banner will be displayed on single blog post page between post content and featured image.", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Banner", "id" => "banner_enable_single_post_top", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block to show your advertisement.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner HTML code", "id" => "banner_single_post_top_content", "std" => '', "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); // BANNER OPTIONS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Single Blog Post page Bottom banner", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => false // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "This banner will be displayed on single blog post page after post content.", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Banner", "id" => "banner_enable_single_post_bottom", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block to show your advertisement.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner HTML code", "id" => "banner_single_post_bottom_content", "std" => '', "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); // BANNER OPTIONS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "404 Page and Search Nothing Found Banner", "type" => "StartSection", "field_options" => array( "show" => false // Set true to show items by default. ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "info", "name" => "This banner will be displayed on 404 (page not found) and search nothing found pages.", "field_options" => array( "style" => 'alert' ) ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Enable Banner", "id" => "banner_enable_404", "std" => false, "field_options" => array( "box_label" => "Check Me!" ), "desc" => "You can display any HTML content in this block to show your advertisement.", "type" => "checkbox", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Banner HTML code", "id" => "banner_404_content", "std" => '', "desc" => "", "field_options" => array( 'media_buttons' => true ), "type" => "wp_editor", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndSection" ); // END BANNERS $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndTab" ); /** * CUSTOM CODE TAB **/ $ipanel_camille_tabs[] = array( 'name' => 'Custom code', 'id' => 'custom_code' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "StartTab", "id" => "custom_code", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Custom JavaScript code", "id" => "custom_js_code", "std" => '', "field_options" => array( "language" => "javascript", "line_numbers" => true, "autoCloseBrackets" => true, "autoCloseTags" => true ), "desc" => "This code will run in header", "type" => "code", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "name" => "Custom CSS styles", "id" => "custom_css_code", "std" => '', "field_options" => array( "language" => "json", "line_numbers" => true, "autoCloseBrackets" => true, "autoCloseTags" => true ), "desc" => "This CSS code will be included in header", "type" => "code", ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "EndTab" ); /** * DOCUMENTATION TAB **/ $ipanel_camille_tabs[] = array( 'name' => 'Documentation', 'id' => 'documentation' ); $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "StartTab", "id" => "documentation" ); function get_plugin_version_number($plugin_name) { // If get_plugins() isn't available, require it if ( ! function_exists( 'get_plugins' ) ) require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' ); // Create the plugins folder and file variables $plugin_folder = get_plugins( '/' . $plugin_name ); $plugin_file = $plugin_name.'.php'; // If the plugin version number is set, return it if ( isset( $plugin_folder[$plugin_file]['Version'] ) ) { return $plugin_folder[$plugin_file]['Version']; } else { // Otherwise return null return 'Plugin not installed'; } } $ipanel_camille_option[] = array( "type" => "htmlpage", "name" => '

We recommend you to read Theme Documentation before you will start using our theme to building your website. It covers all steps for site configuration, demo content import, theme features usage and more.

If you have face any problems with our theme feel free to use our Support System to contact us and get help for free.

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Hyatt announced that all nineteen of its properties in Latin America, including those in Mexico, the Caribbean and Central America, will now offer free COVID-19 tests to guests returning or traveling to the United States.

The free on-property testing is an extension of Hyatt’s Global Care & Cleanliness Commitment, which includes protocols on mask-wearing, social distancing and sanitization. This new extension makes Hyatt the first major hotel company to offer widespread COVID-19 tests.

The tests include the rapid antigen or PT-PCR tests, which are in accordance with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control guidelines. Two guests per guestroom traveling to the U.S. may receive a free test, though minimum length-of-stay requirements vary by hotel.

Guests can also purchase the required tests and have them administered on-property for a fee.

Some of the participating properties are the Hyatt Ziva Cancun in Mexico, the Grand Hyatt Baha Mar in the Bahamas and the Grand Hyatt Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.

Guests can also take the advantage of saving up to 60-75 percent off their stays at most of these resorts when booked from now until February 3, 2021, with Hyatt’s 2021 Kickoff Sale. This sale is valid for stays through December 30, 2021.

Source: travelpulse.com

https://travelandtravel.org/hyatt-now-offering-free-covid-19-tests-in-all-latin-american-hotels/feed/ 0
GO NZ: Pride festival star Ramon Te Wake’s favourite travel memories https://travelandtravel.org/go-nz-pride-festival-star-ramon-te-wakes-favourite-travel-memories/ https://travelandtravel.org/go-nz-pride-festival-star-ramon-te-wakes-favourite-travel-memories/#respond Tue, 02 Feb 2021 15:08:16 +0000 https://travelandtravel.org/?p=146140

What are your favourite memories from childhood family holidays in Aotearoa?

