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The National Federation of Tourist Guides and Affiliates (NFTGA) is calling for members to provide information that will assist the federation in acquiring financial support for guides.
According to a statement on the federation’s Facebook group, an online form has been set up with the intention of collecting “data pertaining to verified income from guiding activities, as a means of motivating for government funding to assist tourist guides in distress”.
“Should the NDT [National Department of Tourism] call at the last minute, I need this information on hand,” NFTGA Chairperson, Zania Collin, told Tourism Update . She added that, despite being inundated with questions, the federation was trying its best to ensure clear communication regarding the financial assistance from the government.
“The position of freelance tourist guides and other tourist guides who may not have made contributions to UIF does not appear to have been adequately addressed by government,” said the NFTGA Facebook post. The post also details what information is important for motivating the need for financial assistance, including proof of income from guiding for the last two years, proof of cancelled bookings and tax status.
Collin added that, while the provision of this information might not result in a successful bid, it was important for each tourist guide to co-operate to secure their own chances.
Source: tourismupdate.co.za