
Bronwyn Sell finds the best spots in the capital to feed the family.

1 Pizzeria Napoli, 30 Courtenay Pl

An authentic little Italian restaurant, filled with families when we dined early on a Friday evening. They have great kids’ pizzas and pasta, and give the kids crayons and paper and display their artworks above the bar.

2 Monsoon Poon, 12Blair St

This Southeast Asian fusion institution has an award-winning children’s menu that even features fresh veges-a welcome change from the usual chips-and-nuggets fare. Colouring-in provided for the kids. Best avoided on crazy busy Friday and Saturday nights, when the music and chatter boom for blocks.

3 Thai Chef, cnr Wakefield St and Blair St

If your kids are big noodle fans, like mine, this bustling restaurant is a down-to-earth option to keep every palate in the family happy.

4 Lido Cafe, cnr Victoria St and Wakefield St

A vibrant spot for a weekday brunch with hearty food and great service. With nothing quite to our children’s weird tastes (and, let’s face it, what kid doesn’t have weird tastes?), the chef happily threw together a lunch of raw green beans, plain chicken and fries.

5 Southern Cross, 39 Abel Smith St

This pub prides itself on keeping the kids happy while you chill out with a coffee or something stronger, with face painting and activities on weekend mornings and children’s theatre once a month. And – get this – during Tuesday and Thursday coffee mornings they offer free 10-minute back, neck and shoulder massages for harried parents!
