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It is difficult to find a company in the tourism sector that is not aware of the importance of knowing the behavior of travelers. Successful company owner needs to be aware of the visitors’ preferences regarding the destination, shopping habits, popular activities.
However, the likes and dislikes of a modern traveler may be difficult to follow for the travel companies, that need to stay up to date. The behavior of the travelers changes constantly and is marked by trends, generational aspects, and even socioeconomic circumstances.
To try to facilitate this process of knowledge, companies have more and more tools that collect data from consumers. Then they can interpret this data and use them to outline their offer.
There are several studies that say the modern traveler is more likely to plan the trips with little margin of time. This affects not only the purchase of transport – trains and airplanes especially – but also the reservation of hotels and activities that the vast majority tend to pick once at the destination. This is a real challenge for tour operators and other tourism players that offer a type of activity that should offer added value to compensate for this trend.
Spontaneous and unique experiences
While travelers traditionally choose a destination and go there several times, today’s tourists prefer to discover a new destination on each of their trips. Some of them even want to discover several new destinations on the same trip.
Moreover, for today’s tourists, travelling is not relaxing. Travelling is to live experiences, meet new people, get into the local culture and get completely transformed in the process. In other words, modern traveler is characteristic by wanting the trips to enrich him or her personally and emotionally. These globetrotters even look for added value in their knowledge and take some learning of the whole adventure.
Sustainability, ecology and ethics are words that could define many of the experiences of tourists who travel today. They are especially interested in those trips focused on promoting the development of destinations, which have offers of leisure, accommodation and transport that respect the environment and do not hesitate to get involved with brands that have a responsibility as one of their main aims.
Source: tourism-review.com