
SELFIES ARE USUALLY PRETTY HARMLESS. It’s a simple and goofy way of documenting that you’ve been somewhere or done something, and most of the time, the outrage around selfies is overblown and a little bit ridiculous.

At Rossio Station in Lisbon, Portugal, there was a 126-old statue commemorating Dom Sebastian, a revered king of Portugal during the 16th century.

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Last week, a 24-year-old tourist climbed up to the statue to take a selfie with it. And knocked it over, shattering it.

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He tried to run away after breaking it, but was caught by police, and will now stand trial for destruction of public property.

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This is hardly the first time a selfie has resulted in destruction: last year, a priceless, 300-year-old Italian statue was smashed thanks to selfie-taking tourists, and a depressing amount of selfies have resulted in deaths this year, whether it’s because a tourist got too close to the edge of a cliff or a bison or a moving train while taking a the picture.

So a note to our traveling selfie-taking friends: there’s nothing wrong with taking a selfie. But please, do not do anything that could destroy a priceless work of art in order to get it. It is not worth the three likes you’ll get on Instagram.

Source: matadornetwork.com