The first thing that comes to mind is the trusty yellow Cortina we had growing up – Spot, our family dog, and I would often be relegated to the back boot when the car was full of whānau and friends. The smell of summer meant road trips. Near or far, it didn’t matter.

Sometimes, our family road trips would take us to places closer to our home in Porirua. Whether it was to the beach for a swim in Plimmerton or sunsets and fish and chips over looking the Kāpiti Coast. Sometimes, they were further, like long drives to the Coromandel or the Far North. I didn’t mind, family holidays made me happy.

Where is your favourite off-the-beaten-track spot in New Zealand to get away from it all?

When my parents used to live 15 minutes out of Kerikeri, I stumbled upon a secluded lake. It was down the road and further down a few tracks. I would always sneak off there to write music and poetry, to think . . . and do lip-synch shows to the birds. I would pretend that only I knew of this lake. I was so secretive about it, and felt very protective of it. I only ever saw one or two people there. Ever. And even then, I was like, um, how did you get in here? They probably owned the land and I was the one trespassing.

If you were heading on a family getaway now, where would you go?

Recently, I spent time in Southland, Central Otago and Bluff – the landscape is breathtaking. It felt fresh and isolated and untouched. There is so much to see down there. Fiordland is next on the list.

What’s your dream New Zealand roadtrip?

Road tripping up north, back home is always special. I grew up in Dargaville, Whāngārei, and Panguru in the Hokianga. Driving through Dargaville, up to my mum’s marae, Taita, through Waipoua Forest. Coming over the hill and seeing the sand dunes of Ōpononi always gives me life. The ferry from Rāwene to Kohukohu then on to Panguru. Perfection!

If you could choose one ultimate, luxury, dream holiday in New Zealand, where would you go?

I’m captivated by water. It calms me, grounds me and inspires me. Anywhere on the Coromandel and anywhere on the east coast from Whāngārei up the coast is a picture of perfection for me.

Source: nzherald.co.nz

https://travelandtravel.org/go-nz-pride-festival-star-ramon-te-wakes-favourite-travel-memories/feed/ 0
American Airlines seeks to cash in on stock surge https://travelandtravel.org/american-airlines-seeks-to-cash-in-on-stock-surge-2/ https://travelandtravel.org/american-airlines-seeks-to-cash-in-on-stock-surge-2/#respond Tue, 02 Feb 2021 15:07:25 +0000 https://travelandtravel.org/?p=146137

American Airlines reported in a regulatory filing Friday that it will issue $1.1 billion worth of new shares. The move comes as the carrier’s stock has surged this week — buoyed by retail investors taking aim at institutional investment firms, including hedge funds, that routinely short stocks.

The extraordinary volatility of American stock in recent days also led the trading app Robinhood to include American on a list of 13 stocks for which it is limiting purchases Friday.

Robinhood’s trading customers are now limited to purchasing no more than 55 shares of American, and they can open no more than 50 purchase option contracts. Those caps are aggregate. Investors who already hold positions at or above those caps won’t be allowed to buy more American shares via Robinhood.

Robinhood is the favored investment platform of the small investors who have run up share prices this week for GameStop, AMC and other companies in which institutional investors were highly leveraged in short positions.

On Thursday, the investment platform took the extraordinary step of blocking all purchases of GameStop, AMC, BlackBerry, Bed Bath & Beyond, Express, Naked Brand Group, Nokia and Koss. GameStop, in particular, was up nearly 3,000% for January before Robinhood imposed the purchase block. The move caused a backlash from investors and drew attacks from legislators on Capitol Hill. Robinhood has now replaced that ban with purchase limits.

Robinhood didn’t halt trading of American shares Thursday. But the airline was also caught up in this battle between retail and institutional investors. American stock jumped as much as 30% overnight and in early morning trading Thursday, before finishing the day up 7%. The carrier’s stock price was unusually volatile once again in the overnight hours of Friday morning. It was trading down approximately 2% by mid-morning.

Driven by social media sites, most notably Reddit, retail investors have targeted GameStop and others in an effort to undercut hedge funds that routinely short stocks. Shorting is a process under which investors gamble that a stock price will drop: Investors borrow shares of a company for a set period of time, then sell those shares with the expectation that they’ll be able to buy them back at a lower price before the borrowed share must be returned.

