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The destination of Greece which is considered as the cradle of Western civilisation received over 30,000 Indian travellers in 2017. Overall, the Greek travel industry has observed a 30% increase in Indian nationals visiting Greece in the past years and will be increasing its promotional efforts in India to keep this momentum going.
Micheal Michailidis, Head of Market Research Department, Greek National Tourism Organisation confirmed, “We are expecting more than 80,000 Indians to visit Greece in this calendar year. Film tourism is on a rise to Greece since the last five years to Athens and many Greek islands. We will be leveraging it further. Greece offers many attractive investment opportunities energy, tourism, real estate and high-tech infrastructure sectors.”
The Greece Ministry of Tourism and the Greek National Tourist Organisation reinvested in OTM this year. Showcasing a swanky pavilion, space comprised local suppliers from Greece who met Indian tour operators and incentive organisers.
Source: travelnewsdigest.in