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The COVID-19 UIF Beneficiary Process Temporary Employers Relief Scheme (TERS) has been finalised and applications are open.
TERS is the final product of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Tourism Business Council of South Africa (TBCSA), the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) and the Department of Labour.
CEO of the TBCSA, Tshifhiwa Tshivhengwa, told Tourism Update that the main priority of this relief scheme was to ensure that UIF was paid quickly to those in the tourism industry.
“There are many companies in the industry, who are unemployed due to the pandemic and might not meet the requirements of the COVID-19 Tourism Relief Fund, that are encouraged to apply for this relief scheme,” said Tshivhengwa.
“This contract is in place for 12 months and it could possibly be extended if necessary. We know it will take the industry time to recover from the pandemic.” The TBCSA and UIF will have meetings every five days to monitor the progress of applications and payments to beneficiaries.
The benefit is only available for employees who have been laid off or will be receiving a reduced salary as a result of the COIVD-19 pandemic. The application process provides an option as to whether the benefit is paid directly to employees or employers.
Targets set will see the UIF take up to 48 hours to verify information after receiving each application. On approval of the application, the UIF will take an additional 48 hours to disburse the COVID-19 benefit to employees or employers. All fully compliant applications will be completed and paid within a maximum of 10 days, said Tshivhengwa.
An employee will receive the maximum amount of R6 730.56 (€332) if earning equal to or above the maximum threshold of R17 712 (€873). Employees earning less than this maximum threshold will earn, on a sliding scale, an amount down to the minimum being the national minimum wage of R3 500 (€172).
Employees and employers are encouraged to download, convert and complete the National Disaster Payment Excel Template as it is a prescribed template that will require critical information from the employer.
Employers applying must provide complete Account Information. Please click here to complete the MOA which is an agreement between UIF, Bargaining Council and Employer. Please note that this is only applicable to employers that have more than 10 employees.
All documents submitted will be subjected to verification and are to be submitted to UIF via the dedicate mailbox Covid19UIFclaims@labour.gov.za. Applications must be lodged to the following link in order for TBCSA to monitor progress with UIF: https://covid19ters.typeform.com/to/ID2B0H.
Source: tourismupdate.co.za