As of Thursday morning, approximately 25% of American shares were held by investors with short interests, investment analyst Helane Becker of Cowen Research wrote in a report, among the highest proportion for the airlines Cowen follows.

American stock rose 20% between the opening Monday and the opening Friday.

With the new stock issuance, American seeks to improve the company’s Covid-ravaged balance sheet. On Thursday, American reported a net loss for 2020 of $8.89 billion.

Source: travelweekly.com

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IATA calls for global certification programme to reopen travel https://travelandtravel.org/iata-calls-for-global-certification-programme-to-reopen-travel/ https://travelandtravel.org/iata-calls-for-global-certification-programme-to-reopen-travel/#respond Tue, 02 Feb 2021 15:06:34 +0000 https://travelandtravel.org/?p=146134

The International Air Transport Association has called on governments to partner with the air transport industry to devise plans to safely re-link people, business and economies when the Covid-19 epidemiological situation permits.

A priority for this critical cooperation is acceleration of the establishment of global standards for vaccination and testing certification.

“We can see the light at the end of the tunnel as vaccination programs roll out.

“Turning this vision into a safe and orderly re-start will require careful planning and coordination by governments and industry.

“This will be challenging as the priority for the weeks and months ahead will be containing the spread of new variants.

“But even as the crisis deepens, it is important to prepare the way for a resumption of flights when the epidemiological situation permits,” said Alexandre de Juniac, IATA chief executive.

“Understanding government policy benchmarks and agreeing the global standards needed to support a return to normality in travel will ensure that air transport is well-prepared and does not become a meaningful vector for reimportation. Airlines are ready to support governments in this task.”

When governments do turn their attention to re-establishing global air connectivity, IATA is ready to partner with them to facilitate a globally consistent, efficient and effective approach, the body said.

IATA said some governments were already evolving principles in their testing/vaccination programs that could form the foundation for global harmonisation.

These include:

Vaccinations: Most governments are pursuing a vaccination strategy that seeks to protect their health care workers and most vulnerable populations first. IATA supports re-opening borders to travel when this has been achieved, as the greatest risks will have been mitigated.

Vaccinated individuals: The Greek government last week proposed that vaccinated individuals should be immediately exempted from travel restrictions, including quarantine. IATA supports moves by governments, including Poland, Latvia, Lebanon and the Seychelles, to implement this exemption.

Testing: Many governments are implementing testing regimes to facilitate travel, which IATA supports. Germany and the US, for example, are taking advantage of the rapid improvement in testing technologies to accept PCR and antigen testing to safely manage the risks of travel. While rapid antigen tests are preferred for their speed and cost advantages, it is clear that PCR testing will play a role as many governments are requiring tests within a 48- to 72-hour window prior to travel.

Crew: The ICAO-CART guidance recommends that crew be exempted from testing processes and restrictions that are designed for passengers. IATA supports crew health management protocols which include, for example, regular testing and health checks at home bases, along with strict guidelines limiting interaction with the local community during crew layovers. This enables airlines to manage the risks of Covid-19 while maintaining operational viability.

Multi-layered bio-safety measures: The ICAO recommendations for multi-layered bio-safety measures (including mask-wearing) are being globally implemented. IATA supports such measures remaining fully in place for all travellers until such time as the epidemiological situation allows for relaxation.

“There are plenty of moving parts in the equation.

“The number of people vaccinated, and the availability of testing are key among them.

“Airlines have adapted their operations in order to maintain cargo operations and some passenger services, while complying with the numerous and uncoordinated restrictions imposed.

“Building on this experience they can help governments with their preparations for eventually safely re-establishing global connectivity for their people, businesses and economies,” said de Juniac.

Source: breakingtravelnews.com

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Wyndham Grand Algarve reopens in Portugal https://travelandtravel.org/wyndham-grand-algarve-reopens-in-portugal/ https://travelandtravel.org/wyndham-grand-algarve-reopens-in-portugal/#respond Tue, 02 Feb 2021 15:05:20 +0000 https://travelandtravel.org/?p=146131

The Wyndham Grand Algarve will relaunch this spring having undergone a complete €5 million transformation.

The sophisticated five-star resort is the gateway to the Quinta do Lago, the most exclusive and sought-after location in the Algarve, Portugal.

The all-suite property – formerly known as Monte da Quinta Resort – has been reimagined to provide premium amenities, stylish interiors and the most attentive service.

