in News

30 signs you were born and raised in Malaysia

1. Your hands have the superpower to stop incoming traffic.Just face palm the drivers and they will automatically stop. 2. You speak Malay, but can’t understand the same slang from different states.3. 7pm is Hong Kong/Korea drama time no matter…

in News

Gen Z v Millennials

Millennials have many aspirations: independence, the desire to travel, a healthy lifestyle…the list is pretty long so I’ll stop there. But what do the next generation want? And in particular, when it comes to work and life after college, do…

in News

Lies you tell yourself: Peace Corps

1. You’re going to save the world.Let’s just get this one out of the way early. We know your philanthropic heart has the best of intentions and there is no doubt you will do some amazing things and deeply affect…

in News

Did climate change cause these ancient civilizations to collapse?

Scientists have documented the environmental impacts of climate change — including melting ice sheets — and predicted rising sea levels. But can climate change also disrupt culture?“Droughts didn’t always impact societies in the past,” says archaeologist Kyle Bocinsky, one of…
