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The Jamaica ministry of tourism has confirmed all previously advertised activities for March have been postponed in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak.
This decision is in keeping with the new Covid-19 health protocols, regarding public gatherings declared by prime minister Andrew Holness.
The move was announced at an emergency press briefing held at the office of the prime minister earlier.
Holness said: “Where the law requires, the granting of a permit for any event or gathering, no permit will be issued within the next 14 days.
“That means any event, whether entertainment event, any gathering that requires the issuing of a permit.
“Permits that were already issued will be rescinded.”
The prime minister also asked that organisers of business meetings and large gatherings follow the protocols that have been established for personal care and hygiene.
Tourism minister, Edmund Bartlett, added: “We must err on the side of caution in light of the new Covid-19 developments in the country.
“I have had several meetings with my team about these upcoming events and believe it is in the best interest of the public as well as the staff of the Ministry to postpone these events until it is safer to do so.”
The ministry of tourism will be postponing a number of events, including the Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee Festival, which had been scheduled for March 21st, and the Tourism Service Excellence Awards, which were due to take place on March 14th.
The ministry said it would continue to monitor the situation and be guided by the protocols for the public health and safety outlined by the office of the prime minister.
However, considerations are also being made, where appropriate, to execute some of these events remotely utilising virtual communication applications.
“We are very technologically savvy, and I am sure we can have some of these events remotely.
“However, we are still fine tuning these details and will advise the public once decisions have been finalised,” said Bartlett.
Source: breakingtravelnews.com