The 132 suites are the largest in Quinta do Lago, with one-, two- and three-bedroom suites offering a relaxed lounge area with kitchen facilities.

A sun-drenched balcony or terrace provide extensive views across the lush gardens.

Guests may pick from five dining experiences during a stay, each emphasising the very best and freshest ingredients throughout.

Outside of the hotel, guests at the Wyndham Grand Algarve benefit from the location in Quinta do Lago, one of the largest golf resorts in Portugal.

The year round-temperate climate encourages an outdoor lifestyle.

Guests enjoy easy access to the seven celebrated golf courses in the area which combine challenging tour-quality greens with captivating Algarve coastal scenery.

Maarten de Boer, general manager of Wyndham Grand Algarve, said: “We are eagerly anticipating welcoming guests to the Wyndham Grand Algarve for our grand opening this spring.

“We look forward to indulging our guests with wonderful service, attention to detail and leading facilities, all on the doorstep of Portugal’s outdoor playground, Quinta do Lago.”

Wyndham initially took over the property last year, closing it in October for refurbishment, ahead of the relaunch.

Source: breakingtravelnews.com

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Hyatt partners with Story Hotels for three Sweden properties https://travelandtravel.org/hyatt-partners-with-story-hotels-for-three-sweden-properties/ https://travelandtravel.org/hyatt-partners-with-story-hotels-for-three-sweden-properties/#respond Tue, 02 Feb 2021 15:04:20 +0000 https://travelandtravel.org/?p=146128

Hyatt has entered into franchise agreements with Story Hotels Holding to bring three hotels in Sweden under the JDV Hotel brand.

The move is designed to help to grow the Hyatt independent collection brand in Europe.

The three boutique hotels – Story Hotel Riddargatan and Story Hotel Signalfabriken in Stockholm, as well as Story Hotel Studio Malmö – will all retain their individual hotel names and unique identities.

The three hotels will be available for reservation from today for stays starting April 15th.

“We are very excited to bring these three Story Hotels in Europe under Hyatt’s JDV Hotel brand portfolio and at the same time grow the Hyatt hotel footprint in Sweden,” said Briana Swift, director of development Europe and south-west Asia at Hyatt.

“We are focused on thoughtful growth in locations that meet our guests’ and members’ needs, and the upcoming addition of three Story Hotels help us fuel this growth in markets like Scandinavia, as we collaborate with owners who want to maintain each property’s unique identity.

“With their strong design focus and neighbourhood feel, Story Hotels will be the perfect representation of Hyatt’s independent collection in Europe.”

Story Hotel Riddargatan, Story Hotel Signalfabriken and Story Hotel Studio Malmö are ideally located at the heart of their destinations and each will celebrate the unique neighbourhoods in which the properties reside.

With modern, Scandinavian design that reflects the edgy nature of both cities, the hotels will offer amenities for both business and leisure travellers.

“It was clear at an early stage that Hyatt and Story Hotels had a very similar vision of how modern upscale living should look and feel,” said Staffan Åkerlind, chief executive, Story Hotels.

“We are thrilled to introduce the JDV Hotel brand to Europe and Scandinavia, and we are proud to be working with such an experienced, international hospitality company like Hyatt.

“We look forward to leveraging their experience to offer excellent service to our guests and benefit from their global scale and distribution platform.”

All three hotels will feature individually designed boutique guestrooms, vibrant public spaces and food and beverage offerings popular with both visitors and locals alike.

Boutique in size as a reflection of their urban locations, each hotel will offer complimentary access to local gyms during their stay.

Source: breakingtravelnews.com

https://travelandtravel.org/hyatt-partners-with-story-hotels-for-three-sweden-properties/feed/ 0
Gambia: Gtboard, BLG Set for Alliance https://travelandtravel.org/gambia-gtboard-blg-set-for-alliance/ https://travelandtravel.org/gambia-gtboard-blg-set-for-alliance/#respond Tue, 02 Feb 2021 15:03:17 +0000 https://travelandtravel.org/?p=146125

In the quest to achieve the strategic objective through regional tourism and increase number of tourism’s contribution to country’s GDP and increase the number of tourists’ arrival in the country, the director of Marketing of GTBoard has disclosed plans in forming alliance with the Ancient City of Badagry Local Government (BLG) in Nigeria.

In order to make this a reality, Adama Njie, director of Marketing – GTBoard and Mamadi Dampha, deputy permanent secretary at MoTC, on their recent visit to Nigeria met some strategic and viable partners, including Ambassador Ikechi Uko, organiser of Akwaaba African Travel Market and a seasoned travel and tourism expert in Africa, tour operators, airlines, and toured City of Badagary among other places in the country.

