
“I spent 4 months during the beginning of last year backpacking around Nicaragua with the intention of exploring and documenting the lesser known locations in the country. During a trip back from a big surf competition on the coast I ran into a couple of friends I had met while working at a party hostel in Leon. They convinced me to join them on a spontaneous trip to the volcanic Island of Ometepe for a couple of days of pure adventure.

When we arrived we decided to hitchhike to save money so we stuck our thumbs out and caught a ride in no time. By late afternoon we found our way to a lagoon and looked for a unique angle to capture a photo of the Conception Volcano. I noticed a couple fisherman off in the distance and didn’t think much of it until they were right in front of us and realized they were fishing in the reflection of Conception. It was a shot I had dreamed of taking since I picked up a camera.

They took a break from fishing to come talk to us and it turned out they all come from families that have lived in the area for generations living off the natural resources the land had to offer. They expressed concerns about the proposed canal and said the fishing hadn’t been as good in recent years as it used to be. After chatting with us for a while they went back to fishing and allowed me to snap a couple for pictures before heading off. I was blown away by their genuine curiosity in us and their willingness to share their stories with us. The man casting the net was named Manny and the other I unfortunately cannot remember.”

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