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In celebration of reaching one million fans on Facebook, we’re excited to partner with JetBlue and Barclaycard on an epic journey. With our “Into The Blue: Marathon to a Million” photo contest, five semifinalists will be entered to win one million JetBlue TrueBlue points by participating in a scavenger hunt. Readers can enter for a chance to win by submitting photo(s) that features the color blue. The photo(s) will need to be your own original travel photo(s) that features blue — the more blue the better! Starting today, you can submit your photo(s) here. Submissions will not be accepted after April 29, 2016 at 11:59pm EST.
Your photo(s) will be uploaded to a dedicated page on The Points Guy’s Facebook page and will be judged by TPG staff on its appropriateness to the “Into the Blue” theme, creativity of the photo and originality of the travel experience. Also, make sure to use the hashtags #TPGIntoTheBlue, #JetBlue and #BarclaycardUS because your photo will also be judged on the number of likes and shares it gets.
Here’s how it’ll work: You’ll submit your blue photo, the photos will be judged and five semifinalists will be selected and notified by May 3, 2016. On Friday, May 13, each semifinalist and a guest will be flown to New York City to meet me and the TPG team. The next morning, we’ll jet off to San Francisco on JetBlue, where the Marathon to a Million scavenger hunt for one million JetBlue TrueBlue points will take place. You can use those one million JetBlue TrueBlue points in a number of valuable ways, including by taking advantage of JetBlue’s continuing Mint expansion, which I’m a huge fan of. On Sunday, May 15, you’ll depart San Francisco and head back home, hopefully with one million JetBlue TrueBlue points in your account.
You can find the official rules here.
When I started this blog six years ago, I never thought in a million years this community would grow into what it is, and I’m looking forward to a fun weekend with readers in two of my favorite cities and flying on one of my favorite airlines.
You can like TPG on Facebook here, JetBlue here and Barclaycard here. Don’t forget to tag your pictures with #TPGIntoTheBlue, #JetBlue and #BarclaycardUS to expand your reach and increase your chances of winning!
Source: thepointsguy.com