Dilating on a meeting between The Gambia delegates and Badagary Local Government, Lagos State, Nigeria, facilitated by the Ssupervisor for Environment and Tourism at Badagry Local Government, Adama Njie said it was a successful meeting where both The Gambia delegation and the host BLG used the opportunity to sell the potentials of Badagry and The Smiling Coast of Africa to each other.

Among the Gambia high points was the revitalisation of the regional market with Nigeria, how to bring back glory of The Gambia in Nigeria, incentive packages awaiting them (Nigerian tourists) in destination Gambia in terms of building 2, 3 star hotels in the hinterland and 4, 5 star hotels on the coast.

Also, Mr. Njie said both parties gave detail of their potential areas regarding history, culture, nature and business opportunities (in both Nigeria and The Gambia).

“It was an interactive meeting as we used it to discuss more tourism content and our potentials especially some of the country’s untapped opportunities like River Gambia, building of hotels both at the hinterland and on the coast,” Adama Njie stated.

Badagary, being an Ancient City, the delegates from The Gambia were taken on a conducted tour of different places at the Ancient City of Badagry including a visit to the First Story Building in Nigeria built in 1845 by Reverend C. A. Golmer, Badagry Heritage Museum owned by Lagos State and other historical places.

According to the office of the Supervisor for Environment and Tourism, Badagary Local Government, the high points of the meeting included “readiness to work strategically together/interested in the collaboration; philosophy without tourism; there’s no Gambia; continuous engagement on massive marketing of the two destinations; attending various exhibitions to sell products and services; reason for Gambia tourism growing well – is the unity that reigns amongst and constant awareness.”

Source: allafrica.com

https://travelandtravel.org/gambia-gtboard-blg-set-for-alliance/feed/ 0
7 Interesting Facts About Bolivia https://travelandtravel.org/7-interesting-facts-about-bolivia/ https://travelandtravel.org/7-interesting-facts-about-bolivia/#respond Mon, 01 Feb 2021 15:00:44 +0000 https://travelandtravel.org/?p=146116

Bolivia is a land-locked country in South America with a rich culture and many interesting geographical features and landmarks. Home to some of the world’s highest cities and more than 30 official languages, Bolivia is also one of the most biologically diverse countries in the world. To find out what makes this country so unique, here are some interesting facts about Bolivia.

7 Interesting Facts about Bolivia

Bolivia has a large indigenous population

The estimated population of Bolivia is 11.6 million and most of those (roughly 63%) are indigenous to Bolivia. This means that Bolivia is home to the largest proportion of indigenous people in Latin America.


There are lots of languages spoken in Bolivia

Bolivia has 37 official languages – Spanish and 36 different indigenous languages. The most widely spoken languages in Bolivia are Spanish, Quechua, Aymara and Guarani.


Bolivia is home to the highest navigatable lake in the world

Lake Titicaca is located high in the Andes Mountains and straddles the border of Bolivia and Peru. It is the largest freshwater lake in South America (by volume and surface area) and with a depth of 280 meters (920ft), it is one of the deepest too. However, its main claim to fame is that it is the highest ‘navigatable lake’ in the world. It is 3,812 metres (12,507ft) above sea level.


You’ll find the world’s largest salt flat in Bolivia

In Bolivia, you’ll find Salar de Uyuni, the world’s largest salt flat. When the prehistoric lake dried up, it left behind a large thick crust of salt with polygonal patterns. It is a remarkable sight. On the salt flat, you’ll also find the world’s first salt hotel El Palacio de Sal (The Salt Palace). Everything in the hotel – the walls, floors, ceiling, beds, tables and chairs – are made from salt extracted from Salar de Uyuni.


Bolivia is full of flamingos

Bolivia is home to three of the world’s six species of flamingo; the Chilean, Andean and the James’ Flamingo. The Andean and James’ flamingo are both very rare. Many people assumed the James’ flamingo was extinct until a small breeding colony was discovered in 1957 high up in the Andes.


Bolivian cholitas wear colourful clothing

The clothing of the indigenous people of the Andes in Bolivia is very colourful, however, dress and hat styles do differ by region. The indigenous women of Andean Bolivia are known as cholitas – once a derogatory term, now reclaimed by a new generation. They often wear a bowler hat, a voluminous, pleated skirt called a pollera and a shawl known as a mantilla. They use a multicoloured blanket (aguayo) to carry things on their backs. You’ll see them carry everything from children to chickens in their colourful aguayo.


