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NEW data by TripAdvisor has revealed the best times to book hotels in popular destinations around the world.
In Asia, booking a hotel within three months of travel date is a safe bet to score a good deal, when travelers can save up to 23 percent versus peak pricing. Prices rise slightly three to five weeks out, before seeing a dip again two weeks before the travel date.
Here are the best times to book hotels in Asia:
- Bangkok – within three months for 16 percent savings
- Beijing – within two to six months for 16 percent savings
- Hanoi – within three months for 16 percent savings
- Jakarta – within three months for 39 percent savings
- Mumbai – within three months for 17 percent savings
- Singapore – two weeks to five months for 26 percent savings
- Tokyo – two to five months for 31 percent savings
Asian tourists heading to Paris can save up to 32 percent on hotel rates when booking four months in advance.
For Asian tourists planning a summer holiday in Europe, the best time to book a room is two to five months in advance. London hotels offer up to 18 percent savings three to five months out, while those heading to Paris can save up to 32 percent when booking four months in advance.
Meanwhile, in the Middle East, Dubai hotels may offer a 40 percent cut when booked two months early, and in Istanbul, guests can enjoy 29 percent savings if reservations are made five months early.
Of the 25 destinations covered in the study, hotels in Moscow marked the highest discount rate of 55 percent savings with bookings made four to seven months out.
TripAdvisor spokesman James Kay said, “What is interesting is that those who book either very early or very last minute are rarely getting the best deals. For many destinations, hotel prices actually tend to reach a low a few months in advance of the trip.”
Overall, hotel rates change gradually over time without dramatic increases or decreases. For the study, TripAdvisor used meta click data and instant hotel booking aggregated from online travel agencies and direct hotel suppliers to analyze hotel pricing from April 2014 to February 2016.
Source: travelwireasia.com