in Stories

My Personal DNA Journey: Learning Where I Come From

Testing My DNA & Family HistoryTravel TipsLike me, I’m sure your family has told you stories passed down from generation to generation. Stories about your heritage, culture, and ancestry. The more we know about ourselves and our family’s past –…

in Stories

How to Crush it on Couchsurfing

Couchsurfing is one of the oldest sharing-economy travel websites out there. It (and sites like it, such as BeWelcome, Servas, Hospitality Club, and GlobalFreeloaders) is one of the best ways to connect with locals, get off the main tourist travel…

in Stories

What $420 in Rent Buys You on Koh Tao

Who’s ready for another edition of House Hunters International: Thailand Edition? It’s a little reality show I go through every time I return to Koh Tao and attempt to secure long-term accommodation. Compared to the real estate anguish I used…

in Stories

My Travelversary: Year Five

“Aim high, time flies.” I stared down at the message I’d just cracked out of a fortune cookie and wondered at the odds that this particular prophecy had found me. I was in a strip mall takeout joint in my…

in Stories

Thoughts (and One Wish) on My Birthday

Yesterday was my birthday. I turned 35. I celebrated by having 1920s Gatsby-themed party, as I love the ’20s. The jazz, fashion, speakeasies, and literature — I wish I could go back in time and experience it! (And yes, I…

in Stories

Seeking Thailand’s Deep South in Satun

After two days gathering an ever-so-brief overview of Thailand’s coastal Trang, we pushed even further south towards Satun. Though the border between the neighboring provinces is unmarked, I noticed a stark difference as we entered the heart of predominantly Muslim…

in Stories

A Taste of Trang

Now well into my seventh year of shuffling back and forth to Thailand, I find myself frequently fielding the question, “haven’t you seen it all?”Together, Trang and Satun are Thailand’s Southernmost provinces along its West coast. Our first stop was…