Bolivia has some of the highest cities in the world

Two of the highest cities in the world are in Bolivia. At an altitude of 3,640 metres (11,942ft), La Paz is the highest capital city in the world. However, the La Paz suburb of El Alto is actually higher at 4,150 meters (13,615ft).

Potosí sits at an altitude of 4,090 metres (13,420ft) and is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It once was an important silver mining town and one of the largest cities in all of the Americas.

As a bonus fun fact, Bolivia has two capitals. La Paz is the administrative capital and the seat of government and Sucre is the true capital of Bolivia as designated in its constitution.

Source: bigseventravel.com

https://travelandtravel.org/7-interesting-facts-about-bolivia/feed/ 0
Australia extends Tasman-travel quarantine requirements for 72 hours https://travelandtravel.org/australia-extends-tasman-travel-quarantine-requirements-for-72-hours/ https://travelandtravel.org/australia-extends-tasman-travel-quarantine-requirements-for-72-hours/#respond Mon, 01 Feb 2021 14:59:47 +0000 https://travelandtravel.org/?p=146113

Australia has extended the suspension of quarantine-free travel for travellers arriving from New Zealand for at least another 72 hours, in response to new community cases of Covid 19 in Auckland and Northland.

Australia’s acting chief medical officer Michael Kidd delivered the news in a press conference today.

“Based on this updated information from New Zealand, including that [original case] there have been an additional 2 cases of Covid-19 in the community in New Zealand, and all being the [more contagious] variant of concern, the HPPC has recommended that the Commonwealth extend the pause for a further 72 hours,” he said.

This suspension of “Green Zone” travel conditions will continue until 4PM NZDT on Sunday, 31 January.

Anyone arriving in Australia from New Zealand since Monday has been required to quarantine for at least 14 days in an isolation facility.

Kidd said the HPPC were advised by their New Zealand counterparts that the three community cases from the Pullman MIQ facility were genomically linked and were all of the more virulent South African strain.

“This new variant is more transmissible and so presents a heightened level of risk.”

Kidd also extended advice to anyone who arrived in the country from New Zealand since 9 January (but before the quarantine requirements came into place) to isolate and remain in isolation until they get a negative Covid result.

Source: nzherald.co.nz

https://travelandtravel.org/australia-extends-tasman-travel-quarantine-requirements-for-72-hours/feed/ 0
The Don CeSar completes full renovation in Florida https://travelandtravel.org/the-don-cesar-completes-full-renovation-in-florida/ https://travelandtravel.org/the-don-cesar-completes-full-renovation-in-florida/#respond Mon, 01 Feb 2021 14:58:39 +0000 https://travelandtravel.org/?p=146110

The Don CeSar in St. Pete Beach, Florida, has officially unveiled its highly anticipated, multi-million-dollar renovation.

Managed by Davidson Resorts , the top-to-bottom renovation embraces its 93-year history as a beloved Gulf Coast icon while seamlessly fusing modern amenities, sleek design and world-class experiences to set the tone for generations of visitors to come.

“We’re excited to usher in the Don of a new era while maintaining our resilient legacy as a global hospitality leader,” said Thomas Fraher, general manager of the Don CeSar.

“Through the decades, the Don has been a luxurious respite from life’s many challenges.

“We’re thrilled to revive and honour this prestigious landmark, and also offer a stunning gathering place for visitors to reconnect at a time when rejuvenation is most important.”

The transformative redesign of the pink palace began in 2018, when Florida-based design studio, Edge of Architecture, brought a fresh look to meeting spaces, guest corridors, the Don’s palatial exteriors, and the 71-room, all-suite Beach house suites by the Don CeSar.

In 2019, the Don partnered with Boston-based Parker-Torres Design to transform the Don Boutiques retail experience, the Lobby Bar, Uncle Andy’s Market and Maritana, the property’s fine dining restaurant helmed by executive chef Emily Ferrari.

The final phase, unveiled this month, showcases the transformative redesign of the beachfront resort’s 277 rooms and suites and introduces a new pool bar with a rooftop deck, new full-service restaurant and a complete restoration of the iconic, palm tree lined front drive.

The newly appointed guestrooms incorporate a beach-inspired aesthetic using elements such as wicker, whitewashed headboards and airy, blush tones reflective of the hotel facade’s signature pink.

Source: breakingtravelnews.com

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