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Star Ratings launches 360 degree videos inside Australian properties Star Ratings Australia have produced two cutting edge 360 degree videos that showcase star rated properties in South Australia and Tasmania as part of their integrated marketing campaign, Star Tripping.
These videos have been created to give Australian travellers the ‘full picture’ of their accommodation experience.
“Our aim is to provide Australian travellers with the full picture because the accommodation they expect should be the accommodation they get. So Star Ratings Australia has gone into the rooms of two Star Rated properties to showcase the facilities in virtual reality,” commented CEO of Star Ratings Australia, Michael Reed. The properties featured include: The Barossa Vineyard Cottages in the Barossa Valley and, the Cradle Mountain Highlanders and the Seaview Retreat on Bruny Island – in Tasmania.
“In response to consumer demand, we are also releasing another set of three, four and five Star Rated itineraries for a range of different types of getaways, from outdoors and adventure through to luxury and indulgence to help Australian travellers plan their getaway,” continued Michael.
“With widespread social media and self-ratings currently dominating the travel industry, independent ratings systems like Star Ratings are crucial for maintaining authenticity, accountability and providing Australian travellers with the full picture,’ commented CEO of Star Ratings Australia Michael Reed.
Source: asia.etbtravelnews.com